Executive Board Minutes – 5 November 2024
5 November 2025
9:30 – 1:30 Keldy Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Jo Coles – Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime, YNYCA
Tim Forber (TF) – Chief Constable, NYP Scott Bisset (SB) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Simon Dennis (SD) – Corporate Director & DMO, OPFCC Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Head of Legal Services, YNYCA Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Louise Branford – White (LB-W)– Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP Maeve Chappell (MC) – Head of Corporate Communications , enableNY Jenni Newberry (JN) – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Damian Henderson (DA) – Director of Service Improvement & Assurance, NYFRS Tim Edwards (TE) – Head of Estates, Enable NY Sarah Davies (SJD) – – Executive Assistant OPFCC |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
Lisa Stitt
Amanda Wilkinson Mark Ayres Tamara Stevens Matthew Walker Xanthe Tait |
2. | Action Log/Minutes |
Amendments to the September meeting discussed and actioned. | |
3. | North Yorkshire Police |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
The DCC gave an overview of recent current and significant issues in the local area and nationally. Demand has been higher than normal due to the fair weather. b. For Information and Discussion Overtime approvals have been strengthened with line management following the new processes. A new dashboard will be live from next week which is highly impressive. The DCC gave an overview of the key minutes from the Chief Officer Team meetings which are published online. Action -The DMPFC asked for a briefing outside of the meeting on the LQP process. SD to action. The Angelini enquiry has been responded to. c. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions Members were given an overview of the HMICFRS progress work which is ongoing. Action – report to the January Board meeting on the Integrity Inspection action plan. Serious and Organised Crime Inspection is currently underway. Victims and the links between the OPFCC and NYP were discussed. |
4. | North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
The CFO updated the board on recent current and national issues for the Fire Service. An update on the new appliances was provided. b. For Information and Discussion Key highlights from the Senior Leadership Board meeting minutes were provided to the Board. The DMPFC asked questions in relation to some areas raised in the minutes. c. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions DH provided an update on plans for the next HMICFRS inspection due next year. All areas of concern are proposed to be completed by the end of the November. The process and planning for the Inspection were presented to members. |
5. | enableNY |
Solberge Dog Kennels – commitment that within the next 5 years there will be a relocation. Ask is for an extension of 5 years from the DMPFC. Current lease ends in February and this does not leave us with enough time to sort anything other alternative agreement or location. The DMPFC asked members to clarify the history of the location and contracts and sought advice from MP. The DMPFC agreed to annualised payments for the next 5 years.
Action – a Decision Notice will need to be drafted and published. Vehicle Replacement – transport and logistics. The DMPFC sought assurance about sustainability and the long-term vision for this and what the requirements are for the vehicles that are needed. The most efficient approach for the vehicle fleet have been sought. A reviewed sustainability strategy is in progress for the next few months – the DMPFC has asked that this is part of the Estates strategy. A paper alongside this on sustainability would be beneficial. Estates Strategy is expected for the Board meeting in March 2025. The DMPFC approves the spend and proposal. The Water Officer Role – TE explained the rationale for requiring a new role. The DMFC sought clarification of the risks involved with not having the role in place and how this has been managed in the past. A temporary internal reassignment has been put in place but permanent recruitment needs to happen. The DMPFC asked that there is a check of all roles to ensure that the correct ones are in place. The DMPFC asked that the risks for this are flagged with the manager of Enable. She asked that a report is sent through to understand the plan going forward. MP advised that this role could have been agreed before it came to the board. Action – papers that come to the board need to be clear with a cover sheet if they are requiring a decision. |
6. | |
7. | Legal Services |
No update | |
8. | Finance |
a. Updates
Papers will come to the next meeting. National Insurance increase was discussed. The Policing Minister spoke at the APCC General Meeting regarding the National Insurance increase. Full clarity on how the funding for this will be allocated is expected in December. |
9. | OPFCC |
a. Commissioning & Partnerships
JN provided a brief overview of the paper circulated to members in advance of the meeting and highlighted key elements. A refresh of the VAWG Strategy is being worked on. The refurbishment of the Victims Centre is now on schedule for completion and opening. Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for out of court disposals was discussed among members as to how this will be rolled out. Funding Risks and options were discussed. |
10. | Risks |
The DCC updated members on the current items on the risk registers. The DMPFC asked for the risk reports to be formatted differently so it is easier to read. Information sharing and concerns of co locating with non police personnel is a concern. |
11. | Communications update/ Forward planning |
MC updated the board on the events from October and the plans for Comms going forward.
The Corporate Comms team now link in with colleagues from the OPFCC and the YNYCA. |
12. | YNYCA OPFCC matters for discussion |
The DMPFC highlighted some area of concerns in relation to matters raised with her whilst out on consultation and engagement events. This included CCTV coverage, theft and ASB. |