036/2013 – Technical Support Unit – Purchase of replacement assets – 30 April 2013
Executive Summary and recommendation:
As part of the Technical Support Unit asset replacement plan, we are seeking three new vehicle trackers in 2013/14 and three further in 2014/15. These devices usually have a shelf life of 5 years. 6 of our 8 are already beyond 5 years old.
Our preferred supplier (Home Office list X company) have provided us with a quote for replacement assets at £3,500 each plus VAT. In addition, to support the devices, tablets or netbooks are required at £450 each (off the shelf price).
West Yorkshire Police currently have 6 new, boxed and unused assets purchased for the Regional Organised Crime Unit who do not require them as they now use WYP assets. WYP have offered these for sale, and, after negotiating the best price can sell all six for £8,000 (£1,333 each).
This decision making notice seeks approval from the PCC to purchase from WYP all 6 of these assets plus three Android Tablets (and ancillaries) at a total cost of £9,350.
This purchase is recommended as representing best value for money.
A financial summary is included in Part 2 (Protected Commercial).
Police and Crime Commissioner Decision: Approved
Date: 30 April 2013
Title: Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
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