Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

16 March 2016 – 866&966.2015-16 – Freedom of information request – OPCC contracts


Details of any contracts related to The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner that would run on past the end of their current tenure should they not be re-elected in 2016 and would need to be honoured by the future holder of that office.

Including but not restricted to:

  • Office lease agreement
  • Utilities
  • Support Contracts
  • Staff Contracts
  • Web Sites
  • Any contract that are not currently in place but there is an intention to establish that will run over.
  • Any contract from above but not restricted to the above that is due for renewal before the end of the current tenure

There seems to be a lack of details around the costs for the current PCC’s office in Harrogate.

Please could you provide information on:

The financial cost for:

  • Refurbishment of these offices that were met by the OPCC / North Yorkshire Police / North Yorkshire County Council / Government / external party not recompensed by the rent.
  • The cost of IT systems for the OPCC that are not declared as “upgrades to IT” as defined in the expenses of the OPCC. Upgrade indicates that there was a system to upgrade, but no cost for the initial purchase can be found!
  • Where did the furniture costs / equipment costs for the office come from? Are these included in the rental agreement?


Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information

To locate the information relevant to your request searches were carried out within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by the OPCC.


I have today decided to disclose the located information to you.

Please see below table showing details of contracts and lease agreements currently in place at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. All contracts highlighted in green are North Yorkshire Police contracts, and therefore have been negotiated in collaboration with the OPCC. Those not highlighted are OPCC specific contracts and have no substantive link with North Yorkshire Police:

Organisation Service Start date End date
1st Call.Com Ltd Telecommunications services 09/07/13 08/07/18
Chubb Fire and Security Ltd Provision and maintenance of fire extinguishers 01/04/15 31/03/16 * Case Management Solution Rolling yearly contract
Ergo-IMS Service contract for franking machine; delivered with the machine Recurring Service Agreement
Exa Networks Internet service provision Recurring Service Agreement
Express Elevators Ltd Maintenance and service of lift 10/01/15 09/01/18
G. O’Brien Waste collection 05/09/11 30/09/16
Healthcare Washrooms Services Ltd Supply of Feminine Hygiene Units 01/11/10 30/09/16
Impala Estates Rental of office and associated utilities 16/07/13 15/07/18
Interserve (Facilities Management Ltd) Cleaning and catering services 01/05/12 30/04/17
IWS (Integrated Water Services) Water Hygiene Monitoring of water hygiene at OPCC offices 01/10/13 30/09/16
Konica Minolta Full catalogue offering of Multifunctional Devices & Services (including print room services) 01/05/13 30/04/18
Lyreco Provision of business office supplies & service solutions 01/12/12 30/09/16
Mixd World Class Web Design Website design and hosting 01/03/15 29/02/16 *
Oriium Consulting Ltd IT support – Care Service Level Agreement Rolling monthly contract
Pitney-Bowes Meter resets for franking machine Recurring Service Agreement
Royal Mail Response Services Freepost service for OPCC Recurring Service Agreement
J Tomlinson Measured Term & Planned Preventative Maintenance 01/02/09 31/03/16 *
Triumph Furniture Ltd Delivery and installation of furniture 15/09/14 14/09/16
Vodafone Ltd Provision of mobile phone services 20/03/12 11/01/17

* These contracts are currently being re-negotiated, and short term agreements are in place for any interim periods.

For information, the following link gives detail on the number of staff working from the OPCC, and the roles that they cover.

All staff reporting into the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) are employed on permanent contracts.

In relation to office refurbishment costs, the OPCC moved to Granby Road in July 2013, however the rental agreement ended on the previous property in Melmerby in August 2013.

The large majority of IT equipment used by the OPCC was inherited from North Yorkshire Police. Any additional equipment that has been purchased is itemised on the PCC website at:

No carpets or blinds were purchased following the move to Granby Road. Some of the furniture was from existing North Yorkshire Police stock, with other items recycled from the previous occupants of the building. Any decorating costs are included in the below figures.

Please see table below showing expenditure from April 2013 – December 2015:

Expenditure Head Actuals 2013-14 Actuals 2014-15 Actuals 2015-16 (April – December 2015)
Planned maintenance Costs £0.00 £627.86 £344.40
Reactive maintenance Costs £1,111.96 £313.79 £5,418.99
Water Hygiene Costs £69.00 £138.00 £0.00
Electricity Costs £2,468.11 £4,057.27 £979.63
Gas Costs £1,368.31 £1,542.59 £459.05
ND Rates £7,399.64 £10,597.50 £6,870.00
Water Costs £379.03 £278.11 £72.39
Rents & Service Charges* £15,401.18* £29,186.69* £21,976.47*
Trade Waste £217.50 £390.00 £262.50
Cost of cutting Keys £30.00 £0.00 £0.00
Building Insurance £179.16 £1,716.95 £651.37
Professional Services Costs £0.00 £1,000.00 £0.00
TV Licence £0.00 £145.50 £145.50
Cleaning Services Costs £0.00 £0.00 £1,891.31
Feminine Hygiene Services £10.20 £22.95 £0.00
Key Cabinet £89.00 £0.00 £0.00
IT £596.96 £655.53 £0.00
Total £29,320.05 £50,672.74 £39,071.61

All expenditure highlighted in green relates to the refurbishment costs of Granby Road. This totals £2,045.42.

* Please note that the costs attributed to Rents and Service Charges are paid jointly by North Yorkshire Police and the OPCC. The OPCC pays 55% of the above combined rents and services for the ground floor of the building and utilities costs.

Work has recently been carried out to publish more information in relation to OPCC contracts, therefore further information relevant to your request is published on the PCC and Bluelight websites under the following links:

Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data. It should be noted therefore that this force’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.