090/2013: Notification of the Commissioner’s Precept Proposal for 2014/15 to the Police and Crime Panel – 31 January 2014
Executive Summary and recommendation:
The Commissioner is required under Schedule 5 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and associated regulations to notify the Police and Crime Panel of her proposed precept for 2014/15 by 1 February 2014.
The precept takes into account the overall budget requirement and the contribution of national funding levels from the Government. The funding settlement and estimates received from central government grants equate to total national funding of £83.2m for 2014/15 financial year. This represents a reduction of £3.4m (3.96%) on 2013/14 financial year.
The precept proposal will fund an additional 24 Police Officers to contribute towards the overall officer numbers at 1,392. The balance of the contribution will be from savings.
The budget takes into account the Commissioner’s priorities for 2014/15 which include the following key strategic areas: –
- Protecting frontline services to the public and maintaining Police Officer numbers of 1,392 and Police Community Support Officer numbers of 183
- Introducing Commissioned services (including services for Victims) covering the broader statutory role of Police and Crime Commissioners regarding Community Safety
- Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of services to communities by investing in major transformational projects (including IT and a new Custody Facility within a new Northern Base)
- Ensuring the service remains sustainable achieving the necessary financial savings over the medium term (currently estimated at between £9-10m)
The Police and Crime Plan will undergo a refresh process including a period of public consultation in March/April 2014. This will enable priorities to be assessed and the plan will be refreshed accordingly following engagement with the Police and Crime Panel. Any changes to the plan will be managed within the overall resources available as set out in this Precept Proposal notice.
The Commissioner is proposing to increase the Council Tax by 1.99% and depending on the final government settlement announcement has alternative proposals as set out in Appendix 1.
During the period of consultation the final taxbase figures were received from the Billing Authorities, replacing the indicative figures used for planning purposes. This Decision Notice now reflects the final taxbase position.
Police and Crime Commissioner decision:
That the precept proposal at Appendix 1 be submitted to the Police and Crime Panel.
Signature Date 31 January 2014
Title Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
Part 1 – Unrestricted facts and advice to the PCC
- Introduction and background
- The Commissioner is required by the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended by the Localism Act 2011 to set a Council Tax Requirement and issue a Precept for the following financial year prior to 1 March. In setting a Council Tax Requirement, the Commissioner must calculate and agree the aggregate of revenue expenditure, contingency provision and level of reserves.
- The Council Tax Requirement, which for the Commissioner is identical to the Precept, is calculated by deducting the sum of Police Grant and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Grant including any addition to or contribution from reserves and after taking account of any surplus or deficit on the Billing Authorities’ Collection Funds.
- The Commissioner is required under Schedule 5 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and associated regulations to notify the Police and Crime Panel of her proposed precept for 2014/15 by 1 February 2014.
- The Panel must review the proposed precept by 8 February and make a report to the Commissioner. The Panel has a right to veto the proposed precept if at least two thirds of the persons who are members of the Panel at the time when the decision is made vote in favour of making that decision.
- The Commissioner must have regard to and give the Panel a response to their report. Where no veto is exercised the Commissioner may issue the precept. If the Commissioner’s proposal is vetoed by the Panel, a revised proposal must be notified to the Panel by 15 February.
- The Panel must review the revised proposal and make a report to the Commissioner by 22 February. The Commissioner must respond to the report and issue her precept by 1 March.
- Rejection by the Panel of the revised precept does not prevent the Commissioner issuing it as her precept for the forthcoming financial year.
- The Local Government Act 2003 places a duty on the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer to make a report to her on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the reserves, and this is included later in this paper.
- Matters for consideration
Commissioner’s priorities- The Commissioner reflects community priorities within the Police and Crime Plan and sets objectives based upon six goals, namely to:
Reduce harm; Put people first; Deliver more with less; Ensure that we are “fit for the future”; Drive justice; Police UK - The Commissioner is currently intending to refresh the Police and Crime Plan and will do this following consultation with communities in March/April. This is to ensure that the priorities and objectives contained in the Police and Crime Plan remain relevant and appropriate. The Police and Crime Plan will also be informed by various information sources that are consolidated to produce an assessment of need across North Yorkshire and for local communities. The information sources include a Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment with partners and a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment incorporating broader health related information. In addition North Yorkshire Police are currently undertaking a review of the Operational Policing Model to inform the development of the most effective response to community needs. Should any changes be required to the Police and Crime Plan these will be managed in accordance with legislative requirements and within the overall funding envelope for the 2014/15 budget.
- In making this precept proposal the Commissioner has also taken into consideration consultation on the 2014/15 budget. The consultation posed several questions surrounding the budget and the analysis is provided within Appendix 6 of the Information pack accompanying this Decision Notice.
- The key priorities for 2014/15 financial year and to support the Police and Crime Plan are as follows: –
- Protecting frontline service delivery
- A commitment to utilise the precept increase to provide an additional 24 Police Officers to contribute towards maintaining Police Officer numbers at the same level as when the Commissioner took office in November 2012 – 1392 Police Officers / £70.8m budget requirement
- A commitment to maintain PCSO numbers at the same level as when the Commissioner took office in November 2012 – 183 / £6.1m budget requirement
- Enable frontline services through investment in Information Technology and Estates
- IT investment programme to ensure a modern infrastructure to support operational policing – £10m over the next four years
- New Custody Facility within a new Northern Base for operational policing and headquarters facility
- Introduction of a new Commissioning approach to reflect the broader remit of Police and Crime Commissioners for Community Safety
- £1.1m per annum investment in Commissioning (including Victims Services)
- £1m+ in 2014/15 partnership contributions supporting Community Safety activity (subject to review with the Commissioning approach)
- £0.5m Transitional funding to reflect a requirement for a managed transfer to the Commissioning approach
- Up to £0.25m Community Fund for local community initiatives not subject to commissioning processes
- Ensuring a sustainable service to the public
- Savings plans over the next four years have targets identified of £9.3m across four workstreams of activity; Operational Policing Model, People, Partnerships/ Collaboration and Fit for the Future.
- Protecting frontline service delivery
- The budget and resource requirements to deliver the Police and Crime Plan goals, and the priorities identified above, provide the Revenue budget and Capital investment proposals contained later in this decision notice.
- The budgets are managed on a corporate/strategic basis across North Yorkshire. Although it is not feasible to allocate budget and resource allocations on a geographic basis the Commissioner and Chief Constable do provide financial information in line with nationally agreed systems of analysis. The Police Objective Analysis (POA) is the primary tool used across all Police Forces in the country and provides a different view of how budgets and resources are deployed to standardised categories of policing. This information is provided after the budget setting process and to national timescales. The analysis of the budget under POA will be assessed throughout 2014/15 financial year.
Revenue Funding 2014/15
- The provisional police funding announcement for 2014/15 was made in a written ministerial statement on 18 December 2013. The final Local Government Finance Settlement, including the police settlement, is still to be confirmed at the time of writing, however it is not envisaged to change from the provisional settlement information.
- This year’s budget setting and considerations for the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) are again in the overall context of significant public sector, Home Office and police funding reductions. The implications of these funding reductions have been considered in detail during 2013. A comparison with 2013/14 of all national funding streams, including the finance settlement information, on a like for like basis is shown below:
Budget Figures 2013-14 £’000 2014-15 DRAFT £’000 2015-16 DRAFT £’000 2016-17 DRAFT £’000 2017-18 DRAFT £’000 Police Grant & NNDR 75,853.1 72,839.1 70,008.2 71,770.9 70,502.7 Council Tax Support Grant 5,727.7 5,746.1 5,746.1 5,746.1 5,746.1 2011/12 Precept Freeze Gran 1,532.2 1,532.2 1,532.2 – – 2013/14 Precept Freeze Grant 617.7 619.6 619.6 – – Community Safety Grant 630.0 – – – – Transitional CT Grant 155.9 – – – – Sub-total General Grants 84,516.6 80,737.0 77,906.1 77,517.0 76,248.8 Specific grants matched by related expenditure: Recurring specific grants 1,133.6 1,133.6 1,133.6 1,133.6 1,133.6 DSP Grant 138.4 131.0 – – – Loan charges grant 142.1 131.1 – – – ISVA’s and IDVA’s 70.0 70.0 70.0 – – Domestic Violence Coordinators 103.2 – – – – CRB 410.5 384.9 384.9 384.9 384.9 Commissioning of Healthcare 120.0 – – – – Street Triage – 133.3 – – – LCJB 13.7 – – – – SARC 14.6 50.0 – – – MARAC* – 28.5 28.5 – – Restorative Justice – 88.0 181.0 – – Victims Services – 340.0 681.0 681.0 681.0 Total Grant Income 86,662.7 83,227.4 80,385.1 79,716.5 78,448.3 Reduction since 2013/14 – 3,435.3 6,277.6 6,946.2 8,214.4 - The total national funding position shows a reduction of £3.4m (3.96%) between 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial year on a like for like basis. Funding reductions within the table do not necessarily lead to reductions in service provision. The overall requirements for these services would be considered as part of future prioritisation of resources. The Commissioner views services such as Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) as important parts of overall service provision.
- The funding reductions above include several areas of nationally top sliced funds as follows: –
- Innovation Fund £50 million
- Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) £18m
- HMIC (new regime of inspections) £9.4m
- National Police Coordination Centre (NPoCC) £2m
- College of Policing for Direct Entry schemes £3m
- City of London Capital City Grant £2m
- The Commissioner has sought to minimise the impact of the top slicing in relation to the Innovation Fund and maximise the opportunities for collaboration. She has made two successful bids for funding for the 2013/14 financial year in relation to collaboration with the Fire Service for Support Services and the City of York for an Anti Social Behaviour Hub.
- Further proactive work is already underway to prepare for future submissions to the 2014/15 Innovation Fund. The detail and bidding round for the 2014/15 Innovation Fund is yet to commence at the time of writing.
Other Resources
- The Commissioner has been notified of monies due to or from the Billing Authorities’ Collection Funds. There will be an overall surplus of £384,689 to be carried to 2014/15 and this has been included in the figures presented.
- The taxbase, which represents the number of band D equivalent properties in the county, is notified to the Commissioner by the Billing Authorities. The taxbase has increased in 2014/15 as a result of both changes to local demographics and adjustments from experience gained by districts in the first year of operating the new Council Tax Benefit (CTB) system in 2013/14.
- CTB was previously a national scheme funded by the Department for Work and Pensions. In other words the benefit awarded in line with nationally set criteria was met by grant paid to the Billing Authorities, so that there was no impact on major precepting authorities of the benefit awarded, which reduces the amount of council tax income collected. Billing Authorities are now required to set their own local schemes, subject to protection of claimants of pensionable age and public consultation.
- The taxbase notified to the Commissioner for 2014/15 as 277,811.28 as compared with the 2013/14 figure of 273,898.46. This is broken down as follows:
Taxbase 2014/15 Band D Equivalents Craven District Council 21,179.96 Hambleton District Council 34,021.71 Harrogate Borough Council 58,565.04 Richmondshire District Council 18,410.29 Ryedale District Council 20,080.39 Scarborough Borough Council 35,890.80 Selby District Council 28,088.25 York City Council 61,574.84 Total Tax Base 277,811.28 - Based upon final notification of the Billing Authorities’ taxbase figures the precept raised without any increase to the Council Tax would be some £57,957k.
- An increase of 1.99% in the Council Tax, equivalent to £4.07 per annum at Band D taking it from £204.55 to £208.62, would raise an estimated £1,130.7k in precept. This increase would also form part of the precept base for future financial years to assist with meeting longer term funding challenges.
Revenue Budget Proposals 2014/15
- The budget and precept proposal is set out at Appendix 1 with further information on revenue budget proposals contained in Appendix 2 of the Information Pack. A summary table of the expenditure and income for the revenue budget can be found in the table on the following page.
2014/15 £000 Gross Expenditure 148, 710.9 Income (7,079.0) Contribution to/(from) Reserves and Balances 139,078.6 Funded by: Home Office Grant 72,839.0 Council Tax Support Grant 5,746.1 Council Tax Freeze Grant 2013/14 1,532.2 Council Tax Freeze Grant 2011/12 61,574.84 Total Government Funding 80,736.9 Estimated Collection Fund Surplus 384.7 Balance required from the Precept 57,957.0 - The revenue budget includes the following key assumptions:
- Absorbing service pressures including inflation £1.8m
- Savings from review of budgets £5.3m
- A pay award of 1% for police officers and police staff, effective from 1 September 2014
- A revenue contribution to capital programmes of £3.4m
- The continuation of a Community Fund to be allocated by the Commissioner (up to £250k for 2014/15)
- Protecting Frontline Policing numbers for 1,392 Police Officers and 183 PCSOs.
Capital and Revenue Development Programme (CRDP)
- The capital and revenue development programme is included within Appendices 3a-d of the information pack and reflects the Commissioner’s commitment to actively invest in information technology and the estate to deliver a sustainable future that is accessible, cost effective and responsive to the changing needs of users and the workforce, aiming to be as energy efficient as possible. This effectively supports Police delivery of services.
- The programme is based on a capital investment of £11.1m for 2014/15 and totals £54.9m over the next four years from 2014/15 to 2017/18. Resourcing of the plan is from a range of sources summarised over four years as: –
£m Capital government grant 3.8 Capital receipts 7.3 Revenue contributions reserve 10.8 Earmarked reserves 20.8 Borrowing 12.2 Total 54.9
Commissioner’s Budget
- The budget for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is set out within the Information Pack. The Commissioner has maintained the private office costs at £0.91m 2014/15 (13/14 £0.96m). For information the Police Authority budget prior to the introduction of the Commissioner was £1.080m.
- The budget level has been achieved whilst making significant improvements in the following areas: –
- Accessibility via a new searchable website, attending a significant number of surgeries in local communities and creating a more accessible location in Harrogate for the Commissioners office
- Transparency of Information that goes beyond the statutory minimum requirements
- Publication of salary and expenses information for the Commissioner and senior/statutory officers
- Managing and implementing the expanded role of Police and Crime Commissioners in relation to Community Safety and Commissioning
- Statutory Officer reviews and savings
- Introducing a Community Fund to support local communities
- The 2014/15 financial year introduces further services under the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act requires all Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables to initiate what is known as a “Stage 2” transfer of services (Stage 1 being the creation of Commissioners) from the Commissioner to the Chief Constable.
- Both the Commissioner and the Chief Constable are corporation soles in their own right as separate legal entities. The effect of the transfer for North Yorkshire is that the Commissioner will retain several delivery departments that will form part of her accounts and budgets. These departments will be known as “Support Services” and will be identified separately to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure the public and communities can still assess the cost of the Commissioners activities distinct from Support Service areas. The Commissioner and the Chief Constable have agreed to share services wherever possible and appropriate in order to reduce duplication and cost as a result of the transfer.
- The Commissioner reflects community priorities within the Police and Crime Plan and sets objectives based upon six goals, namely to:
- Other options considered, if any
- An option to take a Council Tax Freeze Grant of 1% had been identified. The government have written to Commissioners confirming that the precept freeze grant will be rolled into the funding formula for 2015/16. Where roll up of grants into the funding formula have occurred previously for North Yorkshire the funds have not necessarily been distributed due to the funding levels being fixed. The implications of this for North Yorkshire are that the grant is only guaranteed for one year in terms of formal written settlement notification. The precept freeze option would reduce the Precept base for future years, and therefore would reduce the available funding for 2014/15 by £562.4k. This would increase the budget savings required in 2014/15 and in future years, and for this reason this option has been rejected as it would be increasingly difficult to sustain officer numbers and invest in the future of policing.
- The Government’s excessiveness criteria has yet to be notified at the time of writing and therefore the assumptions within these proposals are based on the same excessiveness principles as in the previous financial year of 2%. Any increase in precept above this level would mean a public referendum would automatically be triggered. The potential costs and risks associated with a public referendum render any option for an increase above 2% unviable.
- The national information received to date has indicated that there may be the possibility of an excessiveness level in terms of precept of below 2% with some suggestion that 1.5% may be proposed. In the absence of any confirmed position from central government the level of 2% is assumed for the purposes of this decision notice. Should the level be revised downward by central government between the time of writing this Decision Notice and the Police and Crime Panel date (6 February 2014) the Commissioner has set out at Appendix 1 in the formal Precept Proposal Notification the approach that will be taken in these circumstances.
- Contribution to Police and Crime Plan outcomes
There is an integrated strategic planning process to align financial planning to the outcomes included within the Police and Crime Plan.
- Consultations carried out
The Commissioner has consulted on the precept proposal with three key questions. The details of the questions and associated response analysis is provided at Appendix 6 to this notice.There is recognition within the responses of the need to maintain frontline policing resources and a sustainable service over the medium term. Therefore taking account of the consultation feedback and the proposals contained within this notice the Commissioner is proposing to increase the Council Tax by 1.99%. - Financial Implications/Value for money
- The annual budget decision must be considered in the context of the longer term financial position, to ensure continued financial health and sustainability of service provision.
- Forward planning is relatively more complex at present because of the uncertainty surrounding future Government Funding, particularly in the period following the current Spending Review, and the ongoing impact of Council Tax Support localisation.
- Based upon assumptions of future withdrawal of government funding as set out in the Information Pack, for planning purposes Council Tax increases of 1.99% in 2014/15 and beyond have been included to illustrate the overall scale of the funding gap, this would present an overall budget position as follows.
Forecast Funding Gap 2014/15 £000 2015/16 £000 2016/17 £000 2017/18 £000 1.99% increase – (3,086.8) (10,567.2) (13,764.9) The decision as to what precept increase to propose will be made in February each year by the Commissioner after appropriate public consultation. The forecast funding gap shown in the table above is based on an indicative assumption of a precept increase of 1.99% in future years.
- There is potential for a significant degree of variation to the forward projections presented above, which represent what is believed to be a prudent planning scenario. It is anticipated that the minimum level of additional savings which will be required by 2016/17 will be in the order of £9-10m.
- Relevant considerations for the Commissioner in making her decision include:
The goal of maintaining frontline operational capacity
Delivering major transformational Information Technology and Estates projects to enable and support front line services
Reflecting the broader role of Police and Crime Commissioners in respect of Community Safety and commissioning services
The impact on council taxpayers
Future financial health, including the adequacy of reserves and balances
The robustness of financial and organisational management processes in place
Levels of demand and Force resilience
Savings made to date and the capacity for future savings
Public views obtained during consultation
Commissioners Chief Finance Officer Report
- Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 requires that a report be made by the Responsible Financial Officer to the Commissioner when she is considering her budget and council tax. The report must deal with the robustness of estimates and the adequacy of reserves allowed for in the proposals.
- As the council tax is set before the year begins and may not be increased during the year the Commissioner must consider risks and uncertainties which might result in spending more than planned. These risks and uncertainties include. The delivery of the savings identified to balance the budget.
- The global economic climate and in particular, levels of inflation, interest rates for investment, security of investments, availability and viability of competitive suppliers and so on.
- A high degree of uncertainty surrounding future funding assumptions
- Proposals for risk sharing in respect of the localisation of council tax benefit
- Potential reduction in external funding from partners.
- The impact of unforeseen events which would fall initially on general balances.
- The need to meet new national standards and demands.
- The impact of increasing mandation of national contracts.
- Ongoing transfer of costs from the NPIA for key systems
- Potential for further top slicing of other areas of funding presently allocated to Commissioners.
- Allowance is made for these risks by:
Making prudent allowance in the estimates on each of the budget headings.
Ensuring that there are adequate reserves to draw on if the estimates turn out to be insufficient.
Robust financial management processes throughout the year to identify emerging spending pressures and manage them appropriately.
- The Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer is satisfied that the procedures adopted by the Financial Services Department are sufficiently robust to ensure that the financial data collected is accurate and forms a strong platform from which necessary estimates of future financial requirements and projections can be confidently made and ensures that monies set aside as specific reserves are adequate and not excessive.
- The estimates have been prepared by the Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant and qualified staff in the Financial Services Department, and reviewed by the Commissioners Chief Finance Officer. They are based upon the continued delivery and achievement of the affordability programme savings targets in future years, which has been contributed to by all Directors and endorsed by Chief Officers.
- Known spending pressures have been identified and provided for within the base budget. Provision has been made for specific inflationary pressures on both pay and prices. Savings identified have been deducted from the budget and these have been phased in such a way that there is a justifiable expectation that they will be achieved, although the assumptions made are more significant than in previous spending review periods.
- Future investment in IT and the estate has been identified within the CRDP and adequate funding has been provided through a combination of capital grant, capital receipts, contributions from the revenue budget and prudential borrowing.
- There is no projected use of borrowing until 2015/16, although the MTFP assumes use of capital receipts of £7.3m which have the potential to be realised in slower time or at reduced amounts. The borrowing level can be adjusted at any time to reflect the actual level of receipts received.
- Current forecasts are for a balanced budget in 2014/15 but future years remain to be balanced and there is a high level of uncertainty surrounding the funding assumptions which can be made.
- The Chief Finance Officer concludes that the estimates for 2014/15 are robust and the level of reserves, as set out in the Information Pack, is adequate.
- Legal Implications
- Specific legal advice has been provided to the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer in the preparation of this paper.
- It was necessary to do so, because of the particular contingency which has arisen in this precept-setting exercise. Specifically, it is understood that the government may, on or before 5th February 2014, announce a change in the limit above which a council tax increase is treated as excessive. This presently stands at 2%.
- The Commissioner is mindful of the need to propose a precept which is not, through unavoidable accident of timing, officially ‘excessive’ by virtue of a change in government policy which will only become known shortly before the Panel’s meeting. The Commissioner is also mindful of the likelihood that members of the Panel may share her wish to avoid such a scenario arising. The Commissioner remains of the view that an increase of 1.99% is necessary to support service delivery next year and in subsequent years. However alternative proposals are made to ensure that costs are not unnecessarily incurred should once the settlement is confirmed the trigger level for a referendum changes.
- For that reason, this paper has been constructed so as to jointly and severally propose an appropriate level of precept having regard to the Commissioner’s wish – which the Panel are invited to share – to avoid engaging the excessiveness threshold as it may stand at the time of the meeting. For that reason, formally, Paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 stands as the Commissioner’s proposed precept within the meaning of Paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to the Police Reform & Social Responsibility Act 2011. Additionally, in view of the unique circumstances which have arisen this year, in order to assist the Panel in reaching a decision at its meeting on 6 February 2014, should it be necessary and appropriate to settle upon an alternative proposal, each of the scenarios set out in Appendix 1 are also intended, severally, to stand as notification of the Commissioner’s proposed precept within the meaning of Schedule 5. For the avoidance of doubt, in respectfully placing these alternatives before Members, the Commissioner does not, of course, mean to pre-empt Members’ deliberations as to the precept which they consider should be issued.
Appendix 1
- The Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, following a period of public consultation, agreed on 31 January 2014 to notify the Panel of her proposed precept in line with the attached Decision Paper.
- The Precept Proposal is for an increase of 1.99%. The decision by the Government for the excessiveness level in terms of precept has not been received at the time of writing this proposal. Therefore should the current level of 2% be lowered to 1.5% the Precept Proposal is for an increase of 1.49%. Should the current level of 2% be lowered to 1% or lower the Commissioner will accept the Precept Freeze Grant and freeze the Precept at the same level as 2013/14.
- Based upon the taxbases notified to the Commissioner by the Billing Authorities as set out below, the proposed precept for 2014/15 is therefore as follows: –
Increase of 1.99% proposal to Panel If excessiveness level reduced to 1.5% then proposal is an Increase of 1.49% If excessiveness level reduced to 1% then proposal is to accept the precept freeze grant Precept 2014/15 £57,956,989 £57,673.6 £56,826.3 The Band D police council tax for 2014/15 will increase under this proposal as follows: –
Increase of 1.99% proposal to Panel If excessiveness level reduced to 1.5% then proposal is an Increase of 1.49% If excessiveness level reduced to 1% then proposal is to accept the precept freeze grant Band D £208.62 £207.60 £204.55 Taxbase 2014/15 Band D Equivalents Craven District Council 21,179.96 Hambleton District Council 34,021.71 Harrogate Borough Council 58,565.04 Richmondshire District Council 18,410.29 Ryedale District Council 20,080.39 Scarborough Borough Council 35,890.80 Selby District Council 28,088.25 York City Council 61,574.84 Total Tax Base 277,811.28 - The Commissioner has a statutory duty to set a balanced budget and calculate the Council Tax Requirement for the forthcoming financial year. The budget report including the statutory calculations will be considered by the Commissioner once the Panel has reached the end of its scrutiny process.
Please click on the following links for appendices. Please note Appendix 1 is on the previous page.
Appendix 2: 001 Precept DN – App 2 – Revenue Budget – v43 DRAFT v7
Appendix 3(a-c): 001 Precept DN – App 3 (a – c) – CRDP v43 DRAFT v7
Appendix 3(d): 001 Precept DN – App 3 (d) – CRDP Funding Summary v43 v7
Appendix 4: 001 Precept DN – App 4 – Reserves version 43-7
Appendix 5: 001 Precept DN – App 5 – PCC Budget
Appendix 6: 001 Precept DN – App 6 – Summary of the precept consultation – 31st 16.00
Public Access to Information
The Police and Crime Commissioner wishes to be as open and transparent as possible about the decisions he/she takes or are taken in his/her name. All decisions taken by the Commissioner will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
As a general principle, the Commissioner expects to be able to publish all decisions taken and all matters taken into account and all advice received when reaching the decision. Part 1 of this Notice will detail all information which the Commissioner will disclose into the public domain. The decision and information in Part 1 will be made available on the NYPCC web site within 2 working days of approval.
Only where material is properly classified as restricted under the GPMS or if that material falls within the description at 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 will the Commissioner not disclose decisions and/or information provided to enable that decision to be made. In these instances, Part 2 of the Form will be used to detail those matters considered to be restricted. Information in Part 2 will not be published.
Is there a Part 2 to this Notice – No
Tick to confirm statement √ | |
Director/Chief Officer has reviewed the request and is satisfied that it is correct and consistent with the NYPCC’s plans and priorities. | G. Macdonald 5299 23.1.14 |
Legal Advice Legal advice has been sought on this proposal and is considered not to expose the PCC to risk of legal challenge. | S. Dennis |
Financial Advice The CC CFO has both been consulted on this proposal, for which budgetary provision already exists or is to be made in accordance with Part 1 or Part 2 of this Notice | J. Palmer 23.1.14 |
Equalities Advice An assessment has been made of the equality impact of this proposal. Either there is considered to be minimal impact or the impact is outlined in Part1 or Part2 of this Notice. | J. Palmer 23.1.14 |
I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decision G.Macdonald 23.01.14 |
- Published on