Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

DN 09/2017: Submission of local business case on governance of the Fire and Rescue Service to the Home Secretary

Julia submits local business case on governance of the Fire and Rescue Service to the Home Secretary

The PCC has decided to submit her local business case, ‘Working Better Together: Options to improve collaboration between fire and police services’, to the Home Secretary.


The Policing and Crime Act 2017 makes provision for local assessments by PCCs as to the most effective governance model for their local Fire and Rescue Service, giving them the ability to present a local business case to the Home Secretary where they perceive that a change would generate improvements in economy, efficiency and effectiveness, or public safety.

The 2017 Act amends the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 to enable PCCs to form part or all of the governance of their local fire and rescue service, either through sitting on the fire authority through the Representation Model (Policing and Crime Act 2017), or by replacing it through either the Governance Model or the Single Employer Model (s4A and s4H respectively, Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 as amended).

The PCC appointed PA Consulting to assess whether or not a different governance model would be beneficial, and if so which of the different governance options set out in the legislation would most effectively deliver these opportunities. Due to the history of collaboration in North Yorkshire, local stakeholders agree that the status quo is not sufficient and that a change to the current model of governance is required. After assessing the options, the PCC has decided that the Governance model is the best option for North Yorkshire and should be recommended to the Home Secretary.

Decision Record

The business case assessed that the Governance model would be the best option for North Yorkshire, and the PCC adopted this as her preferred model on that recommendation.

A full public consultation was therefore conducted in line with legislation to gather feedback and assess public, Local Authority and workforce support for the proposal and to contribute to the finalisation of the business case. This showed that the public and workforce support the proposal. However, Local Authorities have objected.

The PCC has considered all the feedback and published her response to the consultation. In assessing the response, no evidence or information has been brought forward that is judged to substantively amend, alter or counter the assessment made by the business case. The business case has been revised as appropriate. The final business case is published with this notice.

Based on the business case assessment and consultation response, the PCC has decided to submit her business case to the Home Secretary proposing that the governance of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is transferred from North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority to a newly instituted Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire by way of an order under s4A of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 (as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2017).


Julia Mulligan
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
Date: 18 August 2017

Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The PCC’s CEO and Monitoring Officer has advised that the decision is within the powers and functions of the PCC.

The legal, human rights and equality implications are detailed in the business case which has been approved by the CEO and Monitoring Officer who considers them to have been properly addressed and that the proposals contained within the business case are manageable and within the competence of the organisation.

Financial and Commercial Implications

The PCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has approved the financial and commercial implications set out in the business case and advised that they are within the competence of the organisation to deliver.


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