Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

DN 06/2018: Appointment of Temporary Chief Constable

The PCC has decided, owing to the retirement and ill-health absence of Chief Constable Dave Jones, to appoint Deputy Chief Constable Lisa Winward as Temporary Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police.



Section 41(1)(a) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 sets out that, “The appropriate deputy chief constable of a police force may exercise or perform any or all of the functions of the chief constable of the force  during any period when the chief constable is unable to exercise functions”. Under this power, the Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police is able to exercise the functions of the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police, designated as Temporary Chief Constable.

Home Office Circular 002/2018: Police pay award 2017-18 and temporary promotion arrangements, Appendix I, sets out pay arrangements for temporary promotions. “After 28 consecutive days of being required to perform the duties normally performed by a member of the force of a higher rank than his own, an officer of a substantive rank of or above assistant chief constable  will be paid at a rate equivalent to 90% of the higher rank’s basic pay or receive an honorarium (non-pensionable payment) of an amount determined by the local policing body”. In North Yorkshire this is the PCC.

It is the individual officer’s choice to elect whether to be paid by way of honorarium or at a rate equivalent to 90% of the higher rank’s basic pay.

The salary of the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police is £139,890, of which 90% is £125,901.

Decision Record

The PCC has asked Deputy Chief Constable Lisa Winward to perform the duties of the Chief Constable in the position of Temporary Chief Constable (T/CC) of North Yorkshire Police. T/CC Winward has chosen to be paid by way of non-pensionable honorarium, and the PCC has decided to award an honorarium (pro rata) of £10,518 per annum, raising her salary to be equivalent to 90% of the Chief Constable salary.

Julia Mulligan


Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire


Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The PCC’s CEO and Monitoring Officer has advised that this decision is in accordance with the relevant law and statutory guidance.


Financial and Commercial

The PCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the temporary arrangements set out within this decision notice are in line with the financial parameters of the police regulations and therefore an appropriate decision for the PCC to make.

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