Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board minutes: 28 May 2013



 Minutes of the meeting held at the Offices of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Melmerby, on Tuesday 28 May 2013.


In the Chair:                   Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers:                       T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); OPCC Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); OPCC Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh (KM); Deputy Force Solicitor Jane Wintermeyer (JW); OPCC Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN).


Apologies were received Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis.


Several amendments were required, subject to these amendments the minutes were approved for publication.

DN 0272013 – Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) JP confirmed that negotiations were due to proceed with City of York Council regarding the provision of the MARRAC post within the MASH.

DN 047/2013 – ANPR WN confirmed that the communications plan for the ANPR Decision Notices is being prepared by the Corporate Communications Manager (NB), the Planning and Performance Support Officer (GA with the  the Head of Specialist Operations (AH).

DN 045/2013 – Financial Impact and Related Matters: JP circulated an extract for the draft decision notice which provides the total costs, savings and salaries for senior posts.

GM confirmed that the new business planning forecast will be available for the Executive Board on 4th June.


049/2013 Securing of Resources on a Partnership Interagency Basis: JM endorsed the approach to secure the use of external resources.  Discussion took place regarding communications to individuals likely to be effected by the change proposals and ensuring that context and clarity is provided for those individuals.  JC will ensure that all individuals are notified accordingly.

It was also agreed to re-title the Decision Notice to ‘Resourcing of Independent Human Resources’.

ACTION:  That individuals effected by the change proposals be notified;

ACTION:  That the Decision Notice is approved,

050/2013 Appointment of Independent Member to Audit Committee:  The appointment of Howard Cutler was approved.  JM clarified that the Joint Independent Audit Committee members do not receive an allowance but do receive reimbursement of expenses, which are to be published on the Commissioners website.  JM also clarified that a fourth member is still required.

ACTION:  CEA to liaise with GM regarding recruitment of a fourth member.


There were no matters to note.


There were no matters to note.


1)Decision Making Process:  JC highlighted the relationship between the decision making process and management according to risk, and how the different groups will sit within one another.

The Board also discussed the contact between the various groups, agreeing that whilst the weekly meetings will be regular enough to ensure continuity the monthly and quarterly meetings will require mechanisms to ensure actions are followed up and retrospective reporting is in place.    TM suggested that at the next Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group (CPCG) sample cases and the decision making process is discussed to develop the mechanisms.

ACTION:  Draft briefing of sample cases and decision making process for the CPCG agenda to be discussed at 4 June Executive Board.

Strategic Partnering Approach and Stage 2 Transfer Board Terms of Reference:  JC  confirmed  that the list of attendees are the Commissioner, CC, DCC, and CEO. Working groups will be established to manage the transition.

Corporate Performance Approach:  At the CPCG the options for the Corporate Performance Approach will be discussed.  This will be in order to explain the rational for option 4 (risk based approach) as the preferred option and why the other options are due to be discounted.

Internal Partnership Board:  JC talked through the rationale for the Board, attendees will be JM, DJ, TM and JC.  There will be criteria to set out the principles and mechanisms of the Internal Partnership Board.

2)  Annual Governance Statement (AGS):  The AGS includes a comparison pre and post Commissioner which is required in order to meet the criteria to show the Commissioners governance arrangements and those which existed under the previous governance regime.  The Head of Risk and Assurance has requested one to one meetings to discuss the internal control systems with Executive Board members, GM recommended that following these meetings the feedback is consolidated and brought back to the Executive Board in June.

JC explained the interrelationship between the  AGS, the  Annual Report, the Statement of Accounts and the  Corporate Risk Register.  It was also noted that a separate AGS will need to be produced for areas of governance that are wholly discrete to the Chief Constable.

The Board also briefly discussed the style and content of the Annual Report, which will be scheduled for further discussion at the Executive Board on 4 June.

ACTIONS: That the following be provided to the Executive Board on 4 June:

  • Risk update from the Head of Risk and Assurance;
  • JP to provide a draft Final Accounts Explanatory Foreword;
  • Initial briefing for the format of the AGS
  • Style and content of the Annual Report to be discussed at the Executive Board on 4 June.


1)  Government announcement on Traffic Courts:  The Board discussed several elements of the Government’s plan to have traffic courts for low level road traffic offenders in each force area by April 2014.  TM offered to contact the NYCC and City of York Council leads to ascertain what funding is available.

ACTION:  Funding requirements and approach to be discussed in further detail a future meeting of the Executive Board.

2)  Rehabilitation:  The Board discussed how NYP will link in with the probation service in the future and how the new structure will develop.  JM highlighted that Police and Crime Commissioners have an increased role and will be a key partner for new providers.  The Board agreed that following an assessment of providers and investment, there is the opportunity to review the key priorities and the direction required to progress the rehabilitation agenda.

3)  NPAS:  JC provided an update on a recent meeting of the NPAS Board.  The Board discussed concerns regarding how reduced demand will not reduce associated costs.

4)  CSP Funding and Dip Funding Issues:  WN confirmed that he had received the relevant paperwork and that correspondence will be sent to all CSPs imminently. GM advised that the national funding had reduced by 25% and recommended that a milestone plan should be worked up to set objectives and the commissioning approach for 2014/15.


1) JM requested a briefing in preparation of her meeting with regional Commissioners on 29 May and with Ministers on 3 June to discuss the funding of the Grand Depart.

ACTION:  Funding briefing note to be provided to JM.

2) JM advised the Board that she has received correspondence from the Victims Commissioner which will be circulated to the Executive Board.

3) TM provided an update on the measures taken by NYP following the Woolwich terrorist incident.

TM also advised that a draft Decision Notice for the reprovision of Ripon police station is being drafted.  JM requested that it includes rational on why the alternative options which were discounted.


There were no matters to note.


9am Tuesday 11 June 2013.