Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 16 July 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the offices of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Melmerby, on Tuesday 16 July 2013.

In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Commissioners Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Force Solicitor Simon Dennis; Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW); Commissioners Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN); Head of Firearms and Explosive Licensing Dave Coutts (DC); Head of Criminal Justice Leanne McConnell (MC).
Minute taker: Commissioners Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


Apologies were received from Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); and Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP).


The National e-Commerce Solution for NYP: It was agreed to bring this item forward on the agenda in order to allow the officers attending to give their presentation and then return to their work commitments. LM and DC provided a presentation on the opportunities for the digitalisation of Firearms and Explosive’s Licensing transactional process. The Board raised several queries, most notably:

What research has been undertaken – DC advised that a survey of national leaders for firearms has been undertaken by NYP. The screen layout design is currently being developed so user experience research has not yet been fully undertaken, LM confirmed that full user acceptance must be completed before NYP will commit to the service;

The national pricing policy – DC provided clarity of the grants and full cost recovery;
Concern regarding the increase to individuals and ensuring the shooting community are fully provided with the rational for the increase and the improvement in online services. LM confirmed that there is national campaign for the implementation and that locally individuals on the current firearms contact list will be contacted;

SD requested sight of the collaborative agreement, which DC will forward to SD.

The Board agreed that the concept should be progressed and requested that a Decision Notice is brought back to the Executive Board on 13 August 2013, to include the full costs. JM requested that prior to the Decision Notice, a stakeholder survey is undertaken to engage and receive feedback from the shooting community. This will be undertaken by DC and will appear on both the NYP and Commissioners websites. The closing date for the consultation will be 29 July 2013.

ACTION: DC to produce stakeholder survey to appear on the NYP and Commissioners websites:

ACTION: DC to progress the concept to a Decision Notice for the Executive Board on 13 August.


These were approved for publication.

WN confirmed that Decision Notice 053/2013 Relocation of the Commissioner’s Office to Harrogate had been re-drafted and was due for approval and publication, subject to the press release to accompany the decision notice being finalised.

GM advised that he would follow up the two Decision Notices for Capital Works which were agreed at the Executive Board on 10 July required additional information.

Further discussion also took place in regard to the Budget Assumptions discussion document.


1) 059/2013 Adequacy Assessment of Exhibits Storage Facilities: The decision notice was approved, to draw down £70,000 of the £300,000 assigned from the Capital and Revenue Development Fund to undertake the works by December 2013.

2) Centralised Storage of Exhibits and Paper Records (Discussion Paper)
The Board also brought forward and discussed agenda item 6.2 (Centralised Records and Paper Records Store Discussion Paper). GM confirmed that this is to propose one central record point. The Board agreed to the progression of a costed evaluation of Option 2 (Providing a centralised operational and corporate paper records and Exhibits storage facility from the point of seizure to the point of disposal).

3) Resource to undertake an independent review of the IT Department (Report for a Decision): The Board agreed to the proposal to engage a technical specialist to provide support to the Head of Workforce Support Services.

4) Body Armour (Report for a Decision): GM explained that this was an operational matter for the Chief Constables consideration, however as this process had begun prior to the Commissioners election in November 2012 it was being presented to the Executive Board to ensure transparency and completeness of the process. The recommendations to approve expenditure from the Medium Term Financial Plan and to enter into contracts for male and female body armour were agreed for progression.


Decision Making Forecast Status Update: Discussion took place regarding the Victims Services Commissioning and the Customer/Investigative Journey discussion document scheduled on the forecast. GM advised that a briefing will be available for September and a mapping exercise will be carried out thereafter. This will also link into the NYP Transformation Map (T-Map) which identifies key activities into timescales and will provide crucial links into service delivery to communities.

Discussion also took place in regard to the Business Planning Forecast (BPF). DJ requested that the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan should populate the BPF, which GM suggested could be re-worked through the Delivery Board.

Several other updates were provided regarding the ANPR and Specials Recruitment programmes.


There were no matters to note.


1) The National eCommerce Solution for NYP (see minute 143 above)

2) Centralised Records and Paper Records Store Discussion Paper (see minute 145 above)


1) HMIC Stop and Search: The presentation and report was noted.

2) APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: Discussion took place about responses to consultations and due to the number of consultations taking place nationally, evaluating which consultations need responses; the possibility of liaising with other forces on responses; and ensuring consultation responses are listed on the Forecast.

Discussion also took place regarding communications for the HMIC Valuing the Police 3 report. It was agreed that once JM had the opportunity to fully consider the report a decision regarding joint or separate press releases would be made.


The Board discussed the Police and Crime Panel meeting taking place on Thursday 25 July and the announcement regarding officer numbers. It was agreed that in order to increase public awareness and increase transparency a joint press release will be issued on 25 July.


There were no matters to note.


There were no matters to note.


The meeting on 23 July will be cancelled.

The next meeting will take place at 9am on Tuesday 30 July in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters.