Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

15 June, 2021

Additional funding available for organisations who support victims of sexual violence or domestic abuse

Organisations who support victims of sexual violence or domestic abuse are invited to apply for 2x further funding opportunities to meet any exceptional or additional need that cannot be met through existing service provision as a result of the ongoing pandemic.

Closing date: 12noon on Wednesday 23 June 2021

What funding is currently available?

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has now announced two further funds for:

  • Male Rape Support Services
  • Critical Support for community-based sexual violence or domestic abuse support services

Funding for support for victims in refuge accommodation is subject to a separate funding process run by Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), and this funding cannot be used to provide safe accommodation or support within safe accommodation.

Male Rape Support Services Fund

  • £1.4m is available nationally has been to increase provision and capacity of specialist sexual violence support services to meet the specific needs of men and boys who have experienced rape or sexual abuse at any point in their life.
  • The Fund is open to organisations already in receipt of a direct grant from the Ministry of Justice (“MoJ”) Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund;

or PFCC commissioned service and other non-commissioned specialist services who can evidence that they meet the criteria of the Fund listed below.

To be eligible for the funding, organisations must:

  • already provide tailored gender-specific support to men and boys, including specialist male-only services or those who support both men and women;
  • be a registered, independent charity and/or a service that operates in the public interest and not for profit;
  • provide support that is free at the point of delivery;
  • be independent of the Police and the Criminal Justice System; and
  • ensure it meets and maintains current national standards for quality and best practice throughout the Funding Period.

This funding cannot be used toward the costs of accreditation for quality standards.

This funding is only available for financial year 2021/22 and must be utilised in full by 31st March 2022.

How will bids for Male Rape Support Services funding be evaluated?

Bids will be evaluated and scored based on the following criteria: 

  • Need – the proposal must address unmet need for men and boys as a result of the pandemic; bids should indicate how many victims will benefit from the support offered.
  • Specialism – understanding of the gender-specific needs of male victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse; experience of providing tailored sexual violence support to men and boys.
  • Delivery of a high-quality service – service providers must evidence the skills and capacity to deliver effective support programmes and interventions to enable men and boys to cope and recover from their experiences.
  • Ability to deliver the proposed support as soon as possible and demonstrate the ability to spend the grant monies in the period for which they are allocated (i.e. by 31st March 2022).
  • Value for money.

There is no minimum or maximum amount (up to the total funding available), but all bids must demonstrate that they are scalable.

How do I apply for Male Rape Support Services funding?

  • Organisations already in receipt of a direct grant from the MoJ Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Fund should submit their application directly to the MoJ.
  • All other eligible organisations should complete the Bid Proforma and return it by 12 noon Wednesday 23rd June 2021 to [email protected]

Critical Support Fund

£1.5m is available nationally for community-based sexual violence and domestic abuse support to meet exceptional or additional need that cannot be met through existing funding allocations.

Organisations do not need to be currently funded by the MoJ or the PFCC to apply for this funding, but this funding must be used to meet increased demand and not for development of new services or transformational purposes.

To be eligible for the funding, organisations must:

  • be based in England and Wales; and
  • provide tailored community-based support services which have the purpose of helping victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse to cope with the impacts, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced, including but not limited to:
    • court support, including family court;
    • face to face or remote counselling for individuals and/or their families; and
    • specialist support for particular groups such as BAME/Disabled/LGBT/male victims.

This funding cannot be used for ISVA and IDVA posts.

This funding is only available for financial year 2021/22 and must be utilised in full by 31st March 2022.

How will Critical Support Funding requests be evaluated?

Funding requests will be evaluated based on the information provided in the Funding Request Form using the following criteria:

  • Evidence of exceptional demand and unmet need for your services – data relating to current caseloads and waiting lists.
  • Evidence of how your proposal will meet this unmet need.
  • Evidence of how your proposal will support and enhance existing service provision, avoiding duplication.
  • Evidence that your proposal can be delivered by 31st March 2022.

There is no minimum or maximum amount (up to the total funding available), but all bids must demonstrate that they are scalable.

How do I apply for Critical Support funding?

  • Complete the Funding Request Form and return it by 12 noon Wednesday 23rd June 2021 to [email protected]

Further Guidance:

Ministry of Justice Funding for Critical Support and Male Rape Support Services Police and Crime Commissioner Funding Allocation Guidance:

This funding will also be subject to the same conditions as set out in the guidance “Ministry of Justice Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected]

Additional information: