Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes 16 June 2014

Minutes of the meeting held at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, at 12:15pm on Monday 16 June 2014. PRESENT:-

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Nigel Costello (NC); Acting Head of Legal Services Jane Wintermeyer (JW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).

Also in attendance: Commissioner’s Policy and research Officer Harriet Raine (HR); Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer Sarah Goodwin (SG) (observing).

Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


There were no apologies received.

JM introduced and welcomed HR to the meeting, who has recently been appointed as the Commissioner’s Policy and Research Officer.


Subject to minor amendments the minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2014 were approved for publication.

Regarding the Annual Governance Statement (minute 474c), JC requested that she also has sight of the final report at the time of the Chief Finance Officers signing off the final statements.

The Action Log was noted and the following updates provided:

  1. The Board agreed that the following actions can be closed as completed: 20, 33, 34, 35, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52.
  2. (ref.7) WN confirmed that the final report by SMSR on the research findings for the Police and Crime Plan should be available on 17 June 2014. When received this will be circulated with NYP colleagues.
  3. (ref.17) JP confirmed that the valuation of the current estate will be included within the final accounts. This information will be extracted and provided to JM and JC.
  4. (ref.31) The Board were advised that the APCC conference may not be going ahead in November 2014. Until this has been confirmed the arrangements to ‘showcase’ NYP at the event are to be postponed.
  5. (ref.39) Draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) format. GM confirmed that a refreshed version of the AGS will be available for JM on 17 June 2014. The final version of the AGS is scheduled for the Executive Board on 24 June 2014.
  6. (ref.42) Minute 456(b) Forecast Outturn and Use of Underspend (report for a decision). JM confirmed that she had provided feedback to JP
  7. (ref.43) GM confirmed that arrangements are being made for the performance thematic during HMCIC Winsor’s visit in October 2014.


  1. World Careers Network (Report for a Decision): This report seeks approval for the proposal to procure and implement an e-recruitment system called the World Careers Network (WCN). The Board agreed to the proposals in principle, however requested further information regarding the rationale for using Single Tender Action.

    AGREED: Proposals agreed in principle subject to rationale for Single Tender Action being provided.

    ACTION: Report author to provide rationale for Single Tender Action. Revised report to be re-circulated to Board Members by email for final approval (Lead: HR Service Delivery Co-ordinator KWest).

    ACTION: Minutes of the Board on 24 June to record that the report has been re-circulated and the proposals given final approval (Lead: Minute taker)

  2. Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Employer Discretion Policies (Decision Notice 006/2014): This Decision Notice details the proposed amendments to the North Yorkshire Police (NYP) Employers Discretions policies. These amendments are made in line with the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS) Regulations 2013.

    JC recommended that the Decision Notice be amended to reflect that this is a joint report of the Commissioner and Chief Constable. JW advised that minor amendments needed to be made prior to completion of the Legal Compliance section of the report.

    AGREED: JW to work with HR to make minor amendments (Lead JW).

    AGREED: Decision Notice to be amended to be a joint decision of the Commissioner and Chief Constable.

    AGREED: Subject to the Legal Compliance section of the report being completed by JW, the Board agreed in principle to approve the NYP LGPS Employer Discretion Policy 1 and Policy 2.

  3. Safety Camera Van Operations / Criminal Justice Traffic Processing (Decision Number 008/2014): This paper proposes a number of recommendations about the future of road safety enforcement, supported by the centralisation of traffic offence management and processing function, to deliver a centre of excellence providing a full end to end service. TM tabled an analysis of the results of the Safety camera Van survey which was completed by approximately 2,500 members of the public. These results are to be made public shortly.

    The Board discussed several elements of the paper, most notably:

    • Clarity on which parts of the report can be published and ensuring jargon is removed. JM and DJ requested that in order to be transparent and to report on the benefits to communities that wherever possible information is openly reported and provided for the public domain.
    • That a summary is produced for the public of the key findings of the survey, the key messages of the scheme and context is produced.
    • That the Executive Summary of the paper includes the key messages of the purpose and benefits of the Safety Camera Van Scheme.
    • Clarification that the set up costs include the costs for document management.
    • TM confirmed that the Safety Camera Van process will not be suitable for endorsing 20mph speed limits.
    • Ensuring that key stakeholders are sighted on the proposals for the Safety Camera Vans.
    • That the proposals for Community Speedwatch are presented to the Executive Board when developed.
    • JC is awaiting information on the national NDORS arrangement. The Board agreed to progress the scheme as proposed but once the national information is received JC will review and if necessary any changes will be reported back to the Executive Board.
    • That a document is prepared to easily explain and provide background to any changes to road safety, and an annual report thereafter to detail where any money recovered is spent, number of offences committed, location of enforcement etc.

    AGREED: That the changes above be made before the Decision Notice is signed;

  4. Charging for Police Services during the Tour de France Grand Depart (Decision Notice 007/2014): This paper details the role of NYP during the Tour de France Grand Depart 2014. The decision considered the Operational requirements and the Board agreed with the papers recommendation that there is no legal basis for charging for police services during the Grand Depart. This decision does not impact on the provisions for charging for Special Policing Services at future events or future cycle races and does not, therefore, represent a precedent. Each event will be assessed on its own merits.

    The Board also agreed that as the Grand Depart costs were anticipated at the time of setting the 2014/15 budget that any costs would be set aside in reserves.

    AGREED: Report approved for publication.

  5. Northern Base (Discussion Document): Northern Base (Decision Document): In line with previous action 17, a paper which provided an update on the custody proposals for the new Northern Base was presented. This was considered in the context of assessing requirements for the future in light of all available information.

    AGREED: The report was noted.


Decision Making Forecast Status Update: The Board noted the report and agreed the following updates: –

  • 23 Sept 2014 meeting – amend title to include “and Annual Governance Statements”.
  • 24 June 2014 meeting – remove Job Evaluation Decision Notice as this is a duplication (scheduled for 01 July 2014).


There were no matters for consideration.


There were no matters for discussion.


  1. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted. JM
  2. Events: The report was noted.


There were no matters for discussion.


There were no matters for discussion.


JC provided an update on the Commissioners Chief Finance Officer provision in light of GM imminent departure.


The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 9am on Tuesday 24 June 2014 at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske. The Change Programme Board will take place at 11am.