Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 28 January 2020

Tuesday 28th January 2020 09:30-12:30
Dalby Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton


Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Will Naylor (WN) – Deputy North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Mike Walker (MW) – Assistant Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service
Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police
Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable
Jane Palmer (JP) – Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant
Sophia Lenton-Brook (SLB) – Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (minutes)


Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police


Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service
Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Sharon Caddell (SC) – Temporary Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Rena Brown (RB) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor


    For Action By 
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies   
  JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance and apologies are noted above.   
2.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 26th November 2019 & Action Log   
  The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.  

Matters Arising & Action Log Updates 

  • Action Carried Forward Change Pipeline: Agreed for an updated scheduled to be presented at the January Executive Board Meeting. ME reported to members that further work is required to develop this document. JM stated that this document must link to the priorities of the Police Crime Plan and evidence base how the priorities have been achieved. LW felt that it is important that outcomes need to be considered in order to demonstrate what success looks like. Agreed for ME/WN to take forward the development of the change pipeline document. Agreed for an update on this action at the next meeting.  
  • ENABLE NY: Agreed for draft agreement to be circulated for agreement & signature. Action completed 
  • Joint Estate Strategy: Agreed for updated scheduled for January Meeting. Action Completed 







3.  Enable Agreement     
  SD presented the final revised Enable Agreement to members for sign off. SD stated that the revised agreement includes the requested amendment to the line management clause. All members considered the revised document and agreed to sign off the agreement. All members wanted to thank JW for her contribution and hard work in respect of this piece of work.    
4.  Strategic Leadership Structure, Fire Service    
  AB informed members that the Fire Service have reviewed and developed a new leadership structure, the Strategic Leadership Team. AB provided an overview to members of the new structure at the meeting: 

  • Chief Fire Officer (AB) will directly line manage the Deputy Chief Fire Officer (JF) and two Area Managers (Head of Operational Resilience and Head of Assurance). AB stated that one Area Manager post is currently vacant following Carl Boasman securing a job in another FRS. An applicant from South Yorkshire Fire Service has accepted the Head of Assurance post following a recent recruitment campaign. AB confirmed with members that these four posts are the core full time fire and rescue service posts in the senior team.  
  • AB stated that there is a third temporary Area Manager post (Head of Risk & Resource). Phil Whild has been appointed to it following a recent recruitment.  
  • Managing Director of Enable, Monitoring Officer and S.151 are also members of the Strategic Leadership Team structure  
  • Additionally, there will be three trusted advisors 
  1. Trusted Advisor, OPFCC: Fiona Kinnear, Policy & Scrutiny Officer 
  1. Trusted Advisor, Comms: Sarah Woodcock, Fire Service  
  1. Trusted Advisor, Finance: Claire Godfrey, Fire Service 


JM requested for the Leadership chart to be slightly amended and requested for the following amends to be made: Trusted Advisor for Comms & Finance and the Managing Director boxes to be changed to purple.  


Action: AB agreed to amend the Fire Service Leadership Chart presentation for PAM 


AB stated that the new structure should support the service delivery of the Enable agreement which in turn will help develop strategies and support the tactics and delivery model. Both JM/RW supported the changes to the Leadership Structure. 


Action: Agreed for AB to present the Governance Structure at the next meeting. Additionally, JM also requested an update at the next meeting on the Fire Service Risk Register as concerns have been raised in respect of general IT issues experienced, ICT issues of MDT’s and ICT issues regarding Firewatch and Vision. 





































5.  Ingleton & Bentham Report     
  RW presented the options report in regard to the co-location of Operational North Yorkshire Police staff within the Craven district at either Ingleton or Bentham:  

  • Option One: Co-locate police and fire and rescue in Bentham on-call fire station 
  • Option Two: Co-locate police and ambulance in Ingleton police station 


RW requested members to consider the report and requested a decision on either option one or option two. Members spent a lengthy time at the meeting considering the options. LW felt that Bentham provides a better option in terms of location and servicing the community for operational Police staff however, felt from a public and community point of view it would still be beneficial to have visible operational Police staff presents in Ingleton. LW felt it would be useful to review the location data in Ingleton. JM agreed with this and suggested dropin sessions to be held in Ingleton at community locations, including: Community Centre, Youth Hostel and National Park offices.  



  • All members agreed with Option one and it was also agreed to commit to a drop-in surgery in Ingleton 
  • RW to circulate additional data regarding Ingleton locations and finance data in terms of hiring a venue for drop-in surgeries. 
  • JM requested for local parish councillors, Yorkshire Ambulance Service COMMS team and Managers/Operational (Fire & Police) staff to be made aware of the decision.   
  • WN to develop a Decision Notice regarding Ingleton & Bentham and circulate this electronically prior to the next meeting.  


























6.  Ryedale Hub Report   
  RW presented the report requesting Executive Members to consider the option to co-locate local police officers in the offices of Ryedale District: The Executive are therefore asked to consider the information in this report and decide if they support:  

  • Provision of a co-located police office in the Ryedale Hub (RDC Offices)  
  • Provision of a capital budget in 2019/20 for estates and ICT connections as set out in this report  
  • Provision of a revenue budget from 2020/21 onwards for provision of the facilities and ICT links  


Members spent a considerable time at the meeting discussing this. It was agreed that North Yorkshire Police should join the Ryedale Hub as well as continuing with a smaller outpost at the Eden Park development.   


Action: Agreed for WN to develop the report into a decision notice. Agreed for the OPFCC to write a letter to elected Stakeholders regarding the decision notice. 


Addendum to the minutes (31-01-20): ‘The publication of the decision notice will be delayed, but will still be as soon as practicable, because decision to develop a Ryedale Hub has not yet been made by Ryedale District Council. Once their decision has been made and confirmed, we can then confirm our decision. It legally needs to be in this order.  Once confirmed, we can then publish the decision within two days. 
















7.  Strategic Assets Management Plan Update     
  This item was for information purposes only. The presentation provided an overview of the Strategic Asset Management Plan (Estates) and the current work which includes development of Target Operating Model and Risk and Resource Model, co-locating offices and refresh stock condition data for Police (Fire Service to follow).    
8.  Treasury Management Mid-Year Review Report 2019-20   
  This report was noted by members at the meeting. No matters arose.     
9.  Control Strategy    
  MW presented the Control Strategy report to members specifically highlighting the key areas of the strategy. MW stated that the Tactical Board and the Ops Board will develop actions around the strategic themes. In addition, each Heads of Function will have objectives set in regard to the strategy and deliver those via service plans, which will provide a mechanism for scrutiny and reporting back to the Boards. Members spent a lengthy discussion at the meeting considering the report. JM felt that members needed to have a better understanding on how the specific areas were chosen within the Strategy. MW stated that a MoRILE risk assessment was used to inform the areas of the strategy and the themes chosen will help build a suite of deliverables that will improve North Yorkshire Police’s understanding and delivery in those specific areas. WN felt that the risk assessment (MoRILE) does not consider public sentiment therefore other areas are not always chosen for example stalking. Additionally, JM felt that Rural Crime is an increasing area of crime within North Yorkshire particularly within the agricultural communities and felt that this area should also be considered within the strategy. JM attended a recent NFU meeting where anecdotal evidence was provided by farmers who had been affected by crime in North Yorkshire. WN informed members that the National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) has also commissioned research which is anticipated to be completed by March 2020 in respect of organised crime in rural areas and felt that it would be useful for NYP to link into the research. MW agreed to liaise with WN regarding potential research participation of Police Officer at focus groups. WN share the early findings with the Executive Board. MW reassured members that from a tactical policing perspective that the force will not just prioritise the four specific areas raised within the report but will continue to deliver services on all areas of crime.  



  • JM requested for LW/MW to liaise with the NFU (Thirsk Office) and meet with farmers who have been affected by crime.  
  • NRCN Research Initial Research findings to be an agenda item at the March 2020 Executive Board Meeting. 
  • MW agreed to liaise with WN regarding potential research participation of Police Officer at focus groups. 
  • Members requested for Mark Bates via ME to provide a more detailed paper in respect of the control strategy and how it specifically links to commissioning.  



































10.  Target Operating Model    
  ME provided a presentation at the meeting to members on the Target Operating Model (TOM) and how this links with operational areas/Enable following the disestablishment of Transform 2020. JM raised concern regarding how key strategic themes would be transferred across from Transform 2020 and requested ME to provide a more in-depth presentation at the March 2020 Executive Board meeting.    






11.  Force Control Room Update    
  RW provided an overview to members regarding the Force Control Room ICT Systems due to the increase in costs: 

  • The current FCR ICT system is composed of a range of software products. Some of which require upgrading to enable them to be supported by their software providers to achieve the level of resilience and stability necessary for such a critical system. 
  • A risk based project approach is being taken and identified risks are being mitigated by appropriate software upgrades 
  • Looking forward any new FCR system is best delivered from a position of system stability this work will put NYP in such a stable position. 
  • Potential timescales of the review will be 2 years from procurement to completion. Regional procurement options have also been considered.  


JM asked RW if there was a failure of ICT systems within Force Control Room is there alternative provisions in place. RW sated that there is business continuity and support will be offered via another force area in the short term. AB informed members that the Fire Service Control Room ICT package will be up for renewal in 2022. AB stated that this could provide a potential opportunity to collaborate where possible with either systems or shared office areas. 


Action: RW agreed to provide a further update at the April 2020 meeting in respect of the Force Control Room project 























12.  AOB   
  No matters Arose.    
13.  Date of Next Meeting:   
  Tuesday 25th February 2020, 09:30-12:30, Keldy Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton   
