Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 3 December 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, on Tuesday 3 December 2013.

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).

Also in attendance for minute 260(1): ACC Paul Kennedy (PK); and Acting Detective Chief Superintendent Amanda Oliver (AO); and Staff Officer Sergeant Simon Williamson (SW).

Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


Apologies were received from the Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); and Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW).


  1. Operational Policing Model (OPM): North Yorkshire Police are looking at how to optimise existing resources to provide an improved service to the public. The approach will include looking at our people, our processes, or technology and our operational delivery. A new Operational Policing Model will be developed by April 2014, this will help us deliver the goals within the Police and Crime Plan. AO provided a presentation on the key elements of the proposed OPM and included input from SW on his experiences of the tools available to Safer Neighbourhood Team and Response and Reassurance officers. SW also provided a printout of an officer’s blog which illustrates the OPM environment, which he invited Executive Board members to provide feedback on following the meeting.
    The Board discussed several issues, most notably:

    • Communications Plan – this is in development but at a stage where input from JM would be timely. JM welcomed this opportunity and provided feedback from various individuals who had raised queries regarding the OPM. The Board agreed that as part of the Communications Plan it would be beneficial to have one to one meetings with these individuals to address their queries and provide support.
    • SW advised of the potential benefits of mobile tablets allowing officers to input and respond to real time data and of body worn cameras to provide assurance to communities but also as a deterrent.
    • Defining the roles of and requirements for PCSOs within the OPM;
    • Refreshing and aligning the Police and Crime Plan with the OPM based on performance and reducing demand; and the implications of the Police and Crime Plan on the OPM.
    • JM informally proposed Safer Neighbourhood Teams be renamed Safer Community Teams.
    • JM asked if there would be the opportunity to upgrade the Neighbourhood Watch technology as part of the OPM.
    • RESOLVED: That the proposals for the OPM continue to be developed.

  2. Mobile Asset Utilisation and Deployment System (MAUDS) Discussion Paper: The Board agreed that subject to resource funding being allocated, approval is given to progress this proposal for a new telematics fleet system to a business case.

    ACTION; MAUDS Business Case to be progressed (Lead: Head of Transport and Operational Lead)


    Subject to two amendments the minutes of the Executive Board held on 26 November were approved as a true record for publication.

    JM asked on the progress of the amended Out of Court Disposal’s Scrutiny Panel Decision Notice.

    ACTION: CA to follow up with report author/Corporate Communications Department.
    When advertising the post interest will be invited from potential applicants.
    In regard to minute 253(3) Replacement for NSPIS, HR and Training Admin System, (Report for a Decision), JP advised that further clarity is required regarding the number of posts.

    ACTION: JP will provide a further update will be provided to the Executive Board on 10 December 2013.


1) Second Draft 2014/15 Budget: JP highlighted various elements of the report, in particular a run through of major items not yet included in the draft budget which require finalising. Following feedback from Executive Board Members JP will amend the draft budget.

ACTION: JP to amend report and resubmit for discussion at the executive Board on 17 December 2013.


  1. 1) Decision Making Forecast: The board agreed that as time should be set aside at the meeting of the Executive Board on 10 December to allow thorough final discussion of the Review of Chief Officers Remuneration, the following items scheduled for 10 December should be scheduled for another date:
    • Criminal Justice Traffic Process (previously named Safety Camera Van Operations) DN: To come back in January, date to be confirmed. The Board requested that this retains its former title of Safety Camera Van Operations;
    • Proposals for the Use of Safety Camera Van Surplus (review of the current financial position) Report JP/GM: JP suggested that this is removed from 10.12.13 and comes back in January, at the same time as the Criminal Justice Traffic Process (previously named Safety Camera Van Operations) DN;
    • Domestic Abuse Co-ordinators DN: Decision Notice not required as it has been confirmed that funding will continue until September 2014. Posts will belong under NYP with effect from 1 April 2014.
    • Centralised Storage of Exhibits and paper records presentation: Rescheduled for 17 December 2013.
      The following amendments were also made to the Decision Making Forecast:
    • 17 December 2013: Pre order of Vehicles for Fleet – the Board agreed this needs to be a Decision Notice not a report;
    • January 2014: Treasury Management Review Report (quarterly report): brought forward to 28 January 2014


There were no matters to note.


  1. Review of Chief Police Officer Remuneration Terms – Update: The Board were provided with a further update on actions undertaken for the Review of Chief Police Officer Remuneration Terms:
    • SD informed the Board of responses received to date from Chief Police Officers who have received payments which may have had no basis in law, who were sent letters asking them to provide further information and/or to repay money which appears to have been outside of the Police Authority’s power to pay. Responses were requested by 6 December 2013.
    • Counsel’s opinion has been urgently sought on the merits of legal steps to recover money paid which may not have had a basis in law. Counsel has provided initial views in telephone conference, a summary of which SD verbally reported to the Executive Board.
    • In the light of one aspect of that advice (and in the light of further advice provided by SD by way of amplification of his advice on 19 November 2013) the publication strategy was revisited. The Commissioner noted that the issue of inherent legal merit of recovery claims and of the relative strengths and weaknesses of particular factual and legal features of such matters, were issues in which Police & Crime Commissioners across the country have a legitimate stake. Notwithstanding the desire to deal with this matter with the maximum degree of openness and transparency, the Commissioner recognises that decisions to deliberate lawfulness and recoverability in other parts of the country will be highly context-specific and will not be assisted by the publication by North Yorkshire of what would otherwise be material subject to legal advice privilege or litigation privilege. The Commissioner has concluded that it would be against the national public interest to publish either Counsel’s advice or any element of the review product which addresses the merits of recovery litigation, until such time as the public interest dictates otherwise. Counsel will need to be informed urgently of the Commissioner’s revised stance on this matter. ACTION: SD.
    • JP confirmed that the insurance arrangements for Chief Police Officers Staff Association (CPOSA) had been actioned in accordance with the minutes of 19 November 2013.
    • SD confirmed that fact finding in relation to missing documentation and in relation to the rented accommodation for one particular Chief Officer, continues with the assistance of the Chief Constable’s staff officer.
    • The External Auditor, Internal Audit and the Chair of the Joint Independent Audit Committee have been informed by GM of the decisions taken by the Executive Board.

    ACTION: An outline draft decision notice (once account has been taken of any further responses received by close of business on 6 December 2013 and upon receipt of Counsel’s Advice) will be formulated for presentation at the Executive Board on 10 December 2013 (Lead SD);

    ACTION: The draft Decision Notice to be produced at the meeting of 10 December 2013 should be accompanied by suggested redacted versions of the review report and its appendices (Lead SD);

    ACTION: A draft Communications Strategy will be formulated for the Executive Board on 10 December 2013 (Lead WN and the Commissioners Public Engagement Officer);

    ACTION: Interest from the media this week, will be answered with a suitable holding statement (Lead WN and the Commissioners Public Engagement Officer).

  2. HMIC Value for Money Profile 2013: JM requested that the analysis for this report is discussed at the Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group.

    ACTION: Analysis to be scheduled for the Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group on 10 December 2013.

  3. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
  4. Events: The report was noted.


There were no matters to note.


The next meeting will take place at 9am on Tuesday 10 December 2013 at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske.