Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

31 August, 2016

York housing charity awarded £20,000 from Community Fund

A charity which helps people who are homeless adapt to life as tenants has been awarded a £20,000 grant from North Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan’s Community Fund.

The charity Restore (York) supports people referred by homeless shelters and the probation service to hold down tenancies in one of their seven properties in York.

The grant will pay for the charity to provide extra support to its 28 tenants with the aim of helping as many as ten each year to move into unsupported housing or employment.

“Many of the people we deal with are on a slow-moving carousel which sees them move in and out of homelessness or prison,” said development manager Jonny Woodridge.

“We want to offer the intervention and support they need to stop that cycle and give them the skills and abilities they need to maintain successful tenancies over the long-term and, where possible, get permanent jobs.”

Under its two year project, the charity will take on a new support worker and additional volunteers and invest in equipment to enable its tenants to get fit, become IT literate and learn new skills such as driving – all of which will boost their employment prospects.

“We work with tenants to make sure they continue to get the services they need to stop them relapsing into drug and alcohol problems, mental health difficulties or returning to crime.

“Many have had chaotic lives and need help to start living in a more structured and productive way. We have befriending services and organise social activities to help stop them from becoming isolated.”

The Community Fund was launched by Commissioner Julia Mulligan in May 2013 and is specifically for organisations and community groups who need money to help fund a new community safety project. Projects eligible for grants from £500 to £20,000 include extra-curricular activities for children and young people as well as schemes supporting victims, preventing crime or anti-social behaviour, promoting safety and community cohesion.

Julia said: “I want to make it as easy as possible for people to apply for this money and to be successful in their applications.

“This project run by Restore will make a significant contribution in the city to stopping re-offending and helping a significant number of vulnerable people make positive steps in their lives.”

Anyone interested can call the Community Fund Helpline for guidance by calling 101 and asking for Community Fund.

Picture – A trip to Wensleydale

Community Fund