Executive Board Minutes 20 May 2014
Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner at 10.25am on Tuesday 20 May 2014.
In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Acting Head of Legal Services Jane Wintermeyer (JW); Superintendent Amanda Oliver (AO); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).
Minute taker: Commissioner’s Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).
Apologies were received for Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM) and the Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC).
Subject to amendments the minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2014 were approved for publication.
The following updates were provided:
- JW advised that following the Stage Two Additional Priority Governance Matters Decision Notice (003/2014) which had been completed and signed on 25 April 2014, there was one additional document to be recorded on the schedule for the Collective agreement. JP requested clarity that the Chief Finance Officer protocol has also been signed.
ACTION: JW to provide JM and DJ with copies of the Collective Agreement for their signature following Executive Board.
ACTION: CA to check and confirm that the Chief Finance Office Protocol has been signed.
- In regard to minute 432(c), the publication of specified information contracts over £50k for the Chief Constable, JP and JW confirmed that these were up to date to February 2014 and that checks were being undertaken for contracts completed in March 2014. WN had previously confirmed at the Executive Board on 13 May 2014 that specified information is regularly updated for the Commissioners website.
- GM confirmed that a presentation will be provided by ACC McIntosh regarding the Tour de France to the Executive Board on 27 May 2014. This will be followed by a further report regarding the charging for policing services during the Tour de France to the Executive Board on 10 June 2014. JM requested that as this was likely to be of significant public interest that the information be provided for the public domain, either through a Decision Notice or press release.
- In regard to minute 436, DJ reiterated previous comments that it will be a valuable opportunity and platform to demonstrate the initiatives and services of NYP when the ACPO and APCC Conferences take place in Harrogate in June and November respectively.
- In regard to minute 439, NYP warrant and identification cards, the Board agreed that to re-issue the cards to all staff and officers to reflect the Chief Constables and Commissioners signatures or logos would be an unnecessary and costly exercise. However DJ expressed concerns that there are some officers with vastly outdated cards which may warrant being updated.
ACTION: JP to discuss with Dave Murray and Kate Williams updating outdated cards.
The Action Log was noted and the following discussed:
- The Board agreed to close actions 11; 12; 14; 16; and 23.
- No.9, IT Strategy draft Decision Notice (001/2014). GM confirmed that unless there were significant changes to this Decision Notice which had been approved at the Executive Board on 15 April 2014 that this would be circulated by email to Board Members for final approval. If significant changes are made this would be re-submitted to Executive Board on 03 June 2014. ACTION: CA to confirm with JMcMurray how draft Decision Notice needs to come back to Executive Board for final approval.
- No.10, Safety Camera Vans. WN confirmed that the survey went live on the Commissioners website on 15 May and provided a brief summary of the 1400 responses received so far.
- No.16 OPCC Records Management and Correspondence Handling Decision Notice (004/2014) – agreed to be closed as WN has the final draft Decision Notice for JMs approval and signature following the Executive Board.
- No.20 – GM provided an update on the resource requirements which the Delivery Board has identified. Recruitment has commenced for the additional resource requirements. A report on the costs and benefits when available will be provided to the Delivery Board.
- No. 22 – Review of ethics. WN advised work has commenced on the best practice review of ethics committees. JM advised that at the IPCC Transition Group on 19 May 2014 various pilot schemes were agreed which would be worth looking at as part of the review. DJ emphasised that the code of ethics is not to be confused with discipline matters.
- No.24 Annual Governance Statement format. JM requested to have sight of the draft report prior to it being formally submitted to Executive Board on 27 May 2014 (GM to advise DStone).
- No.29 – Chief Constable formally consulted on Police and Crime Plan. DJ requested that he has sight of the draft Police and Crime Plan well in advance of 10 July (when it will be submitted to the Police and Crime Panel). This could possibly done though the Command Team Meetings. ACTION: JM and WN to discuss and agree with DJ appropriate consultation timescales following Executive Board.
- No.31 – Meeting to discuss key findings from May Leadership Day. The Board agreed to discuss this following the Executive Board on 27 May 2014. In order to allow time for discussion, the Executive Board will commence at 9am until 11.30am. From 11.30am discussion regarding the Leadership Day (subject to the Interim Head of Communications availability). Change Programme Board to take place after this discussion, if time allows (up to 1pm).
a) Operational Policing Model (OPM) Implementation (report for a decision): The Board discussed key elements of the implementation plan, most notably:
- AO suggested that the Head of Commissioning and Partnerships be invited to be a member of the Investigative Hub stakeholder group which has recently been established;
- JM requested that clear terminology is used consistently throughout the report (e.g. major crime).
- JM asked when the review of specialist operations functions was due to commence. AO advised that the capacity to commence this review will be when the Business Analysts’ are in place.
- In regard to the papers being submitted to the Command Team for uniforms, DJ confirmed that ACC Kennedy is the regional lead and fully sighted on developments.
- In regard to the Tasking and Intelligence Review, GM asked if any information sharing protocols between operational intelligence and insight centre intelligence have been drafted. DJ advised that TM is looking at the sharing of data and also potential information sharing solutions with partners.
- The Board discussed the consultation period for the OPM. No internal or external communications will take place before the period of purdah is complete. There is a requirement for a two week period for internal communications to be undertaken prior to commencement of the external communications.
GM and JP highlighted that the quality of the content of the report had allowed the Executive Board to have a thorough discussion.
ACTION: Plans approved and internal communications to commence week commencing 26 May 2014 for two weeks followed by external communication’s circa 11 June or 20 June dependent on DJ and JM availability (Lead: AO).
ACTION: AO to provide JM with external communication documents by Friday 30 May 2014.
Decision Making Forecast: The Board noted the report and agreed the following updates:
- 20th May 2014 – Remove Draft Annual Report item;
- 27th May 2014 – Add feedback time slot regarding May Leadership event and approach for 12th June Leadership event (from 11.30am);
- 22nd July 2014 – Add “Collaboration Thematic” meeting and ring fence meeting for this. Airbourne Data link Decision Notice already scheduled which can remain;
- Move PIF Bid implementation 2014/15 item to 1 July 2014;
- Tour de France Decision Notice for 10th June 2014 (Decision Notice format confirmed at Executive Board given significant public interest);
- Confirmation that the Executive board on 17 June 2014 has been rescheduled for 16 June 2014.
JM asked if anyone was aware of publicity material for the Tour de France and advice for tourists on how to plan their trip, especially in light of the road closures. WN advised that he was aware of a Communications Plan to publicise the event, but in regard to tourists planning their trip the website www.letour.yorkshire.com was the official website for information.
There were no matters for discussion.
There were no matters for discussion.
a) APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
b) Events: The report was noted.
WN advised that the Police and Crime Plan consultation will be going live on the OPCC website Thursday 22 May 2014.
There were no matters for discussion.
There were no matters for discussion.
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 9am on Tuesday 27 May 2014, Conference Room One, Police Headquarters.