Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 21 March 2024


in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Zoë Metcalfe (ZM)          – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Simon Dennis (SD)           – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Scott Bisset (SB)               – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Tamara Pattinson (TP)    – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC

Sarah Davies (SD)             – Executive Assistant – Executive Management Team

Bethany Dollimore (BD)  – Business Governance Apprentice, OPFCC

Suzanne Wilkinson (SW) – Executive Assistant – Commissioner

Maeve Chappell (MC)      – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Via Teams: Mathew Walker (MW)    – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Xanthe Tait (XT)               – Director Evolve Legal Services

Jonathan Dyson (JD)       – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Jenni Newberry (JN)        – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Apologies: Elliot Foskett (EF)                           – Acting Chief Constable, NYP

Amanda Wilkinson (AW)               – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC

Michael Porter (MP)                      – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Louise Branford – White (LB-W)  – Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP

Lisa Stitt  (LS)                                   – Assistant Chief Officer Enable


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  The Commissioner welcomed the meeting.
2. Action Log/Minutes
  The minutes of the February 2024 meeting were approved.
3. North Yorkshire Police
  a. Current and significant issues emerging

SB provided an update on the current and significant issues emerging nationally and locally. The organisation is stable but are aware of crime pressure across the West Yorkshire border.

b.  For Information and Discussion

SB gave the board highlights on the increase within the force to an appropriate capacity. The final changes in shift patterns by end of May, no push back from front line officers. SD made aware for the record that there is a capacity challenge within the customer services team, and it won’t be the model that the new chief is used to so there is a need to work closely together. SD updated the board OPFCC are revisiting progress is being made adding additional capacity.  SB updated the board about the Enable survey and will have a briefing with JD about the next phase.

Action SB to provide ZM with an update on the staff survey.  

 c. Decisions Required

No decisions required.

 d. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions.

SB spoke to the board about the presentation recognising on improvement, pleased with the progress.

ZM expressed delight on HMIC report, thank you to everyone.

4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  a. Current and significant issues emerging

JD provided an update to the board of national and local issues themes emerging.

Action – ZM would like a meeting outside the board.

b.      For Information and Discussion

i)  JD spoke to members about discussions on police crime panel regarding well being and safeguarding update, well in the regional context. Talks about fitness equipment in Ripon & Richmond, need to enhance access to training. SB opportunity to work together, extend the provisions and share sites.

ii) JD updated members on slight increase between pay gap. ZM still disappointed with the gap. MCh mentioned that both NYP and NYFRS will both need to be published at the same time.

Action – ZM asked for a meeting outside the board.

iii) JD spoke about the difference between the Chief Officer and the lowest paid worker.

c.       Decisions required

No decisions required.

d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

JD updated the board about the meeting in early March has been fully closed, culture recommendations have been closed.

5. enableNY
  a.  Current and significant issues emerging

SB spoke to members about setting the budget for next year, ongoing reviews increase for police but decrease for fire. SD discuss level of confidence data which form time & effort.

b.  For Information and Discussion

i)  Reprofiling shift into next year for estates, vehicles and ICT.

ii)  SB updated the board on the control for overtime.

c.   Decisions required

No decisions are required.

7. Legal Services
  a. Updates

XT provided updates to members of the board in relations to pensions. A further update was provided in relations to departmental personnel moves.

b. Collaboration agreement

8. Finance
  a. Updates

No items presented.

  a. Commissioning & Partnerships

JN updated board with progression aligns with police plan, everything is on track.

b. OPFCC updates

No updates for this period.

c. Devolution

Latest version of transition program on the website.

10. Risks
  a. NYP

Updates to be brought every other meeting.


MW discussed the risk register, focus on consistency methodology. Check and challenge, cyber risks and what they do in regard to these risks.


JN spoke to the board about working with the constitution about pensions.

d. enableNY

e.       No updates for this period.

11. Communications update/ Forward planning
  MCh spoke to members on the success of Tilly & her mum animation, Sarah’s Law and the apology sent out to the LGBTQ+ community.
12. PFCC – matters for discussion