Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

6 April, 2020

Leaders give update on Coronavirus response in North Yorkshire

Four of the leaders of North Yorkshire’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic will give an update on the work they are doing, and take questions from residents and businesses, in a live broadcast tomorrow (Tuesday 7 April).

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan will lead the live update and will be joined by:

  • Chief Constable Lisa Winward – North Yorkshire Police
  • Chief Fire Officer Andrew Brodie – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Richard Flinton – Chief Executive of North Yorkshire County Council and Chair of the multi-agency North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum

Members of the public are invited to watch the meeting from 1.00 pm on Tuesday on YouTube and submit questions in advance by emailing [email protected], posting on Twitter using the hashtag #NYScrutiny or commenting on Facebook. Not all questions will be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.

Julia Mulligan has decided in these uncertain times that there should be a regular update on the Coronavirus response direct to residents and businesses, and this is the second of those broadcasts. In this meeting we will hear from guest speaker, Richard Flinton, who will provide an update on the work of the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum.

These updates replace the regular public accountability meetings which are an opportunity to ensure the police and fire service are performing as well as possible to keep North Yorkshire safe and feeling safe.


  1. Police – operational response update
  2. Fire – operational response update
  3. Local Resillience Forum – operational response update
  4. Police hot topic – Domestic Abuse
  5. Fire hot topic – extended role
  6. Any other business