26 March 2013: Details of new staff appointed by the PCC
I write in connection with your request for information which was received by the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)) on 26 March 2013 in respect of:
1) New paid appointments by the PCC including name, job title, remuneration and contracted hours.
There has been one paid appointment made by the PCC. This was for the post of Head of Policy and Projects, appointed to Mr William Naylor, 37hours per week, £31,000pa.
2) Please state for each employee any previous professional or personal relationship between the employee and the PCC.
The PCC and the employee had met on one previous occasion within a professional capacity.
3) Please state the number of people interviewed, prior relationships between the candidates, the recruitment process and if the Police and Crime Panel has endorsed or rejected an appointment.
2 individuals were interviewed and the recruitment involved the standard process of advertisement, shortlisting and interview. The PCC and PCC’s Chief Executive were involved in the interview process.
The Police and Crime Panel were not involved in the recruitment process and did not publically endorse or reject an appointment. Regarding the Police and Crime Panel privately endorsing or rejecting an appointment this information is not held and we can only comply with the obligations set out in the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act by advising you that the information you require is not held in a recorded form.
Regarding prior personal or professional relationships between the second candidate and the PCC, this information is not held and we can only comply with the obligations set out in the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act by advising you that the information you require is not held in a recorded form.
4) Where possible please state the total estimated annual cost of the office of the PCC, the Police and Crime Panel and the total cost of the police authority in its final year of operation.
As the PCC has only been in post since November 2012 we have not yet had an annual total costings, however for the period December 2012 to February 2013 costs have totalled £178,774 (which includes staff, office, Community Partnership Schemes and audit costs).
In regard to the estimated annual costs for the Police and Crime Panel, the Panel is administered by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) and we do not hold this information. I would recommend that you contact NYCC directly or let me know if you wish for me to transfer this part of the request to NYCC.
Regarding the total cost of the police authority in its final year of operation, I am currently awaiting information from the relevant business area and once received will be in a position to provide you with a response.