Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

088/2013: Annual Capital and Revenue Rolling Programmes 2014/15 – 25 February 2014

Request for approval for funding for annual Capital and Revenue Rolling Programmes for 2014/15.

Executive Summary and recommendation:

The total value for the 2014/15 Capital Rolling Programmes is £3,954,800. The total value of the Revenue Rolling Programmes is £126,500.

Executive Board are asked to:

  • consider how they wish to use the £286,200 released from the Transport Rolling Programme (Section 2.1) over the next five years.
  • approve the WSS Rolling Programmes for 2014/15 in a total of £3,494,300 (section 2.1)
  • approve the movement of the PSU PPE budget from the Capital to the Revenue Rolling Programme (section 2.2)
  • approve the identified 2014/15 Plant and Equipment Rolling Programme of £195,383, and to hold the balance of the available funding (£265,117) in 2014/15 for other investments that are likely be required during the year
  • approve the movement of the PPE budget from the Capital to the Revenue Rolling Programme (section 2.3)
  • approve the allocation of £126,500 revenue programme budget for PPE, and to note that if any of the expenditure is capital, it will come back for approval as a DN.

Police and Crime Commissioner decision:


Signature Date 25 February 2014
Title Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire

Part 1 – Unrestricted facts and advice to the PCC

  1. Introduction and background
    North Yorkshire Police (NYP) operate Capital Rolling Programmes to ensure that force assets are replaced and/or maintained in an appropriate and timely fashion. This paper seeks funding for the organisations key asset base Capital Rolling Programmes for the 2014/15 financial year.
  2. Matters for consideration
    In making a request for funding, it is acknowledge that it essential for the workforce to have property working and maintained assets, be it vehicles, buildings or technology. It is considered that it would not be appropriate to neglect these essential rolling programmes of activity; as to do so would only be ‘storing up problems’, and the organisation would potentially not be discharging it’s obligations in respect of Health and Safety and staff welfare.

    1. Workforce Support Services (WSS)
      Attached as Appendix A is a document setting out the requirements for the Workforce Support Services (WSS) Rolling Programmes:

      1. 2.1.1 Transport:
        The schedule of replacement shows the following programme over 5 years, which would require some reallocation of funds between years:

        If approved this would release funding over the 5 years of £286,200 which could either:

        • be carried forward to supplement the recurring provision for transport rolling programme 2019/20 onwards, which is currently £1.5m per annum (the current programme averages £1.6m pa); or
        • be released to fund other investment schemes. This would require a reduction in the scale of the transport rolling programme in the longer term to no more than the £1.5m pa level of funding provided in the MTFP.

        Members are asked to consider which option they prefer.

      2. 2.1.2 Estates:
        The Estates function undertakes an annual programme of refurbishment works to ensure that the estate is maintained to a high standard. For the 2014/15 financial year there is a requirement for £1,100,000 funding. This is the amount allocated in the MTFP.

      3. 2.1.3 Information Technology:
        The strategic approach to IT service delivery is to ensure that the force is in a position to be able to exploit new technologies as they emerge. The funding requirement for the 2014/15 financial year has been calculated at £251,100. This is the amount allocated in the MTFP.
        It is recommended that the WSS Rolling Programmes for 2014/15 are approved in a total of £3,494,300.
    2. Plant and Equipment Rolling Programmes
      The remaining equipment rolling programmes can be considered together under the Plant and Equipment umbrella, and will encompass replacement and/or upgrade of assets utilised for various operational and support purposes.

      The Service Delivery Advisors have worked to develop a detailed rolling programme for these assets, but it has not progressed as fast as was hoped. Detailed schedules have been completed for most Operational Assets, and for some assets used by support departments.

      It is recommended that the budget for PSU Protective Equipment is moved from the Capital Programme to the Revenue Programme, and added to the general PPE programme (see 2.3 below), since actual expenditure is rarely capital. A detailed listing of the proposed programme is included as Appendix C.


      Members are recommended to approve the identified 2014/15 Rolling Programme £195,383 as above, and to hold the balance of the available funding in 2014/15 for other investments that are likely be required during the year. It is appreciated that this is not ideal and means that more capital expenditure DN’s will come to EB during 2014/15 than we would have preferred. However, significant progress has been made in developing the programmes so far.

      During 2014/15 the programme for 2015/16 will be fully developed, pending bringing the 2015/16 Rolling Programmes to EB for approval.

    3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Rolling Programme
      It is recommended that the budget for this programme is moved from the Capital Programme to the Revenue Programme, since actual expenditure is rarely capital.

      It is anticipated that the £126,500 funding in the MTFP will be adequate for the 2014/15 requirements (including an allocation for Firearms Armour replacement and the PSU PPE transfer from Plant and Equipment – see 2.2 above).

      Members are recommended to approve allocation of this revenue budget, and to note that if any of the expenditure is capital, it will come back for approval as a DN.

  3. Other options considered, if any
  4. Contribution to Police and Crime Plan outcomes
    This activity contributes to the Police and Crime Plan outcomes Goal 4 (Fit for the Future) by ensuring that we have invested and maintained force assets, ensuring that we are sustainable and that offers have the resources they require to undertake their roles.
  5. Consultations carried out
    The Workforce Support Services teams and the Service Delivery Advisors have consulted with operational colleagues to ensure that the proposed programmes reflect the requirements of operational service delivery.
  6. Financial Implications/Value for money
    The Financial implications are considered in the body of the report.
  7. Legal Implications
    Having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, the Head of Legal Services and Force Solicitor is satisfied that this report does not ask the PCC for North Yorkshire to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.
  8. Equality Implications
    There are no Equality Implications as a direct result of this request for approval to funding for Capital Rolling Programmes. However, it should be noted that the delivery of the respective rolling programmes will seek to identify and address equalities issues in their respective areas as part of the delivery of the rolling programmes.


  1. Report Purpose
    This report is seeking approval for funding for annual Capital Rolling Programmes for Workforce Support Services (Estates, Transport and Information Technology functions).
  2. Key information
    1. The Transport, Estates and Information Technology functions form part of the Workforce Support Services business area. These three functions all deliver their ‘Business as Usual’ services to the organisation, and operate annual Capital Rolling Programmes to ensure that force assets are replaced or maintained. This paper seeks approval to the Capital funding for the three respective functions for the 2014/15 financial year, as follows:
      • Transport – 2014/15 funding requirement – £2,143,200
      • Estates – 2014/15 funding requirement – £1,100,000.
      • Information Technology – 2014/15 funding requirement – £251,100.

      The total value for the 2014/15 Capital Rolling Programmes for these areas of service delivery is £3,494,300.

    2. North Yorkshire Police (NYP) operate Capital Rolling Programmes to ensure that force assets are replaced and/or maintained in an appropriate and timely fashion. This paper seeks funding for three of the forces key asset base Capital Rolling Programmes for the 2014/15 financial year.

      The Workforce Support Services teams will continue to work with operational colleagues to ensure that their service delivery reflects the requirements of operational service delivery, and programmes will be adjusted where appropriate.

    3. Transport:
      Attached at Appendix B is the Vehicles Replacement schedule for the Transport department for the 2014//15 financial year. The Transport Strategy supports vehicles specifications being drawn up in collaboration with operational officers, and this replacement scheduled has been reviewed with the Assistant Chief Constable responsible for Operational Service delivery. Vehicles are replaced based on a whole life costing formula that takes the age of the vehicles, the expected life expectancy, maintenance regime and number of miles.

      Vehicles are procured through number of contracts, primarily regional and national contracts that ensure that the force secures the benefits of large scale purchasing arrangements.

      The schedule of replacement shows that a capital programme of £2,143,200 will be required for vehicle replacements in this financial year.

    4. Estates:
      The Estates function undertakes an annual programme of refurbishment works to ensure that the estate is maintained to a high standard.

      Our Estates Strategy seeks to ensure that the organisation disposes of those property assets that do not support operational policing and acquires new assets that do. It is the organisational aim to reduce the estates footprint where practical, improve sustainability and reduce both our consumption and impact on the environment.

      Our approach to our Estate is one that ensures that our property assets are maintained to a standard that ensures that officers and staff have the appropriate facilities to undertake their roles. To this end we operate an annual capital rolling programme of works and refurbishment. For the 2014/15 financial year there is a requirement for £1,100,000 funding. This will be used to undertake the following works/refurbishments:

      • Fulford Road – improvement to external lighting and repairs to lightning protection -£51,000
      • Skipton – Replacement of the Custody Air Handling unit, re-pointing of brickwork, internal decoration and parapet wall repairs, repair/replacement of lightning protection. This will be subject to confirmation from operational colleagues (OPM) regarding the future of the Skipton Custody facility – £129,000
      • Whitby – Redecoration Works, repair/replacement of lightning protection, footpath/parking repair – £106,120
      • Easingwold – Refurbishment, including Boiler and BMS replacement, Decoration, Ceiling and lighting. External works including re-pointing, roof repairs, rainwater goods etc. 280,932
      • Knaresborough – replacement of one pipe radiator system – £100,000 Mast site works – £190,000 107 Boroughbridge Road – £35,000
      • Ingleton – £30,000
      • Immediate works throughout the estate (incl fees) – £177,948
    5. Information Technology:
      The strategic approach to IT service delivery is to ensure that the force is in a position to be able to exploit new technologies as they emerge. This is the first year of progressing new approaches to our Technical service delivery, significant progress has been made during 2013/14 in rolling out desktop and laptop replacement assets.

      It is recognised that our strategy and plans for our IT service delivery will impact on future capital rolling programmes, and it is expected that as implementation progresses during the 2014/15 year the capital replacement budgets will need to be reviewed and amended to reflect the changes to our infrastructure. This approach will ensure that we give due consideration to impacts of changes that arise from implementation of our organisational strategic aims in respect of this service area.

      Recognising that the type of asset and the life expectancy of ‘new asset types’ is likely to change, our adopted approach to replacement of IT assets will continue to be based on the life expectancy of the different asset types.

      The asset types that are replaced under the IT Capital Rolling Programme includes items such as:

      • Laptops, Desktops, Monitors, Printer, Faxes and scanners
      • Servers
      • Storage and infrastructure
    6. The funding requirement for the 2014/15 financial year has been calculated at £251,100. This level of expenditure is significantly lower than has been seen in previous years. This is as a direct result of receiving Executive Board approval to a change of use of funding, with the funding for Server and some of the other technical assets being re-directed to fund the work to mitigate risks and move to a stable technical infrastructure. The 2014/15 requirement of £251,100 represents an anticipated spend of £185,600 in respect of computers and printers and £65,500 in respect of data storage.

      It is understood that the organisational intention to progress a programme of server and desktop virtualisation (where appropriate) will impact on the respective capital rolling programmes and these changes will continue to be reflected in future capital replacement activity.

    7. By replacing and/maintaining force assets on a regular basis the organisation ensure that it mitigates risks associated with failure, poorly maintained facilities and technical equipment. The work undertaking by the funding for the capital rolling programmes contributes to corporate ‘good health’.
    8. There are always a number of uncertainties, and Workforce Support Service team members work with their operational colleagues to understand their requirements and potential changes that are required to support operational service delivery. The Transport Capital Rolling Programme has been compiled by the Assets and Logistics Manager in consultation with operational colleagues. Likewise the Estates Capital Programme aims to ensure that NYP staff have ‘fit for purpose’ accommodation. It is recognised that there will be changes and these can be reflected in the various programmes. One such potential change is the Estates works required to the Skipton Custody facility. At the point of compiling the programme of works it is recognised that the facilities require some refurbishment, however, if the Operational Policing Model workstream identified that the Skipton Custody facility will close, the programme will be adjusted accordingly.

Public Access to Information

The Police and Crime Commissioner wishes to be as open and transparent as possible about the decisions he/she takes or are taken in his/her name. All decisions taken by the Commissioner will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

As a general principle, the Commissioner expects to be able to publish all decisions taken and all matters taken into account and all advice received when reaching the decision. Part 1 of this Notice will detail all information which the Commissioner will disclose into the public domain. The decision and information in Part 1 will be made available on the NYPCC web site within 2 working days of approval.

Only where material is properly classified as restricted under the GPMS or if that material falls within the description at 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 will the Commissioner not disclose decisions and/or information provided to enable that decision to be made. In these instances, Part 2 of the Form will be used to detail those matters considered to be restricted. Information in Part 2 will not be published.

Is there a Part 2 to this Notice – YES
If Yes, what is the reason for restriction – The following appendices are operationally and commercially sensitive
Appendix B: Detailed Transport Programme for 2014/15
Appendix C: Detailed Plant and Equipment Programme for 2014/15

Tick to confirm statement √
Director/Chief Officer has reviewed the request and is satisfied that it is correct and consistent with the NYPCC’s plans and priorities. Jane Palmer 4364 19/02/14
Legal Advice Legal advice has been sought on this proposal and is considered not to expose the PCC to risk of legal challenge. Simon Dennis 25/02/14
Financial Advice The CC CFO has both been consulted on this proposal, for which budgetary provision already exists or is to be made in accordance with Part 1 or Part 2 of this Notice Jane Palmer 4364 19/02/14
Equalities Advice An assessment has been made of the equality impact of this proposal. Either there is considered to be minimal impact or the impact is outlined in Part1 or Part2 of this Notice. Jane Palmer 4364 19/02/14
I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decision Jane Palmer, CC-CFO Date 19/02/14
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