Commissioner Zoë responds to national Hate Crime statistics released by Charity Changing Faces
Commenting on the results from the survey Commissioner Zoë has said:
“Targeting someone because of their physical appearance, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is cruel, heartless, unacceptable and goes against everything I stand for as Commissioner.
“The national statistics released today by Changing Faces UK are no doubt worrying and demonstrate that every force area needs to do more to tackle hate crimes and support victims.
“Here in York and North Yorkshire I continue to strive for more:
- My Supporting Victims service offers support to people who have experienced crimes such as hate crimes with assistance provided by skilled Victim Care Co-ordinators.
- I Commission services for victims such as the Independent Victim Advisor service which provides face to face support in the community for victims of crime, such as hate crimes, whether or not they have made a report to North Yorkshire Police.
- I Commission Restorative Solutions, who deliver Hate Crime Awareness Courses to offenders as part of the Out of Court Disposal process to address and challenge their offending behavior and prevent re-offending.
- I’ve awarded money through my community fund to projects such as the ‘Wake-up call’ project which delivers a preventative educational program to raise awareness of prejudice amongst young people.
- North Yorkshire Youth Commission have prioritised discrimination within their latest report with the aim of encouraging both victims and witnesses of discrimination and hate crime to report their experiences to the Police or independent reporting centres.
“In line with my Police and Crime Plan, North Yorkshire Police:
- have trained 50 hate crime champions across York and North Yorkshire working to identify, call out discriminatory behaviors and ensure best practice for investigations and victims
- are actively increasing the number of third-party reporting centers for hate crime across the county by training up partner agencies, community organisations and charities.
- hold regular Police Officer engagement opportunities with police cadets to educate and influence proactive response to hate crimes
- have an established hate crime team which is dedicated to this area of criminal activity.
“I know hate crimes are happening and I encourage anyone facing this kind of discrimination to report to the police – let’s welcome increased reporting of hate crimes and see it as an opportunity to offer specialist support to victims, gather evidence to target and educate offenders and make necessary convictions.
“Importantly support is, and always will be available from the Supporting Victims team without the need to make a formal report to the police.
“I want to thank Isobel from the Changing Faces charity for reaching out to me to highlight the prejudice people with physical differences receive on a daily basis, and I’m really looking forward to meeting with her and offering my ongoing support as our organisations continue to tackle hate crimes and support victims.”
Public Trust and Confidence survey
Commissioner Zoë invites the public to complete her public trust and confidence survey which will help gauge the level of public trust and confidence in the policing response across North Yorkshire and York. Responses will influence Commissioner Zoë’s wider work, to promote change, ensure accountability and spread best practice and high standards of Police service.
Complete the 5-minute survey here:
If you have been a victim of hate crime
The Supporting Victims service offers support to people in North Yorkshire who have experienced crimes such as hate crimes with the assistance of skilled Victim Care Co-ordinators. You can contact the service between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday on: 01609 643100 or by visiting
Ways to report hate crime to the police:
- Ring 101 to report a hate crime in a non-emergency
- Dial 999 if you or someone with you is in immediate danger or you need support right away
- Visit a police station If you’d prefer to speak to an officer in person
- Report online via the North Yorkshire Police website:
To view the results of the national survey visit the Changing Faces website: