Executive Board Minutes – 26 January 2015
Date and Time:
Monday 26th January 2015, 13:05-16:50
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC), 12 Granby Road, Harrogate
PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Michael Porter (MP) Chief Finance Officer (CFO) to the PCC
Jane Palmer (JP) CFO to the Chief Constable / Chief Accountant
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Lisa Matthews (LM) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Minutes)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Head of Organisation & Development
Items and Decisions:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
662 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting, dated 9th December 2014, were discussed and updated outside of the meeting. (See Action 662.) |
Papers for Compliance Checking for the next meeting must be submitted to the Executive Board Admin inbox by no later than Thursday 5th February. Updates for the Action Log are to be forwarded to this inbox by Thursday 12th February 2015. This will allow papers to be circulated one week prior to the next Executive Board meeting. |
663 | Item 663e – Citizens in Policing: A discussion took place around the Police Cadets scheme. Further work to develop how the scheme fits with the Youth and Younger Persons Strategy is to be undertaken. |
672b | Decisions Required | |
663a | Precept Proposal MP advised that legislation requires that the PCC must notify the Police & Crime Panel of the Precept Proposal for the following year by no later than 29th January 2015, along with the information on which the decision is based. It was noted that the report around the Precept should demonstrate that the decision made will last for one year only, however will take the future needs of NYP into consideration. MP was asked to revise the MTFP Update Report to provide an explanation of the statutory phrases to provide further clarity for members of the public; the implications of the proposed staff pay award in the budget figures should also be included. (See Action 663a.) |
An increase on 1.99% was agreed in principle by JM; this is to be presented to the Panel. The MTFP Update Report is to be provided to JM once the requested revisions have been made. A formal decision will be made around the Precept Proposal following the Police & Crime Panel meeting on 5th February 2015. |
663b | Draft Budget & MTFP MP gave an overview of the MTFP Update Report. There was a discussion around the level of grant reduction expected in future years. MP explained the rationale behind his decision to use a 2.5% per annum reduction. (See Action 663b.) |
It was agreed that an amount of £199.6k, currently within the Property & Equipment rolling programme, will be used to create a replacement fund for small items for the remainder of the 2014-15 Financial Year. |
663c | Treasury Management Report The Treasury Management Reports were presented to members of the Executive Board. |
The reports were approved. |
663d | Performance Update (inc: Finance / People / Performance) A discussion took place around the forecast expenditure on Overtime. (See Action 663d.) |
The Board agreed that a more detailed breakdown of Overtime is required. |
663e | Citizens in Policing ACC Paul Kennedy (PK) & Supt Richard Anderson (RA) attended the meeting and provided an overview of the Citizens in Policing strategy. The Board discussed the overall aim of the scheme. LW highlighted that it may be beneficial to encourage current volunteers to act as ambassadors for the Force when recruiting new or potential volunteers. (See Action 663e.) |
The Citizens in Policing strategy is to be reviewed and further developed; an outline of the benefits and potential future direction of the scheme is to be provided. |
RA left the meeting. Richard Flint (RF – Head of Estates, Logistics & Technology) entered the meeting. | ||
663f | Mobile Working PK gave an overview of the report on Mobile Working. Various options were discussed. It was noted that the implemented system must be in line with and supported by future development of Force technology and Information Security. (See Action 663f.) |
Further work is to be carried out in relation to Mobile Working. An update is to be provided at the Executive Board meeting scheduled for 24th March 2015. |
PK left the meeting. | ||
663g | Operational Estates Strategy Review The draft Operational Estates Strategy was considered. Further work aligning principles is to be undertaken. (See Action 663g.) |
It was acknowledged that this was work in progress. This is to be brought to the Executive Board in due course. |
663h | York Exhibits Store (Decision Notice) Kate Williams (KW) attended the meeting to provide an update on the York Exhibits Store. A discussion took place around the benefits, implications and finances of introducing this. (See Action 663h.) |
The Decision Notice was approved, with the funding for the York Exhibits Store being obtained from reserve funds. |
664 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note – Decision Making Forecast Status Update The Decision Making Forecast Status Update was discussed and accepted. |
(See Action 664.) |
665 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny GroupNo matters were raised for discussion. | |
666 | Concepts and/or Initiatives to be Discussed No matters were raised for discussion. |
667 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
667a | APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications WN noted that Tom Winsor will not visit the North Yorkshire area as planned. The Board agreed that enquiries should be made as to whether Mike Cunningham is available. The Board remained keen to engage with the Inspectorate leaders. | (See Action 667a.) |
667b | Events LogThe report was noted. | |
668 | Forthcoming Events or Communications No matters were raised for discussion. |
669 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by ExceptionNo matters were raised for discussion. | |
670 | Any Other Business No matters were raised for discussion. |
671 | Date & Time of Next MeetingThe Executive Board will next meet at 9am on Tuesday 24th February 2015 in Conference Room 1, NYP HQ, Newby Wiske. |