Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board minutes: 7 May 2013

Minutes of the meeting held in Conference Room One, at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on 7 May 2013.

In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); OPCC Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); OPCC Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisational Development Gary Macdonald; Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer; OPCC Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN).


Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh.


GM title incorrectly listed, should read Head of Organisation and Development (up to 30 April 2013).

Minute 33 (27 March 2013) – Fleet Schedule Decision Notice: this will be brought back to the Executive Board at a later date, alongside the Decision Notice for ISD and Equipment.

Minute 43(1) – Grand Depart: TM raised concerns that NYP potentially might not receive funding towards the resources NYP commit to the event if clarity is not provided regarding the governance and funding arrangements. TM and JM both to speak with respective colleagues regarding the progress of the governance and funding arrangements.

Minute 43(2) – Victims Charter: TM advised that feedback will be provided to JM following the Operations Group meeting on 7 May during which there will be a session focussed on victims of crime.

Minute 43 (3A) (9 April 2013) – Print Options Appraisal: JC confirmed that the line management would be brought back in house.

Minute 48(2) – Regulatory Instruments: GM confirmed that explicit authority for the Commissioners Seal has been inserted in the Scheme of Delegation.

Minute 52(1) Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): City of York Council is being pursued regarding the revised figures for the MASH.


039/2013 Community Fund: Discussion took place around the promotion of the fund and support provided to applicants, and attracting smaller community groups such as sports clubs and groups. It was also confirmed that the minimum level is £500 (anything less and the applicant would be directed to the NYP Police Property Fund), up to a maximum of £20,000, as a one off amount. Safer Neighbourhood Commanders will be asked to participate in the promotion of the fund, to draw on their knowledge and experience of hard to reach communities who may benefit from the fund. Also discussed were the options for a dedicated telephone number for enquiries and how staff can be dedicated to the progress of individual applications, as well as the preparations for the Community Fund launch.

ACTION: GM to meet with OPCC Planning and Performance Support Officer Gina Allen to discuss the issues raised and to progress the launch of the Community Fund.

Chief Finance Officer Protocol: TM sought clarity that as part of the protocol “the Commissioners Chief Finance Officer must have full access to all relevant financial information”. SD confirmed that this wording would be redrafted to allow for a reciprocal obligation to be in place.

ACTION: SD to redraft paragraph 2 to allow for a reciprocal obligation to be in place for the access to financial information.

040/2013 Design Partner Contract:
That the Decision Notice be approved for publication.


Partnership Funding: GM provided a verbal update on the position of all partnership funding to provide an estimate of the current position and implications of government funding. £630k in total is available for the Community Safety Fund, which is a marked decrease on previous funding. Discussions about funding for CSPs in this financial year and thereafter are on-going. It is expected that funding levels will be maintained for the coming year, but that revised CSP structures will effect funding once in place.

The Drugs Intervention Programme has also submitted a request for funding for 2013/14, which is decreased from 2012/13. It is likely this funding can be met. Discussion took place regarding possible alternative initiatives (i.e. an Alcohol Intervention Programme) for any remaining funds.

It was agreed to contact all the CSP chairs to clarify their objectives for the proposed funding for an assessment to be made.

ACTION: GM to contact each CSP Chairs regarding their 2013/14 objectives and an assessment of these objectives to be submitted to a meeting of the Executive Board in June.


The first meeting of the Corporate Performance Group was held on 29 April 2013. JC suggested that a new Corporate Risk Register be developed to feed into the Corporate Performance and Coordination Group and that the Group should amongst other matters, focus upon top line statistics and on prevention and pro-activity.


  1. Change Proposal Update: Clarity was sought that all individuals and Superintendent Associations are up to date and aware of the proposals – this to be specifically confirmed before next time including contact between TM and the Supts Association. It was agreed that in the interests of transparency a Decision Notice will be published (subject to all concerned individuals being aware prior to publication) outlining the financial impact of the change proposals, alongside the Strategic Management Structure Chart, which must be published due to legal requirements. This will achieve partial compliance with the Specified Information order and replace the existing structure chart and senior salary information on the OPCC website.

    ACTION: SD to prepare draft Decision Notice
    ACTION: WN to prepare communications material to cater for the issues set out in the DN, to best effect.

    Post meeting note: Force Solicitor has agreed to put in hand a review of NYP and NYPCC compliance with the Specified Information Order and report back in due course.

  2. Annual Reports 2012/13 and First Quarter Key Activities: The proposals and timescales set out in the discussion paper for providing an annual report were noted and agreed for progression.
  3. Draft Decision Making Forecast: Due to time constraints it was agreed to postpone this agenda item to the next Executive Board.
  4. Devolved Resource Manual (DRM) Update: GM confirmed that the DRM will be subject to regular reviews to ensure that it is compliant with the Commissioners Regulatory Instruments.


  1. HMIC – Policing in the New Dynamic Environment: The briefing was noted.
  2. Re-provision of Ripon Police Station: Discussions are going with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
  3. Guidance notes for ‘Items of Significant Public Interest’: Due to time constraints it was agreed to postpone this agenda item to the next Executive Board.


No events or communications to note.


9am Tuesday 14 May 2013, Commissioners Meeting Room (CR1), Police Headquarters.