Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

DN 06/2019: Corporate Governance Framework – North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

New governance framework sets out the key roles and responsibilities delegated to the Fire and Rescue Service

This Framework sets out the key roles and responsibilities within the Governance arrangements and makes it clear what powers and responsibilities are delegated to which role(s) and the limits within which people can operate.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) has put a project team in place to ensure a smooth transfer of governance from the Fire and Rescue Authority to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. One of the products of this work is a new Corporate Governance Framework which the Fire and Rescue Service will operate within from the point of transfer.

A draft Corporate Governance Framework was in place ready for the transfer date of 15 November 2018, and this draft Framework is approved and ready to be published as the final version. The details of this Corporate Governance Framework  have been developed in conjunction with and the agreement of the Fire and Rescue Service.


The Home Secretary announced on the 13th June 2018 that the elected Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, now the PFCC, will take on the governance of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The legislation to enable this to come into effect was passed on the 15 November 2018.

As a result of this change in Governance arrangements the PFCC is asked to set out her initial Corporate Governance Framework, to be enacted at the point of transfer, and to ensure a seamless transition from the Governance arrangements under the Fire and Rescue Authority to those that will be in place under the PFCC governance arrangements.

This Framework sets out the key roles and responsibilities within the new Governance arrangements and makes it clear what powers and responsibilities are delegated to which role(s) and the limits within which people can operate.

This is a key document which has  enabled the organisation to continue to operate from the point of transfer and will continue to do so as a final approved version.

The PFCC consulted with the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police on a Joint Corporate Governance Framework which sets out the governance arrangements between the Office of the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner in her capacity as the Police and Crime Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police.  This Joint Corporate Governance Framework was published in August 2018 as DN 07/2018.  The Corporate Governance Framework set out and attached to this DN is the governance arrangements between the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in her capacity as the new North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority and is therefore a separate governance framework.

Decision Record

The PFCC is grateful for the significant work that has taken place to ensure that the transfer of Governance can take place in line with the legislative timetable and recognises the importance of the Corporate Governance Framework in providing the key checks and balances within the new Governance arrangements and that these need to be in place at the point of transfer to ensure business as usual.  The draft Corporate Governance Framework has been adhered to since 15 November 2018, and has provided the structure required for clear and transparent governance.  It has therefore been decided by the PFCC to agree the attached Corporate Governance Framework as the final working version and is published accordingly.


Julia Mulligan
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire

Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The PFCC’s Monitoring Officer has advised that the arrangements set out in the governance framework meet the requirements of the relevant legislation and the needs of the organisation.

Financial and Commercial

The PFCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the arrangements are consistent with good governance and ensuring value for money.

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