Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

029/2013 – Communications Plan for Front Counter provision in Whitby – 27 March 2013

Executive Summary and recommendation:

The Executive Board approved the collaborative arrangements for Front Counter Service provision in Whitby on 12/03/2013. The approval to progress with the proposals was subject to the production of a comprehensive engagement and communication plan produced in partnership with Scarborough Borough Council.

The detailed communication plan is provided at Appendix A to this notice. The key considerations for this plan are aligned to the Police and Crime Plan and messages are as follows: –

  • Reducing Harm – Enhanced capacity of service provision and tailoring services to meet demand/calls for service from our communities
  • Putting People First – Providing a solution that maximises the potential of the staff involved and creates greater opportunity for cross partner engagement to improve the working environment
  • More for less – Achieving increased capacity and capability to provide services to communities for lower cost therefore achieving greater value for money
  • Fit for the Future – Ensuring a sustainable front counter service to the Whitby local community

Driving Justice – Maintaining and enhancing the ability to access services for the local community that can provide greater opportunity to engage with NYP and provide valuable information in support of local policing activity.

Police and Crime Commissioner decision:


Signature Date 27 March 2013
Title Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire

Part 1 – Unrestricted facts and advice to the PCC

  1. Introduction and background
    1. The Executive Board approved the collaborative arrangements for Front Counter Service provision in Whitby on 12/03/2013. The approval to progress with the proposals is subject to the production of a comprehensive engagement and communication plan produced in partnership with Scarborough Borough Council.

      The detailed communication plan is provided at Appendix A to this notice. The key considerations for this plan that are aligned to the Police and Crime Plan and messages are as follows: –

      • Reducing Harm
        • Enhanced capacity of service provision and tailoring services to meet demand/calls for service from our communities
        • Maintaining and enhancing the delivery of certain services to the local community from the same site via SBC whilst enhancing capacity at the Springhill site
      • Putting People First
        • Providing a solution that maximises the potential of the staff involved and creates greater opportunity for cross partner engagement to improve the working environment
      • More for less
        • Achieving increased capacity and capability to provide services to communities for lower cost therefore achieving greater value for money
        • Continually exploring opportunities for shaping future service provision
        • Consideration of the collaborative benefits to ensure there are mutual benefits for the communities and both parties
        • Consideration of initiatives that may provide additional benefits to local communities for the same or lower price
        • Financial running costs that will be saved from this arrangement are £6,100 per annum
        • Greater value for money providing more services for a lower price to local communities
      • Fit for the Future
        • Ensuring a sustainable front counter service to the Whitby local community provide additional capacity and capability for services to be provided to the public
        • Aligning services more closely to demand
      • Driving Justice
        • Maintaining and enhancing the ability to access services for the local community that can provide greater opportunity to engage with NYP and provide valuable information in support of local policing activity

      The communication plan at Appendix A has been jointly produced between the OPCC and SBC communication teams. The requirements for the plan were set out by the Head of Organisation and Development and the Assistant Chief Executive of SBC.

    2. Feedback from the Executive Board on proposals have been incorporated within this plan and agreed with SBC.
    3. The approach has also covered the consideration of branding and marketing requirements to support the messages to communities and the key theme of collaboration and joint service provision. SBC have agreed to jointly brand and market North Yorkshire Police services within the TIC providing an enhanced opportunity for the public to access our services. The final proofing of any branding and associated publicity materials will be providing to the OPCC for agreement prior to production and publication.
    4. In addition the consideration of current issues in local communities has been covered through dialogue with Chief Superintendent Day and Superintendent Payne regarding current prevailing issues and matters for consideration in the development of a communication plan for service provision in Whitby.
    5. Followed detailed planning and communication work with SBC it was identified that a modification to opening hours produced in the original Whitby LPSO report to this board is required. It should be noted that this modification is not a reduction in hours and merely a reflection of more recent changes the TIC has made to its opening hours and due account being taken by NYP of the Springhill location demand for service requirements. Therefore the opening hours for operation are proposed as follows: –
      Season Dates Opening Hours
      TIC Site
      November – April Mon – Sun 09:30 to 17:00
      May, June, September, October Mon – Sun 09:30 to 18:00
      July, August Mon – Sun 09:30 to 19:00
      Springhill site
      All year round Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:30
      Friday 10:00 to 18:00
      Saturday and Sunday 13:00 to 16:00
    6. The go-live date for the changes within the report of 12 March 2013 and this plan is subject to the necessary security vetting of SBC staff which is currently scheduled for completion by 7 May 2013. The communication plan has the option to flex as required subject to vetting completion.

      Cost and savings
      In summary, if the recommendations to this report are approved, this will enable the communication and roll out of these proposals and the subsequent financial running costs will be saved. These sums will be £6,100 per annum with the potential for a limited amount of one off costs in terms of the cost of changes required to inform and communicate with the public in terms of access to services. This represents greater value for money providing more services for a lower price to local communities.

  2. Matters for consideration
    The approval of the communication and engagement plan at Appendix A.
  3. Other options considered, if any
    • There were no other options for consideration in relation to this item as a communication and engagement plan is required to effectively progress these service improvements.
  4. Contribution to Police and Crime Plan outcomes
    This will support the Police and Crime Commissioners plan outcomes by ensuring that we put “People First” in terms of service provision. The arrangements will be as a minimum more for the same thus contributing to the “More for less” theme and the arrangements will contribute to ensuring local services are fit for the future.
  5. Consultations carried out
    The local Commander is content to surrender the lease and SBC would be willing to provide services on behalf of NYP from the TIC. The SBC approach to a “one door” policy for members of the public to access public services is drawn from previous consultation activity that they have undertaken with the public. The staff have previously provided feedback on arrangements at the Whitby LPSO that has also been taken into consideration and is supportive of these arrangements.
  6. Financial Implications/Value for money
    A financial summary of the arrangements was provided in the last report. However some incidental marketing and branding costs will be incurred to effectively support the communication plan. These are envisaged to be minimal internal printing costs.
  7. Legal Implications
    Force Solicitor and Director of Legal Services has not seen the full text of this report but is aware one element turns upon the surrender of a lease. Advice would be available at the meeting of the Executive Board when this decision notice is considered and will of course be available to Property and Facilities in giving effect to any decision.
  8. Equality Implications
    These proposals are set out on the basis that NYP previously operated with service provision from Spring hill site without the Whitby LPSO and this is accessible for the public with meeting facilities in the main reception that are accessible. The services that would be provided at the TIC also meet the same standards in terms of accessibility for local communities.
Tick to confirm statement √
Director/Chief Officer has reviewed the request and is satisfied that it is correct and consistent with the NYPCC’s plans and priorities. G. Macdonald 21/3/2013
Legal Advice Legal advice has been sought on this proposal and is considered not to expose the PCC to risk of legal challenge. See section 7
Financial Advice The CC CFO has both been consulted on this proposal, for which budgetary provision already exists or is to be made in accordance with Part 1 or Part 2 of this Notice G. Macdonald 21/3/2013
Equalities Advice An assessment has been made of the equality impact of this proposal. Either there is considered to be minimal impact or the impact is outlined in Part1 or Part2 of this Notice. See section 8
I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decision G.Macdonald Date 21/3/2013
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