Executive Board Minutes – 26 March 2019
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 26 March 2019
Location: Keldy Meeting Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton
Chair: Julia Mulligan
Name and Role
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC)
Lisa Winward (LWi) Chief Constable (via telephone)
Andrew Brodie (AB) Interim Chief Fire Officer (CFiO)
Phil Cain (PC) Deputy Chief Constable
Will Naylor (WN) Deputy PCC for North Yorkshire
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Rena Brown (RB) Head of Commissioning & Partnerships (item 948b only)
Charlie French (CF) Programme Manager (item 948b only)
Richard Jones (RJ) Chief Digital Information Officer (item 948e only)
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer (Minutes)
Fraser Sampson (FS) Interim Chief Executive Officer
Maria Earles (ME) Head of Organisation & Development
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Items and Decisions:
Discussion | Outcome / Decision | ||
947 | Minutes of Previous Meeting | ||
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th November 2018 were approved for publication. Updates were provided for the Action Log.
948 | Decisions Required and Report for Information | ||
Complaints Business Case
WN provided a brief overview to the Board, however, it was accepted that at this stage the Board had had an opportunity to review the contents at various stages. The Board were advised that currently there were three other PCCs who had opted to take the option recommended within the report. It was agreed that the new team would be customer focused and not process driven. JP and MP agreed that whilst the financials had been captured elsewhere, further work was required to update them within the report. The Board approved the business case in principle; however it was agreed that further work was required to update the figures, outline key benefits, key individuals and what the necessary actions are going forward. Furthermore, it was agreed that project manager needed to be allocated and this needed to be discussed with ME. WN also to enquire in relation to already submitted commission to communication support.
T2020 – Formal Decisions and Governance RB provided the Board with an update in relation the programme status of T2020. A discussion took place in relation to the governance arrangements, current risks which are outlined on the register and potential support for the governance meetings going forward. It was agreed that a formal Enable Decision Notice needed to drafted and that PC would link in with Leanne Slater in relation to interim arrangements for support. It was accepted that certain meetings would ideally be managed by the OPFCC going forward, however, further work was required to enable this. It was further agreed that the Managing Director funding arrangements needed to be revisited as it was accepted that the split needed to be between Fire and Rescue and North Yorkshire Police only as it was common practice for the PFCC not to be charged in this way.
NEP Outline Business Case RJ presented a presentation to the Board in relation to the NEP Outline Business Case. The Board were advised that there was both a strong strategic and economic case and that this was linked to the National portfolio and the need to move across to utilising Office365. It was noted that NYFRS and OPFCC already use Office 365 and therefore overall it would improve inter-organisational working which helps with overall efficiency and effectiveness. A discussion took place around the various elements of this work including the interdependency of migration over to Windows 10. MP raised a number of concerns having sought viewpoints from within Cleveland due to the need for them to complete the same work. RJ agreed he would link in with Cleveland to gauge their view further. It was further agreed that this matter needed to go before Change Board first so that Change Board could advise Executive Board.
Code of Corporate Governance The Board were advised by MP that due to the significant changes which have occurred within the organisations from 1st April 2019, there were now a number of significant changes that need to made to the scheme of delegations. It was agreed that MP would make these changes and bring back to Board.
2019/2020 Medium Term Financial Plan – Police The Board noted the contents of the report. A discussion took place in relation the implications of the transfer of staff from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner as a corporation sole to the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire, particularly in relation to the impact on the contributions to the pension scheme due to differing surpluses. The Board were advised that whilst this did not in any way impact employee contributions or pension rights, there needed to be some further discussions in relation to future arrangements as either the surplus needed to transfer or, the arrangements needed to change to ensure there was only one ‘pension pot’ rather than two. It was agreed that the Board would need to be updated in relation to any resolution. Further discussion took place in relation to underspends due to the impact of holding vacancies, the costs associated to the voluntary redundancies and the risks associated to the ongoing issues of Mental Health places of safety being closed.
2019/2020 Medium Term Financial Plan – Fire The Board noted the contents of the report. It was noted that there have been some changes made to the pensions grant and that further information would be forthcoming in relation to this.
Treasury Management Report The Board noted the contents of the report. It was accepted that this was an area of risk due to the current political climate.
JIAC – Report Accounting Polices March The Board noted the contents of the report. It was highlighted that the word ‘impact’ at 3.2 needed to read ‘significant impact’ and this was accepted.
Action for 948a was raised
Action 948b was raised
Action 948c was raised
Action 948e was raised.
949 | Principle Risk Register | ||
The Board noted the contents of the report. It was agreed that there were differing views as to the level of risk allocated to some of the strategic risks. It was agreed that MP and JW would discuss this further.
Action 949 was raised. | ||
950 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | ||
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update
The report was noted by the Board. A discussion took place around the need for a number of items to be included which was likely to include: re-enforcing the frontline, T2020 – financial savings profile which would need to be included within the standard financial reports, the implementation to Enable and the pipeline for business change.
Action 950 was raised. | ||
Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list
The report was noted by the Board. It was agreed that further work was required to update the report following the decisions made in the recent months. It was accepted whilst this information would be published in due course it would not be possible to do at this stage.
951 | Matters relating to Public Accountability Meeting | ||
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A. | ||
952 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | ||
A discussion took place around the need for a causal link to be established work carried out and crime prevention following recent national discussion. It was agreed this was an area that was difficult to establish which in turn impacted the ability to request additional funding.
WN advised the Board about the super complaint in relation to the victims of domestic abuse.
MP advised that that were still a couple of weeks left to respond to the Transforming Select Committee’s Road Safety Consultation.
953 | Forthcoming Events or Communications | ||
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A | ||
954 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception | ||
JW provided the Board with updated charts. The Board noted the contents and discussed the contents, particularly in relation the figures relating to the compliance rates.
N/A. | ||
955 | Any Other Business (AOB) | ||
The Board were advised of the HMICFRS Peel Inspection which was due to start soon for Police whilst there was also a discovery week scheduled for Fire and Rescue.
The Board were advised of the impact of the Ineos sponsorship and the potential impact this was going to have on Tour de Yorkshire due to potential protesting. It was agreed that a briefing needed to be compiled for the PFCC and DPCC
PFCC requested that the research in relation to domestic abuse is brought to Board for discussion.
AB provided an update in relation to pay offer and the votes that were due to take place by the FBU. The Board were also advised of the recent positive development of there being an open recruitment process for the first time in 10 years.
Action 955 was raised. | ||
956 | Date & Time of Next Meeting | ||
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on 30th April in the Wensleydale Meeting Room, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters. | |||