Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board minutes: 19 March 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Chief Constable, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on 19 March 2013.

In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Executive Jeremy Holderness (JNH); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer Judith Heeley (JH); T/Deputy Chief Constable Sue Cross (SC); Chief Officer of Resources Joanna Carter (JC); Assistant Chief Constable Iain Spittal (IS) (for minute 24 (2)); Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh (KM) Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD); OPCC Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).

Also in attendance: Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor; Director of Futures Liz Byrne (LB) (for minute 24(1)); Head of Tasking and Logistics T/Superintendent Nick Hunter (NH) (for minute 24(1)); Head of Forensic Services Mark Bates (MB) (for minute 24(1)).


Apologies were given on behalf of T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick.


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2013 were approved for publication subject to Note 15 (3) being amended to provide for a further action to consider the feasibility of having a MASH or similar arrangements in the Scarborough area.


Northern Base Decision Notice:
JM requested that the communications plan be expanded to increase the level of external communications activity to raise media and public awareness of the key messages for the new Northern Base. KM confirmed that a detailed communications plan was already available which includes the key messages and additional external and internal communications activities, in addition a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document had been drafted. SC suggested that a verbal briefing be provided to staff as part of the internal communications; JM suggested that the dates of web chats be included for external communications.

JC recommended that once the communications plan, press release and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ were finalised they be sent to JM for further discussion with JC at a meeting they have already scheduled for later in the same day.

The discussion also highlighted the need to be clear on version control of documents and for a communications plan template incorporating the standard, basic requirements for any communications to be drafted.

ACTION: That the Commissioner approves the Decision Notice subject to the communications plan and associated material be finalised and approved by the Commissioner prior to publication (Lead KM with WN and Gina Allen);
ACTION: That a standard communications plan template be drafted (Lead: WN).

Provision of MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub):

Given that the draft Decision Notice had only been circulated the day before the meeting, it was agreed that the matter should be deferred to the Executive Board on 27 March.

However, those present were in agreement that the format of the MASH presentation given by the Director of Crime at the Executive Board on 12 March was well defined and succinct and that the key parts should be adapted for in future presentations.

ACTION: Decision Notice to be included on the 27 March Executive Board agenda. (Lead: JC with CA).


There were no delegated matters to note.


As the first meeting has not taken place yet, there were no matters arising.

Plan Presentation to the P&CP (Police and Crime Panel):

Discussion took place in regard to finalising the presentation slides and other issues likely to be raised at the Police and Crime Panel meeting on 21 March.

ACTION: WN to clarify with KM changes to be incorporated into the Police and Crime Plan as a result of public consultation (Lead: WN with KM);
ACTION: That the slides be updated in accordance with the above and other elements of the Board discussions (Lead – JM)
ACTION: A list of the key ‘messages’ to get over to the Panel in terms of ongoing development of governance processes be provided to JM (Lead: JNH).

ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Programme
IS circulated a presentation including the strategy, current position, risks and options for ANPR asset replacement.

ACTION: That a Decision Notice be developed and scheduled for a future meeting of the Executive Board (Lead: IS with Chief Superintendent A Higgins).

NYP Employment Benefits Package:

JM supported the concept in principle which will be developed into a decision notice. SC requested that the minutes record thanks for the national research undertaken by Staff Officer Chris Galley.

ACTION: That the NYP Employment Benefits Package be developed and a Decision Notice be brought to a future meeting of the Executive Board (Lead T/DCC and JC).

Ripon Police Station:
Discussions with the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Chief Fire Officer are still outstanding However, it was recognised that there is a need urgently to determine whether there is scope for a joint development option between the two agencies for accommodation in Ripon or not.

ACTION: TM to speak with Chief Fire Officer Nigel Hutchinson as a matter of urgency and a progress report considered at the next meeting of the Executive Board (Lead: TM).

Student Officer Recruitment:

SC advised that she is due to attend a meeting later this week to discuss the risk mitigation measures to be adopted for the student officer recruitment proposals.

ACTION: That a report on the process to be adopted by NYP in connection with the recruitment of student officers be provided to the Executive Board on 27 March, alongside the communications plan (Lead: KM with SC).

Funding of Police, Crime and Community Safety:
JM expressed concerns regarding the totality of the Community Safety Fund and potential implications for partners, emphasising the need to made partners aware of the funding position as soon as possible. JC suggested a separate meeting to discuss the options and communications with partners.

ACTION: That JM, JC, Gary Macdonald and Gina Allen meet to discuss the funding cuts, implications, options available and communications with partners.

National Police Air Service Briefing:
No additional comments were made, the briefing was noted.


Regional Organised Crime Units
Item noted.
Attorney General Speech:
Item noted.


There were no items to note.


9am – 11am Wednesday 27 March 2013, Chief Constables Office, Police Headquarters