Executive Board Minutes – 22 June 2015
Record of Meeting
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Monday 22nd June 2015, 09:15-11:00am
Location: The George Hudson Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable of NYP
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Lisa Matthews (LM) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Minutes)
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Items and Decisions:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
706 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 26th May 2015, were discussed and approved for publication, subject to minor amendments. |
See Action 706. |
707 | Decisions Required | |
707a | Commissioner’s Annual Report: ME provided hard copies of the latest version to those in attendance, and feedback was provided. JM noted that members of the Executive Board are welcome to provide comments on the Report prior to the finalisation of the document. The Report will be published on the website of the Police & Crime Commissioner on Tuesday 30th June 2015. | See Action 707a. |
707b | Draft Accounts & Annual Governance Statement: Hard copies of the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) were provided to those in attendance. MP gave an overview of the document, and noted that the AGS will be completed by 30th June 2015, with the final version being provided in September 2015. JP gave an overview of the Draft Accounts; these can be provided to members of the EB upon request. The timetable for the upcoming year is to be reviewed to ensure that the deadlines in place provide a sufficient amount of time for the documents to be prepared and updated as necessary. |
See Action 707b. |
09:30 – T/ACC Ken McIntosh (KM) entered the meeting. | ||
707c | HMIC PEEL Hot Debrief: KM provided an overview of the HMIC PEEL Hot Debrief documents, and advised that the results of the recent Efficiency & Legitimacy Inspection will be published in September 2015; the Leadership Inspection results will be released in 2016. KM advised of the matters discussed and information provided during the HMIC’s recent visit to NYP. JM congratulated those involved in the Inspection on their efforts contributed towards the visit, and noted that good work was carried out in relation to this. A discussion took place around ensuring that members of NYP are both reassured and provided with a correct understanding of the future direction of the Force. | JM is to be provided with Affordability information given to HMIC Inspectors during their recent visit to NYP. This is to be discussed at the Executive Group scheduled for 14th July 2015. Progress made with internal communications will be measured via the remaining Senior Leadership Days, Roadshows and Inspector Events. LW will be consulted as to how further progress can be made. A representative of the OPCC is to attend any Round Table discussions held during the next HMIC Inspection and Hot Debrief. (See Action 707c.) |
10:10 – KM left the meeting. | ||
708 Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | ||
708a | Decision-Making Forecast Status Update: ME explained that the Decision-Making Forecast Status Update is now obtained from the Force’s internal Governance subsite. A message will be circulated to encourage members of the Force to populate the Forecast. A discussion took place around matters to be included on this document. A discussion took place around matters to be included on the Forecast and issues that may arise regarding timings. JM noted that timescales are important, as people have sufficient time to prepare but continue to provide papers after the deadlines for submission. Meeting papers will be circulated one week prior to the meetings; late submissions will not be included in the meeting papers. | The Decision-Making Forecast should be further populated by the next meeting of the Executive Board. If this is not possible, clarity should be provided as to where there are ‘gaps’. (See Action 708a.) |
708b | List of Pending or In-Progress Decision Notices:. The List of Pending or In-Progress Decision Notices was noted. | See Action 708b. |
709 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board No matters were raised for discussion. |
710 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
710a | APCC, HMIC & ACPO Updates & Communications: The report was noted. Members of the Executive Board advised those in attendance of upcoming events. JM provided an overview of the agenda for the launch of the Committee on Standards of Public Life. DJ noted that reference to ACPO could be replaced by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC). A discussion took place around the upcoming Disability Hate Crime research. | See Action 710a. |
710b | Events: WN gave an overview of information received in relation to the survey conducted on behalf of the National Rural Crime Network and featured on Countryfile. A discussion ensued around the possible results. | |
711 | Forthcoming Events or Communications JW provided an update around Operation Hyson. |
See Action 711. |
712 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception A discussion took place around Freedom of Information requests (FOIs) received by the NYP. JW gave an overview of the process undertaken to progress these. |
See Action 712. |
713 | Any Other Business | |
713a | Greater Yorkshire: DJ advised that a Local Government Chief Executives’ meeting was recently attended. An overview was provided of the purpose of this meeting & the conversations that took place during the event. A discussion ensued in relation to the various topics raised at this meeting. | |
713b | Police Complaints: JM explained that a meeting regarding Police Complaints was recently attended. Further legislation is expected in September 2015 and the matter will be raised at the upcoming OPCC Conference. A discussion took place regarding this legislation. | |
713c | Domestic Violence Documentary: JM advised JW that the documentary regarding Domestic Violence victims is likely to be aired in Autumn. Conversations took place around the current position with regards to this. | See Action 713c. |
713d | No2 Region Section 22a Agreement: JW provided an update on the No2 Region Section 22a Agreement. | |
714 | Date & Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Executive Group will take place at 09:30am on Tuesday 28th July 2015 in the George Hudson Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York. |
See Action 714. |