Commissioner welcomes HMP Full Sutton announcement
Julia Mulligan said:
“The development of 1,500 additional resettlement category ‘C’ places at HMP Full Sutton is very welcome. We have no local prison in North Yorkshire and I’ve been in discussions with Ministers and officials at the Ministry of Justice for some time about the potential of Full Sutton which is, of course, just a few miles from York.
“North Yorkshire’s prisoners are spread all around the country – even as far away as the Isle of Wight. This makes resettlement and rehabilitation very difficult as prisoners can’t maintain important family relationships, find accommodation or access substance misuse programmes.
“It also makes it difficult for back-to-work schemes, crucial for ensuring those released from prison don’t return to crime, to be developed with local employers here in North Yorkshire.
“I am also pleased to see that Full Sutton will be the first new facility to be developed. It will help local criminal justice partners develop more effective ‘through the gate’ rehabilitation programmes, which can reduce reoffending, help people rebuild their lives and prevent future harm to our communities.”