Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 27 February 2024


 27.02.2024 in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Zoë Metcalfe (ZM)          – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Elliot Foskett (EF)            –  Acting Chief Constable, NYP

Tamara Pattinson (TP)    – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC

Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC

Michael Porter (MP)       – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Matthew Walker (MW)   – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Louise Branford – White (LB-W)– Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP

Lisa Stitt  (LS)                          – Assistant Chief Officer Enable

Maeve Chappell (MC)  – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Jenni Newberry (JN)         – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Sarah Davies (SD)             – Executive Assistant – Executive Management Team

Bethany Dollimore          – Business Governance Apprentice, OPFCC

Vicky Coe (VC)                 – Head of Prevention and Early Intervention, NYFRS

Apologies: Scott Bisset (SB)   – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Dyson (JD)   – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Simon Dennis (SD)  – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  The Commissioner welcomed the meeting.
2. Action Log/Minutes
  The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were approved.
3. North Yorkshire Police
  a.       Current and significant issues emerging

EF provided an update on the current and significant issues emerging nationally and locally. EF informed members that he will be stepping down from his role as Acting Chief Constable and the new Chief Constable will commence in role on the 1st of April.

b.      For Information and Discussion

EF updated the board of the vacancies in the control room, an advert will be sent out next week also to promote more on social media platforms and the interviews will begin in May.

c.       Decisions Required

No decisions required.

d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

A paper was not submitted to the board and ZM requested that this is provided for each meeting.

ZM would like a briefing before the next board meeting.

4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  a.       Current and significant issues emerging

MW provided an update to the board of national and local issues themes emerging. MW spoke to members about the recent fires in Valencia which were due to cladding and the one in China which was a result from an E- bike charger. National representatives from the UK have reached out to both countries to share learnings.

b.      For Information and Discussion

VC spoke to the paper on DBS and presented members with the main highlights from the report. All employees within NYFRS have been informed of the process and the service is on track for completion. ZM thanked all for their work on this.

c.       Decisions required

 MW spoke briefly to the report on wildfires. ZM agreed to accept the donation.

d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

Shows signs of progression, 2024 prep for inspection, will provide a path for 2025. Strategic brief will have a lot to say and a lot of future activities.

5. enableNY
  a.     Current and significant issues emerging

LS informed members that the enable review is underway with interviews beginning this week. The review is still on plan to deliver in March and there will be a series of workshops for back office colleagues.

 b.     For Information and Discussion

 An update on the proposed Estates Strategy was presented to the board. Budgets and timescales were discussed at length and it was agreed that the new Estates Strategy will be completed by the end of the next financial year.

 c.      Decisions required

 No decisions required.

7. Legal Services
  a.       Updates

No items presented.

 b.      Collaboration agreement

8. Finance
  a.       Updates

MP highlighted key areas of the Budget Monitoring Reports for the third quarter. The financial year has been extended and a further outturn report will be provided. ZM approved the use of some of the interest received to replace reserves where needed.

The Decision Notice for the 2024/25 fire budget and the 2024/25 Police budge were approved and can be published on the OPFCC website.

ZM approved the Treasury Management Strategies.

ZM asked that an update regarding PCSO recruitment is sent to her.

  a.       Commissioning & Partnerships

JN have launched a Violence strategy plan with a budget to cover this year and next year. Expansions of the knife bins and bleed out strategy.

b.      OPFCC updates

No items for this section.

 c.       Devolution

JN spoke to members about the York and North Yorkshire combined authority and how it is all progressing.

10. Risks
  a.       NYP

Members discussed how the risk management is used and the changes that could be made moving forward.

b.      NYFRS

No updates for this period.

 c.       OPFCC

Transition to combined authority safely moving across.

11. Communications update/ Forward planning
  MC spoke to members about the great success of the media for York minister NYP, NYFS. Updates on VAWG between 18-24th of March. It’s the 10th Anniversary of Claire’s law next week.
12. PFCC – matters for discussion
  No items for discussion.