Executive Board minutes: 5 March 2013
Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, Barker Business Park, Melmerby on 5 March 2013.
In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Executive Jeremy Holderness (JNH); Chief Finance Officer to PCC Judith Heeley (JH); T/Deputy Chief Constable Sue Cross (SC); Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh (KM) Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD).
Apologies were received from T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick and Chief Officer of Resources Joanna Carter.
As this was the first meeting of the Executive Board there were no previous minutes for discussion and agreement. JM thanked JNH for setting up the Executive Board and the preparation of relevant papers.
Treasury Management Decision Notice:
JH advised that since the report was written the UK had lost its Triple A credit rating but did not envisage that this would have any impact on the Treasury Management Strategies. Subject to minor amendments required to ensure correct dates are given throughout the strategy, the decision notice was approved.
Extension to agreement, independent domestic and sexual violence advisors Decision notice:
JM sought further detail on the funding for the Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) posts. Subject to this information being provided to JM the Decision Notice was approved.
Richmond Properties Decision Notice: Previously approved Offer 1 on 01 March 2013.
Provision of Safety Camera Back Office Solution Decision Notice: Approved.
Northern Base Business Case:
JM raised concerns that the business case was not robust enough in explaining why the current Headquarters are not suitable for continued use. SC agreed that further explanation should be provided regarding the various issues, including the substantial on going investment, monthly running costs and flooding issues.
JM requested that the business case explains that the current custody facilities at Northallerton are inadequate and as part of the building of new headquarters new custody facilities will be incorporated, which being the most expensive part of any new police building, will resolve two major issues, whilst also providing assurances to the public that police headquarters will remain in the northern part of the county.
JM also requested that the business case be re-titled to reflect that the relocation of police headquarters is due to the future capability and capacity needs of North Yorkshire Police.
Re-provision of Ripon Police Station Decision Notice:
JM requested that further discussion takes place between NYP and the Fire and Rescue Service in Ripon to ascertain the feasibility and associated costs of co-locating. Outcomes of discussion and Decision Notice to be brought back to the next meeting of the Executive Board on 12 March 2013.
There were no delegated matters to note.
JM enquired if there was the scope to regenerate the ‘Community Idol’ school initiative. SC explained that the original concept to engage with hard to reach schools and pupils had lost its focus, as at recent competitions entries had been by semi-professional acts and the workload involved was becoming full time for NYP officers and staff. The focus of engaging directly with local schools and the link to crime prevention had lost momentum. JM explained that she had received lobbies for Community Idol to be restarted and was aware that there was the potential for financial support from the private sector. JM also suggested that there is the opportunity to incorporate other NYP initiatives into Community Idol, such as drink awareness. SC advised that she would contact the NYCC Head of Schools to explore the possibility of Community Idol being encompassed within the school curriculum.
JNH recommended that consideration be given to the arrangements for the first meeting of the Corporate Performance and Coordination Group (CPCG). It was agreed that the Director of Futures Liz Byrne and the Head of Tasking and Logistics T/Superintendent Nick Hunter provide a presentation to the Executive Board on 12 March 2013 regarding the progression of the Police and Crime Plan outcomes, following this a meeting would be arranged with the Chair of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) County Councillor Carl Les to discuss the scope and extent of reporting provided to the quarterly meetings of the PCP.
In addition, the following was agreed:
- That the meeting dates of the CPCG and PCP be synchronised to ensure the PCP receives relevant and up to date information;
- That JNH provides a schedule for reporting budget monitoring to the PCP;
- KM to schedule date for the first meeting of the CPCG (in April) and confirm at the Executive Board on 12 March 2013.
JM provided feedback on the Regional Collaboration Board held on 4 March 2013.
JNH advised NYP that the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners is establishing an interim oversight board for the National Police Air Service (NPAS). JM expressed concerns regarding the substantial increase in costs to NPAS which she has previously requested the Chief Officer of Resources (COR) to look into, although the COR had indicated that the increased costs were not expected to be long term.
JNH highlighted that this was the final day of the Home Office consultation of the policy proposals on new powers for the Independent Police Complaints Commission. SC confirmed that NYP had submitted a response which would be provided to the Commissioners Head of Policy and Projects. JM requested that the Commissioner’s office and NYP co-ordinate future responses.
JM expressed concerns regarding the cost and provision for a place of safety for individuals with mental health needs. JM was informed that ACC Spittal is due to receive an update from the NYP lead and agreed that this would be scheduled for further discussion at a future meeting of the Executive Board.
SC advised that a student officer recruitment campaign will be launched on 16 April 2013. There are 70 posts for 2013/14 and 30 for 2014/15 for which there is expected to be an extremely high level of interest and applications. A major risk is that the high level of applications may cause the NYP website to crash. SC will request that the NYP Human Resources Department provide detail regarding the number of applications required, timescales for the application period and a list of mitigated risks. JM also requested that a draft press release be prepared and further discussion take place at the Executive Board on 12 March 2013.
KM suggested that a presentation be provided to the Executive Board on 12 March 2013 to demonstrate the support provided by the (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) to the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP). JM also requested that the Joint Homicide and Major Enquiry Team (HMET) be scheduled for discussion at a future meeting of the Executive Board (19 March 2013).
JNH recommended at the next Executive Board the HMIC report ‘Valuing the Police’ programme be discussed.
9am – 12noon Tuesday 12 March 2013 at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, Barker Business Park, Melmerby.
On rising of the Executive Board there will be the Change Management Sub-Group.