Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

15 May, 2018

More support for victims of hate crime in North Yorkshire

You might think that hate crime isn’t a problem in North Yorkshire – but you’d be wrong.

That’s according to the County’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner who is taking action to ensure she knows the true extent of the issue, while at the same time ensuring there is more and better support for victims.

Julia Mulligan believes victims of hate crime don’t always feel comfortable reporting the matter directly to the police so she has given authorisation to the ‘Supporting Victims’ service to report and record hate crimes.

She believes the change will also mean that there will be a better understanding of how many victims there are across the County.

‘Supporting Victims’, provides help and support to victims of all crimes across North Yorkshire. They now have trained and experienced staff on hand to support those who come forward to report hate crimes they’ve been a victim of; with immediate emotional and practical support over the phone, and/ or referral to Specialist Victim Advisers, where appropriate for face to face support in the community.

Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner, says:

“Hate crime has been chronically under-reported across the country for years, and North Yorkshire is no different. While many may believe the problem is not a serious one here, I believe the opposite is true. We have less diversity in our County than in many police force areas which may lead to some individuals and communities feeling particularly isolated. We need to encourage them to come forward, report the crime they have been a victim of and get the support they need and deserve.

“Through my time as Police and Crime Commissioner, I have focused on improving the quality of care available for victims of any crime in North Yorkshire. Working with the ‘Supporting Victims’ service to record and provide support for hate crime victims is the latest in a long line of changes to make sure residents are safe and supported at the most difficult of times.”

Team Leader Claire Gallier, from Supporting Victims, added:

“Hate crimes are often not reported because the victim feels trapped and alone. The truth is, they can happen to anybody and there is always a way forward. We can help you understand what is happening and guide you to specialist organisations who will support you moving forward. Our service is independent from policing and you can come to us directly; you don’t have to report a crime to the police to receive support.”

Supporting Victims staff are trained and experienced in being able to help victims understand what has happened and support them to cope and recover from the experience of crime. Support is available over the phone, face-to-face, by referral with consent to specialist victim services or by signposting to other support organisations.

To report a hate crime in North Yorkshire:

  • call Supporting Victims on 01609 643100,
  • call North Yorkshire Police on 101,
  • go to True Vision at
  • if you are in immediate danger, always call 999

Visit for more information.