Executive Board minutes: 18 June 2013
Minutes of the meeting held at the Chief Constables Office, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 18 June 2013.
In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Acting Chief of Staff Lisa Winward (LW).
Apologies were received from the Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald.
Catterick Garrison Decision Notice: The Board agreed a two week deadline for this Decision Notice to be submitted.
ACTION: Catterick Garrison ANPR Decision notice to be submitted to Executive Board on 4 July.
045/2013 Financial Impact Decision Notice: Confirmation is still being sought that the Superintendents Association are in agreement to the names and salaries of Superintendents being included in the Decision Notice.
ACTION: LW to contact the Superintendents Association NYP representative on 18 June 2013 to seek agreement to the names and salaries of Superintendents being included in the Decision Notice.
Subject to one amendment, the minutes were approved for publication.
046/2013 Provision of Airwave Coverage throughout Fulford Road Police Station: Option 3, to implement full Airwave radio coverage throughout the main Fulford Road police station was approved. The Board agreed that internal communications would be provided to police officers and staff in the four areas not receiving enhanced Airwave coverage to explain the rational of option 3.
ACTION: That Option 3 is approved and the Decision Notice is published following the internal communications to the force areas which will not receive enhanced Airwave coverage.
051/2013 Acceptance of offer on Ripon site: The Commissioner approved the recommendation to accept the offer from the developer for the Ripon police station site. TM raised concerns that the Decision Notice does not explicitly express the Forces commitment to securing a local and cost effective base in Ripon to replace the current police station. The Decision notice will be re-drafted to include this and re-submitted to JM for final approval.
ACTION: The recommendation is approved. The decision notice will be redrafted to include reference to the Forces commitment to a replacement police base in Ripon and submitted to JM for approval and publication.
There were no matters to note.
Statement of Accounts: JP presented the draft statement of accounts. There are two separate sets of accounts, one for the Commissioner and one for the Chief Constable, which both need to be submitted to the auditors by 28th June 2013. Final checks are being undertaken and there are no significant changes anticipated, with the exception of the following:
- The revaluation of the Harrogate new build – JP recommended that commentary be included at 18(c) in the notes to the accounts to explain the revaluation. JC recommended that the financial technical difficulties of the revaluation are explored and then explained in the commentary for note 18(c). It was also suggested that there may be some benefit in comparing the revaluation against other police custody buildings, as the valuation of these premises are unique due to the custody facilities they contain./li>
- Remuneration report – For the first time the report will include the names of the Senior Officers. JP sought clarification of who should be included, which was provided./li>
- As some Executive Board Members had further detailed points for clarification, it was agreed to submit these directly to JP by Friday 21 June. JP will update the draft accounts from the feedback received and if possible provide an updated set to the Executive Board on 25 June 2013.
ACTION: JP to research valuations of other police custody buildings, address the financial technical difficulties and provide a commentary for note 18(c) for the notes to the accounts.
ACTION: Members to provide feedback on the draft accounts to JP be Friday 21 June. If available, the final set of draft accounts will be provided to the Executive Board on 25 June.
Annual Governance Statement (AGS): JM provided feedback in several areas, most notably:
- Ensuring that the AGS is reader friendly for the public, avoiding jargon;
- That the vision of the AGs is clear in the introduction and that the 7 Nolan Principles for Public Life are incorporated;
- To include the rational for the Stage 2 Transfers;
- Increased reference to both the public and the Police and Crime Plan;
SD will revise the AGs following the feedback and provide a revised version of the AGS to the EB on 25th June 2013. JM is to provide narrative for Section 8.
ACTION: JM to provide narrative for section 8;
ACTION: SD to revise the AGS from the feedback received and submit the revised AGS to the EB on 25 June 2013.
Annual Report: JC advised the Board that the Annual Report is in development following discussions with JM.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 9am Tuesday 25 June 2013, Chief Constables Office, Police Headquarters.