Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive board minutes: 4 June 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the Offices of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Melmerby, on Tuesday 4 June 2013.

In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); OPCC Chief Executive
Officer Joanna Carter (JC); OPCC Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh (KM); OPCC Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN).


All members of the Board were present.


JC flagged up several amendments, the minutes will be amended to reflect these changes and re-circulated to the Board.

ACTION: CEA to amend the minutes and circulate to Executive Board members.

JM requested an update on the progress of draft Decision Notice 047/2013 ANPR Back Office Function, especially as there had been some media interest in ANPR and there is the opportunity for a positive news story. KM undertook to follow up the progress of the Decision Notice and for it to be submitted to JM for final approval as soon as possible and to also liaise with the media. DJ sought clarity on the ANPR requirements at Catterick Garrison and on being informed, requested that this Decision Notice also be progressed and submitted to the Executive Board as soon as possible.

ACTION: KM to follow up the progress of the ANPR Back Office Function Decision Notice, to then be submitted to JM for approval and publication.

ACTION: KM to liaise with the media regarding an ANPR news article.

ACTION: KM/GM to advise colleagues to progress with a Decision Notice for the ANPR requirements at Catterick Garrison.

JP confirmed that in relation to Decision Notice 045/2013 Financial Impact, the total costs, savings and salaries for senior posts have been finalised. JM confirmed that the OPCC staff salaries are not to be individually listed, only the total staff costs. The only outstanding issue which remains is receiving confirmation from the Superintendents Association that they are in agreement to the names and salaries of Superintendents being published. TM undertook to seek via the Superintendents Association NYP representative their support for the release of this information before the decision notice is finalised and published.

ACTION: TM to speak with the Superintendents Association NYP representative.

ACTION: Once support from the Superintendents Association is confirmed, JP to finalise the Decision Notice and submit it to JM for final approval and publication.

In reference to minute 91(1), TM confirmed that he will be taking operational responsibility for the 95 Alive initiative when ACC Spittal leaves NYP to take up his new position with Cleveland police.

In reference to minute 91(4), GM advised that he had received a response from Richmond CSP which he will forward to JM and also confirmed that there is a schedule of funding streams. DJ asked how the funding is directly linked to the forces delivery plans, GM responded that each CSP have a statutory duty to produce a delivery plan, which are anticipated to reflect NYPs delivery plans.

JP confirmed that the draft decision notice for the Multi Agency Safe Guarding Hub (027/2013) had been updated, however she was waiting for confirmation from NYCC in regard to the appointment of the MARRAC post.


There were no Decision Notices for approval.


There were no matters to note.


There were no matters to note.


  1. Business Planning and Forecasting: GM circulated hard copies of the Business and Financial Planning Timetable and talked through its design to support the senior management structure and decision making support arrangements. GM requested that following the Executive Board members provide any feedback directly to GM which he will consolidate for the Executive Board on 11 June. GM also presented the Decision Making Forecast, which identifies and consolidates organisational decision making requirements. The first draft of the Forecast has been circulated to Heads of Departments for their input and to identify any gaps or inaccuracies.

    The Board discussed the public spending proposals due to be announced by the Government on 26th June and the impact of the anticipated cuts will have on NYP departments. The Board also discussed the strategic planning approach and how this will be developed through key dates:

    • 6th June the Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group will take place. This will provide the opportunity for JM and DJ to give key messages and also for guidance to be provided to Heads of Departments for the forthcoming Engagement Sessions;
    • 19th, 21st, 26th June day long Engagement Sessions between JM, JC, DJ and Heads of Departments.
    • 27th, 28th June day long sessions between JM, JC and DJ to determine the strategic planning approach, priorities and outline savings.

    The Board also discussed the possible opportunity to work with the University of York to develop an independent and low cost evidence framework for the strategy and framework.

    ACTION: Members to provide feedback to GM on the Business and Financial
    Planning timetable, which will be consolidated and brought back to the Executive Board on 25 June.

    ACTION: Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group to include introduction by JM and DJ to give key organisational messages (KM).

  2. Joint Risk Management Arrangements and Annual Governance Statement Update: The Board was presented with a discussion paper to introduce a revised set of core Risk Management documentation that’s supports the decision making and security arrangements, and to also provide an update in relation to the development of the AGS.

    The Board discussed how risk can be mitigated, managed, escalated and for individuals to take responsibility without becoming apprehensive of the implications of bringing risks forward and being appropriately supported. Consideration was also given to how assurances are provided to the Commissioner and Chief Constable that risks are being managed. It was suggested that the Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group (CPCG) may provide an opportunity to discuss the mechanism to raise and resolve risks and to encourage a culture of transparency and openness.

    The Head of Risk Management is due to meet with JM and DJ individually to discuss the AGs, there may be the opportunity at these meetings for a snapshot of the risk management system to be talked through.

    The Board approved in principle the Joint Risk Management Strategy, subject to refinement as suggested, and approved the Joint Risk Management Policy, Joint Risk Appetite, Joint Corporate Risk Group Terms of Reference and approved progression to consultation before adoption as internal policy documents.

    ACTION: SD to provide a 10 minute briefing of the escalation process for risk appetite at the Executive Board on 25 June;

    ACTION: The Head of Risk Management to meet with JM and DJ individually to discuss and provide input to the AGS;

    ACTION: Draft AGS to be reported to the Executive Board on 18 June.

  3. Final Accounts Explanatory Foreword: JP circulated the draft foreword to the statement of Accounts, which provides a brief explanation of the financial aspects of the Commissioners activities. The Executive Board agreed to provide feedback directly to JP following the meeting and consideration of the document.

    ACTION: Executive Board members to provide feedback on the draft foreword directly to JP.

  4. Annual Report 2013/14: It was agreed to defer this report.


  1. Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill: The APCC requires responses by 5th June, although there will be the second opportunity to submit any further points to the APCC by 18th June. Chief Superintendent Sue Day will provide feedback to the joint response from NYP and DJ also suggested speaking with Leicester DCC Simon Edens.
  2. Basic Safety and Security Advice for Religious Planners: The Board considered and noted the advice provided for local business and religious premises which had been circulated by the APCC. There were some concerns in endorsing the advice and circulating it to communities when there were no indications it had been thoroughly researched. This will be fed back to the APCC.
  3. ACTION: WN to contact APCC.


OPCC Change Proposal: The Board discussed and noted the Change Proposal for the OPCC function, structure and staffing.

Decision Making and Governance Briefing to Corporate Performance and Co-ordination Group: The briefing was noted.


There were no matters to note.


9am Tuesday 18 June 2013, chief Constables Office, Police Headquarters.