Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 30 July 2013



Minutes of the meeting held at the Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 30 July 2013.


In the Chair:                   Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers:                          Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance  Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN); Deputy Force Solicitor Jane Wintermeyer (JW).

Minute taker:                 Chief Executive Support Officer Debbie Allinson (DA).


Apologies were received from the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW);


GM to make a couple of minor typing amendments prior to publication.

GM confirmed the date for the Decision Notice in relation to item 6.1The National e-Commerce Solution for NYP will be 13 August.  JW will check that SD has seen a copy of the collaborative agreement.

GM advised that item 145 1) should read 059/2013 Adequacy Assessment of Exhibits Storage Facilities and before the second paragraph in this section, the heading Centralised Storage of Exhibits and Paper Records (Discussion Paper) should be inserted.

GM advised that item 148 should read 1) The National eCommerce Solution for NYP (see minute 143) and 2) Centralised Storage of Exhibits and Paper Records Discussion Paper (see minute 145).

GM also advised that Communications are planned to inform staff and officers of the change of name from POTF to Exhibits Storage.

GM advised that he would follow up the two Decision Notices for Capital Works which were agreed at the Executive Board on 10 July as they required additional information.


1)  Procurement of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (Report for a Decision);  The Board acknowledged that to ensure best value, adopting a supplier from another framework outside of the Sprint Two was necessary.  The Board agreed that the correct procurement process had been followed and on the principle of best value, the decision notice was approved.

The Board stated that compliance with mandated frameworks occurred routinely but that on this occasion this would not achieve best value.

JM advised that appropriate representation of best value and framework constraints would be made.

GM to email Police and Crime Commissioners Treasurers Society (PaCCTS) the approach we have taken and ask if others have undertaken this approach at times to ensure value for money.

2)  Financial Update on the new Safety Camera Van (Discussion Paper):  The Board discussed the initial performance of this project, specifically around ensuring that the team is effective.  DJ stated that the aim of the scheme is to reduce fatalities and that the benefits will be assessed at the 6 month review.  The project is due to be reviewed at the beginning of December and the outcome should be reported back to the Corporate Performance and Coordination Group (CPCG) in December 2013.  Discussion took place around the possible future expansion of this scheme in terms of vans and in terms of scope of offences covered.

TM to determine with CS Higgins if they feel a Decision Notice or a Discussion Paper could be provided to the Executive Board in December to coincide with the review document going to the CPCG so that if successful, next steps to expand the safety aspects of the project can be decided.

3)  Windsor Fitness Test (Information Paper): DJ confirmed that all operationally deployable Police Officers will be required to pass the test and it is officers own personal responsibility to do so. In line with National Guidance no additional support will be provided.

DA to provide internal Communications Plan to TM.

4) Regional Collaboration Future Arrangements (Discussion Paper):

For background to this item please see the attached joint communication issued on 26 July 2013.

Discussion took place around the proposals including the redeployment of staff and what the changes mean for NYP.  TM advised that decisions to place staff affected will be made by the home force, this will not be a regional decision.  Phase 2 will be completed by 2 September 2013 which includes finalisation and agreement of Lead Forces for the different portfolios.   GM advised that South Yorkshire Police (SYP) as lead force for Procurement have requested all YaTH forces provide views on the service.  These will be incorporated into an independent internal audit of Regional Procurement.  The purpose of this work is to provide a baseline position prior to transfer to SYP as lead force.

GM to draft a response to TM to draw together any Regional Procurement service issues identified and the service requirements of NYP to contribute to the overall transition of this function to lead force status.

GM to check existing agreement exit clauses.

Progress will be discussed at future Executive Board meetings.

5) OPCC Compliance with SIO Update (Progress Report): Police and Crime Commissioners need to be compliant with the Elected Local Policing Bodies Specified Information Order (SIO) 2011 by 12August 2013.

The new website for the Police and Crime Commissioner is due to go live imminently and many items are ready to be published when the website goes live.  There is some development work still to do which will be worked on this week.  The Commissioner’s clear intention is that information needs to be embedded into the site so that the website is easily searchable and accessible by the public.

The Board agreed that contracts should be published on the PCC website as primacy and therefore the NYP website should link across.  However to mitigate significant back dating work, a message will be broadcast on both sites stating the date data was archived and that going forward the PCC will publish these details. A timetable will be produced for all SIO monthly uploads.

The Board agreed that as SIOs can cover any significant public interest matters, all Chairs of corporate meetings on the governance meeting schematic will cover this as a standard Agenda item to support the transparency approach throughout the organisation.  The definition of ‘significant public interest’ is currently in draft form.  This needs to be written in plain English and then circulated for reference purposes to the Chairs of corporate meetings to support this process.  Minutes will then be published on the PCC’s website.

JC advised that the overall approach is that of transparency.

The PCC’s expenses are published and contract arrangements and procurement procedures are in place and continue to be adhered to.

OPCC to progress the development of the website to publish information by 12 August. 

SD to progress publicising contracts with Legal Dep by 12 August (providing the website development work is complete).

GM to progress an interactive version of the meeting schematic so that SIO items can be loaded into each meeting.  Content to be agreed by end of August 2013 and tested by end of September.  If successful for the intranet version then roll out to the external website will be progressed accordingly.

SD to circulate the definition of SIO for publication on 12 August 2013.

JC to review Scheme of Delegation and Devolved Resource Manual which support the transparent reporting of expenses, contracts etc.



Decisions made by the CEO, the Heads of Function, the CFOs and Force Solicitor under delegated authority: This is the first of these reports to go to the Executive Board and covers the last quarter. GM asked the Board to discuss and raise any issues. In future, monthly updates will go to the Executive Board at the end of each month following the reporting period which they relate to.  The Board agreed that going forward, this report will be published on the Commissioner’s website.

GM to arrange for the text to be finalised and arrange a timetable for publicising this report by 9 August 2013.

DA to ensure the list is comprehensive by 9 August 213.

Decision Making Forecast Status Update: Discussion took place regarding the Forecast and whether Decisions are going to the correct meeting group.  The Forecast was reviewed and amended to reflect decisions made.

JM raised concern regarding the Victims Services Commissioning scheduled for the Board in October as she needs to respond to the national consultation by 27 September 2013.  The Board agreed to remit this to the Delivery Board to progress and feedback to the Executive Board on 3 September 2013.

Amendments made;

27 August – Add item for “Stage 2 transfer – first draft for consideration”.  This is to be issued to members via email as the Board meeting is not taking place.

Confirmation that 3 September 2013 will now be taking place with substantive item – Stage 2 Transfers and also Victims Commissioning.

Northern Base evaluation information is to be circulated to Board members as soon as practical.  This will inform public consultation.  The Executive Board meeting on 10 September 2013 will confirm direction of the Northern Base taking into consideration public feedback.

17 September 2013 – 2 contract renewals to be approved under delegated powers outside of the Executive Board meeting to the appropriate signatory. Include on item – Delivery Board Programme update (essentially the first full assessments on Delivery Board areas of work). This will also link into the NYP Transformational Map (T-Map) discussed in item 157.

Two papers awaiting allocation to the Board in September are to be postponed.  These are Hi Tech Crime and Organised Crime.  The Board decided due to the number of items awaiting decisions, these were for information and would prioritise key decision items.

Budget Setting updates in the business planning timetable to be incorporated onto the forecast for Executive Board.

GM to remit “Victims Right to Review” to the Delivery Board and feedback to the Executive Board on 3 September 2013.



Discussion took place around the format and content of this report.  Development of this report and future publication considerations are to be remitted to the Corporate Performance and Coordination Group meeting tomorrow for consideration.  The intention is to publish the report on the PCC’s website to ensure transparency and accountability.

GM to remit to the Corporate Performance and Coordination Group and progress amendments to the report with the Corporate Performance Team.


The NYP Draft Transformational Map: Discussion took place regarding the Transformational Map with  positive feedback.  The Board agreed that a review of the different pieces of work should take place giving consideration to organisational risk, resources, savings and priorities in line with the Affordability Programme and the Police and Crime Plan to agree which to prioritise.  It was agreed to remit this to the Delivery Board to work up detailed prioritised plans for the future and then progress discussion at the Executive Board on 17 September 2013.

Delivery Board to progress.



1)  Internal Audit Report: Asset Management – Capital Replacement Final Report:  GM confirmed there are no significant risks.  NYP are already delivering recommendations made.  The Board discussed the timeliness of the report and agree that they would like to be aware of any issues quicker.

JC to feedback to Audit Committee regarding turnaround of reports.

2)  APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications:  Discussion took place around communications and consultations provided in the update.  JC stated that she has not been receiving some of the letters from APACE but this has been addressed.

JM to respond to Home Office consultation on Special Constables expenses and allowances.


JC raised the need for the Board to coordinate attendance for these events.

DA and WN to discuss a process for identifying national events and Commissioning processes to ensure the most appropriate Board member attends/ leads.  


JW raised one FOI that had been received.  The Board agreed that they wanted to see context and as much information as possible in respect to FOIs as part of the transparency agenda.

JW to link with LC in Human Resources to provide information for TM to sign off by Friday 2 August 2013.


DJ requested that Vision / Mission values need to be agreed.

GM to arrange the follow up meeting in respect of vision, mission and values via the secretariat.


The meeting on 6 August will be cancelled.

The next meeting will take place at 9am on Tuesday 13 August at the offices of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 4ST.