Executive Board Minutes 15 April 2014
Minutes of the meeting held in Conference Room Two, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske at 10:00am on Tuesday 15 April 2014.
In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM).
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Deputy Head of Legal Services Jane Wintermeyer (JW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).
Minute taker: Commissioner’s Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).
Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Lisa Winward (LW).
Subject to some amendments, the draft minutes of the Executive Board held on 01 April 2014 were approved as a true record for publication.
The following updates were provided:
WN provided an update on the Police and Crime Plan research findings by Darren Hornby (DH) of SMSR. DH has produced draft report on the literature review and theme development for the Police and Crime Plan refresh. The model which DM presented is being amended following feedback. DH will now focus on quantitative and qualitative fieldwork surveys whilst Superintendent Amanda Oliver (AO) is undertaking impact assessments at district level of the OPM. DH is due to provide the final report on the research findings 02 June 2014, from there it will be used to inform and populate the Police and Crime Plan, which will need to be finalised for presentation at the Police and Crime Panel mid-July. Regarding internal and external communications, WN is to produce a draft summary of the current position in consultation with (AO). Following internal staff communications JM is to speak with external stakeholders such as local MPs and at the district council scrutiny committees or the NYCC meeting. TM provided feedback that two themes for the performance outcomes have been provisionally recommended and that DH and NYP service Delivery Advisor Mark Bates (MB) discuss the themes in relation to the Police and Crime Plan research.
ACTION: WN to produce draft summary of the current position;
ACTION: DH and MB to discuss the two provisional 2 themes for performance outcomes in relation to the Police and Crime Plan;
ACTION: DH to provide the Police and Crime Plan research findings to date to the Executive Board on 06 May 2014 and the finalised research findings to the Executive Board on 03 June 2014;
ACTION: Draft Police and Crime Plan structure to be scheduled for Executive Board 10 June 2014, thereafter provisional slots on the Executive Board on 17 and 24 June for updates if required;
ACTION: Final draft Police and Crime Plan to be presented to the Executive Board on 01 July 2014, prior to it being presented to the Police and Crime Panel on 17 July 2014.
Following the meeting with the Interim Head of Communications on 14 April 2014 to discuss and prepare for the Senior Leadership Day on 08 May 20147, it was agreed that a second meeting should be scheduled to finalise the format of the day.
ACTION: Second meeting to be scheduled with Interim Head of Communications (Lead CA) (post meeting note – this has been arranged for 9am 22 April 2014 (Change Programme Board cancelled).
Information Technology Strategy Business Case (Decision Notice 001/2014): This draft Decision Notice seeks approval for the Information Technology Strategy Business Case and progression of the initiatives identified to support the delivery of operational policing. The Board supported the draft Decision notice in principle but requested some amendments, most notably:
Section 6 – Financial implications: The Board requested that this section includes more advice from the Chief Finance Officers, detail of the expenditure, value for money and assurances that the funding is available.
Review the document to ensure wherever possible information is provided in the public part of the document;
Review the document to ensure that the information provided is in plain English. As this is a major investment and will be a public document, abbreviations and technical jargon should be removed.
That a user group of the Information Technology Delivery Board be established.
As these amendments will cause a delay in the finalised Decision Notice being approved, JC highlighted that this will have an impact on the timescales for the implementation of the Telephony Project Business Case. The Board agreed that the project managers will be provided with a brief that this project can be mobilised.
AGREED: That the Information Technology Strategy Business Case (Decision Notice 001/2014) is approved in principle;
ACTION: Further amendments required to the draft Decision notice and appendices as detailed above to be actioned;
ACTION: Finalised Decision Notice to be circulated to Board Members and approved by 08 May 2014.
Safety Camera Vans (verbal discussion): TM provided two updates in relation to the supplier of NDORS and potential savings. The Board discussed the ‘20’s Plenty’ initiative for 20mph default speed limit for streets where people and traffic mix, which has recently been introduced in York. TM confirmed NYP were formally consulted prior to the speed signs being put up.
The Board discussed the draft Decision Notice, which will be presented to the Executive Board on 03 June 20104. The Board raised several issues in relation to the Decision Notice, including ensuring that the complete structure for the Safety Camera Vans is included and reference to the Community Speedwatch initiative. In light of the public interest in this subject and to allow transparency, JM suggested a public consultation should be carried out to gain the public’s views on the increase of Mobile Safety Camera Vans.
ACTION: TM to provide JM with copies of correspondence from City of York Council to NYP regarding the 20’s Plenty speed signs;
ACTION: JM to be provided with a briefing on the practicalities of enforcement from the Head of Criminal Justice (post meeting note – provisionally arranged for 13 May 2014);
ACTION: OPCC to carry out public consultation on Safety Camera Vans. Survey to run mid May, results to be provided to NYP by 19 May 2014 to be incorporated into draft decision notice (Lead WN);
ACTION: Draft Safety Camera Vans Decision Notice scheduled for 03 June 2014.
Valuing the Police 4 (verbal de-brief to date): TM provided an update on the HMIC Inspection which commenced on 14 April 2014. Early feedback is that NYP has a consistent approach to Valuing the Police. A hot de-brief will take place at 2:45pm on 15 April 2014 which will provide further feedback.
Stage 2 – Additional Priority Governance Documents (Decision Notice 003/2014): The Board approved the Decision Notice in principle, however did provide further feedback and suggested amendments, most notably:
Minor amendment to an appendix cross reference, in p10 of the Memorandum of Understanding;
Incorporation of a ‘triage’ expectation and a clear definition of ‘investigation’ both now spliced into the Monitoring Officer Protocol;
Further statutory cross-reference on pages 4, 5 and 7 of the Collective Agreement;
Checking the logical consistency of the proposed adjustments to the Staff Performance and Attendance Management Guidance para 6.2, Staff Discipline Procedure para 4.7 and Staff Discipline Guidance 7.2.
ACTION: Documents attached to draft Decision Notice to be reviewed and Decision Notice to be re-circulated for approval by 17 April 2014 (Lead SD).
Police Innovation Fund 2013/14 Outturn (Report for a Decision): This report provides details of the expenditure against the Police Innovation Fund Schemes agreed during 2013/14.
AGREED: The Board noted the report.
Police Innovation Fund 2014-15 (draft Decision Notice 002/2014): This draft Decision Notice was submitted to provide the Executive Board with early sight of the Police Innovation Fund bids and to provide feedback. Several issues were discussed including:
In light of the number of bids the fund is anticipated to receive, JM suggested that a cover sheet is provided which clearly sets out the objectives for the 8 different submissions, for quick reference but also allows them to stand out amongst the other submissions;
That the submissions include any reference to research and evaluation elements (i.e. the involvement of York university);
That the table in the Executive Summary and at paragraph 2.3 of the Decision Notice is reviewed, as the Board felt that the bids support more of the Police and Crime Plan goals than the table suggests;
The Board agreed that it would be beneficial to approach NYCC, Scarborough District Council and City of York Council to request their support for the Insight Centre bid. JM also requested that the OPCC Head of Commissioning and Partnerships is consulted on the Insight Centre bid.
AGREED: The Executive Board supports the seven proposed bids in principle;
ACTION: The actions detailed above to be taken forward by the individual submission bid authors;
ACTION: Executive Board Members to provide any further feedback by email to GM on the submission bids;
ACTION: The decision notice to be re-submitted to the Executive Board on 29 April 2014;
ACTION: Finalised bids to be submitted to the Police Innovation Fund by 30 April 2014.
Mast and Communications Sites Licence Procedures (Discussion Paper): This report articulates the requirement and proposed Licensing procedure to manage all third party users, who have and request Communications kit to be located on NYP masts and roof top sites.
AGREED; The Board approved the progress and to engage with all licence holders, to roll out the re-licence project and share the NYP standard documentation, getting all users signed up and paying appropriate rental charges for their kit with a clear re-licensing and reviewing time line.
Decision Making Forecast: The following updates were agreed:
OPCC Records Management and Correspondence Handling Policy (Decision Notice) scheduled for 22 April 2014;
Safety Camera Vans (Decision Notice) moved from 29.04.14 to 03.06.14;
Delegated Decision Making (Report) moved from 29.04.14 to 06.05.14;
Police Innovation Fund Submissions scheduled for 29.04.14;
Treasury Management Report to be moved from 29.04.14 to 06.05.14.
Police and Crime Plan: Research finding to date 06.05.14; final research findings report 03.06.14; draft
Plan structure 10.06.14, then again provisionally 17 and 24 June; Final Plan 01.07.14.
There were no items for discussion.
There were no items for discussion.
APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
TM gave a verbal update on the developments for SARC.
DJ requested a copy of a copy of the Judicial Review lodged by the Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner (ACTION: WN to forward to DJ).
The report was noted.
The report was noted.
There were no items for discussion.
JC gave an update on the final position regarding Harrogate Police Station confirming that the project would be closed utilising delegated powers.
As this was his last meeting before leaving NYP to commence a new position with Cleveland OPCC, JM thanked SD for all his support and guidance over the past 18 months and that it had been hugely appreciated.
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 10am on Tuesday 22 April 2014 in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske.
The meeting closed at 12:45pm.