Executive Board minutes: 14 May 2013
Minutes of the meeting held in Conference Room Three, at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 14 May 2013.
In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); OPCC Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Assistant Chief Constable Iain Spittal (IS) (for minute 67 and 70); Head of Crime Simon Mason (SM) (for minute 67); Head of Specialist Operations Ali Higgins (AH) (for minute 70); Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); OPCC Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisational Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh (KM); Corporate Planning Manager Kirsten Parker-Rea (KPR) (for minute 70); OPCC Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN).
All present.
GM noted four inaccuracies in the minutes of 7 May 2013. Subject to these amendments the minutes were approved for publication.
Partnership Funding: The Board discussed the various actions taking place for the Partnership Funding, in particular the need to track the different partnerships in order to establish their current positions.
Grand Depart: Discussions continue to be on-going regarding the governance and funding arrangements.
Decision Notice 036 – Technical Support Unit Equipment: JP confirmed that the Regional Organised Crime Unit will receive the proceeds of the sale of equipment to NYP.
041/2013 Major Crime Unit (MCU): IS and SM presented a decision notice seeking approval for an operational dedicated MCU model. This standalone model will retain the direction and control of the staff and maintain their presence to work exclusively with NYP. IS emphasised that the previous work undertaken with West Yorkshire Police had been valuable in identifying the need to progress the NYP MCU in order to address risks and identifying the structure for the standalone solution for NYP.
IS also confirmed that cold case capability will be reviewed at a later date.
JM supported the proposals but requested that further consideration be given to the draft Decision Notice in regard to staff consultation and the communications plan.
ACTION: IS and SD to discuss staff consultation and revise the Decision Notice.
ACTION: That the revised draft Decision Notice be submitted to JM.
044/2013 IT Infrastructure: That the Decision Notice be approved.
043/2013 Capital Rolling Programme: That the Decision Notice be approved.
045/2013: Financial Impact of the Strategic Leadership, Statutory Officers, Decision Making and Senior Management Review: There was lengthy discussion in regard to the interpretation of the costs and savings in table one of the draft Decision Notice. It was agreed that further narrative would be provided with the table to explain the previous costs and identify where savings are being achieved.
ACTION: Draft Decision Notice to be revised and resubmitted to JM.
There were no matters to note.
There were no matters to note.
Draft Decision Making Forecast: The Decision Making Forecast is in development, GM recommended that it be presented in its final format at the meeting of the Executive Board on 29 May.
ANPR: IS presented a discussion paper in relation to the developments for ANPR technology. IS identified the following three short term priorities:
- Re-procuring the Back Office Function;
- Ensuing compatibility at Catterick Garrison as a key location for ANPR technology;
- Utilising the current ground work to upgrade A1 to lay trunking for powering cameras in the future.
ACTION: A Decision Notice for the re-procurement of the Back Office Function will be submitted to the Executive Board on 22 May;
ACTION: Decision Notices for the A1 ground works and Catterick Garrison to be submitted to the Executive Board at a later date;
ACTION: AH to work with WN to ensure operational elements of the communications plan are accurate.
Intranet: Following a review of the NYP intranet it was revealed that it is no longer fit for purpose. The discussion paper sought endorsement for the possible solution through using an off the shelf product. JM asked if it would be possible to redevelop the Force website and intranet at the same time, which will be investigated.
Guidance notes for ‘Items of Significant Public Interest’: JM requested that as she had several comments in relation to the draft guidance, that she contacts SD directly and the paper be brought back to a future Executive Board.
Stage 2 Transfers: JC recommended that Terms of Reference be drafted for the Change Management Sub-Group. Significant items from this group will be fed back to the Executive Board.
ACTION: JC to draft Terms of Reference and confirm attendees for the Change Management Sub-Group.
Out of Court Disposals: There is risk of areas of duplication, which JM will raise during the Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) on Wednesday 15 May.
No events or communications to note.
TM advised that discussions have taken place with City of York Council regarding the provision of a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
ACTION: Updated MASH Decision Notice to be re-submitted to the Executive Board on 22 May.
TM advised of work that has been undertaken in regard to Officer Numbers for 2013/14. A discussion paper will be available for the next Executive Board.
ACTION: Discussion paper “Officer Numbers in 2013/14 and onwards Budget” to be scheduled for the 22 May Executive Board.
JM, TM and JC agreed that in order to be better sighted of forthcoming communications, that the Forthcoming Overview of Communications (FOC) will be developed for the longer term and circulated to them on a weekly basis.
9am Wednesday 22 May 2013, Commissioners Office, Melmerby.