DN 07/2019: Chief Fire Officer – Preferred Candidate
04 July 2019
Chief Fire Officer – Preferred Candidate
The Commissioner has selected her preferred candidate for Chief Fire Officer for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service who will be proposed to a confirmation hearing by the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel (‘the Panel’) on 18 July 2019.
Following a rigorous recruitment process, details of which are set out in her report to the Panel, the Commissioner has selected Andrew Brodie as her preferred candidate for the role of Chief Fire Officer for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
In accordance with the Fire and Rescue Authority (Police and Crime Commissioner) (Application of Local Policing Provisions, Inspection, Powers to Trade and Consequential Amendments) Order 2017, the Commissioner will request that the Police, Fire and Crime Panel consider and report to her about the appointment of Mr Brodie, at a confirmation hearing on 18 July 2019.
The Commissioner’s reasons for proposing Mr Brodie are set out in her report to the Panel.
Decision Record
The Commissioner proposes Andrew Brodie as Chief Fire Officer of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Julia Mulligan
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
Statutory Officer Advice
Legal, Management and Equality Implications
The selection process has been carried out by a lawful procedure and will be followed by the confirmation process required by the law.
Financial and Commercial
The PFCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the terms of the proposed appointment are affordable within the PFCC FRA budget and delivers a savings against the costs of the previous Permanent Chief Fire Officer terms.
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