Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

1 March, 2018

15 new volunteer police officers ready for action

15 new Special Constables are now ready to join their frontline colleagues across North Yorkshire after successfully completing their initial training.

The volunteer police officers were attested in front of family and friends at police headquarters in Northallerton by Magistrate, Mrs Erica Taylor JP on Thursday (22 February 2018).

The attestation – which is when the officers are sworn in and given their warrant cards – followed an intensive training period of three months.

They will now be assigned a tutor constable to take them through the next phase of their training which can take up to two years.

Julia Mulligan, elected Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, said: “I would like to congratulate the 15 new Special Constables and welcome them to the policing family. Specials make an enormous contribution to their communities, and as well as enhancing police visibility, they have the warranted powers to help keep us all safe. In addition, they get the opportunity to develop skills that will serve them very well in other walks of life. I wish them all the best of luck in their new role.”

The ceremony was attended by Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Richard Anderson. He said: “I am delighted to welcome our latest volunteer recruits to the North Yorkshire policing family. The role of a Special Constable embodies the true spirit of our communities – people who invest their own time and who are prepared to put themselves at risk, to help and support others. It’s a truly selfless act and one which North Yorkshire Police has a rich history and tradition of.

“The new officers can be rightly proud of their achievements. I congratulate them as they move onto the next stage of their training and wish them luck with their future careers.”

The 15 officers will be based at York (4), Scarborough (2), Harrogate (3), Selby (3), Richmond (1), Northallerton (1) and Malton (1).

Special Constables, or “specials” as they are also known, are volunteer officers who give up their own time to support their regular colleagues.

They play a key role in local policing and have the same uniform and powers in law as regular police officers, including the power of arrest.

Specials come from all walks of life and volunteer a minimum of four hours a week to their local police service, forming a vital link between the regular (full-time) police and the local community. However, the role of specials can also extend into more specialist areas of policing such as roads policing, public order and football liaison.