Order laid before Parliament for the new York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority
The Order (Statutory Instrument) outlines how and when the proposed York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority will be established. It was laid before Parliament on Tuesday 7th November, and is now publicly available to read online.
The York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Order 2023 (legislation.gov.uk)
MPs are now expected to consider the Order in the run-up to Christmas and, if approved, the new York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority is due to be established in early 2024.
The proposed York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority will be headed by an elected Mayor due to be elected in May 2024 and will have more decision-making powers over key local issues, such as adult education, transport, infrastructure, skills, jobs, and housing.
All powers of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to oversee the Police and Fire services in North Yorkshire will be transferred to the new Mayor once elected, along with the Commissioner’s role as the Fire Authority. The new Mayor is likely to appoint a Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime to perform the day-to-day functions of the role currently undertaken by the Commissioner.
More detail of the new Combined Authority, and a link to the Order, can be found on the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s website.