Executive Board Minutes – 22 December 2015
Record of Meeting
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 22nd December 2015, 09.30 – 11.30
Location: The George Hudson Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of NYP
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Debbie Allinson (DA) Senior Support Officer to the CEO (Minutes)
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Items and Decisions:
Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd November 2015, were approved for publication.
Impact on CSR – Verbal Update:
MP provided an update on the CSR and settlement announcement and outlined the possible implications for what this could mean to North Yorkshire Police over the next 4 years. Overall, the announcement was positive and the reduction in funding is not as severe as was originally thought.
Further discussion to take place at Executive Group on 5th January 2016.
WN advised that the Commissioner has today launched a public consultation on local police funding and this consultation will close on 12th January 2016.
DA to invite JP and MP to Executive Group on 5th January 2016.
Estate Strategy Phase 1 Update – Report:
The report provided an update on the objectives and current status of Phase 1 of the Estates Strategy. JC advised of the consolidated position and advised the Board that Phase 1 of the Estates Strategy is on track.
Modernising the Management of Information – Decision Notice:
TM gave an overview of the matters included in the Modernising the Management of Information Decision Notice. The benefits of the proposals included were outlined. A discussion took place to ensure that the business benefits were explicitly understood and assurances were provided by members of the Board. Investment in the digitalisation of records management is necessary to modernise working practices, support wider organisational strategies and generate savings and ensure effective, efficient and appropriate records management.
The Decision Notice was approved subject to amendments to the Executive Summary to ensure the benefits are fully articulated.
Exhibits – Additional Storage for Major Crime – Decision Notice:
TM gave an overview of the matters included within the Decision Notice and the operational and organisational benefits of having appropriate, secure, fit for purpose exhibits and records storage facilities were discussed. It was agreed that irrespective of future opportunities for digitalisation and collaboration, there will still be a requirement for North Yorkshire to have an exhibits storage facility locally and the long term investment in a centralised storage facility was approved.
The Decision Notice was approved.
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update:
Discussions took place around matters to be raised at future meetings of the Executive Board.
DA to make amendments to the Decision Making Forecast.
Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board
The future format and process of Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board is scheduled to be discussed at Executive Group on 5th January 2016.
National or Local Developments or Consultations
APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications:
DJ advised that the HIMIC Effectiveness of Legitimacy report was with the force for Factual Accuracy and early indications of results are positive. JW advised that good results were achieved in the Civil Claims Audit.
Consultations regarding the complaints process, Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) and the Criminal Justice Service have recently been launched and are open for consultation.
LW suggested that internal events which North Yorkshire Police are hosting should also be included on the Events Report and this was agreed by the Board.
Arrangements to be made with the Staff Office to forward details to DA.
Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.
Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion
Any Other Business
The next Police and Crime Panel meeting is on 14th January 2015. Agenda items are being finalised with JM and JC.
Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30am on Tuesday 26th January 2015 in Room 2 at the Evolution Business Centre, County Business Park (off Darlington Road), Northallerton, DL6 2NQ