Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

DN 10/2018: Front counter provision

The PCC has decided on the recommendation of the Chief Constable that front counters at Fulford Road, Harrogate and Scarborough police stations will be open between the hours of 08:00 to 20:00 daily.

1 October 2018


In 2015 NYP conducted a thorough review of Business Administration Services (see DN 03/2016). At the time the decision was taken to move from 08:00-00:00 opening hours at Fulford Road, Harrogate and Scarborough police stations to 08:00-22:00. However, it was noted that between the hours of 20:00 and 22:00 there were significantly fewer members of the public accessing front desk services at these stations and that this should be kept under review.

To mitigate shorter opening hours, ‘out-of-hours’ enquiries support was put in place, including an ‘if we’re in, we’re open policy, enhanced ‘self-service’ and reporting options on our website, and support via the 101 service to provide advice and access to officers outside of advertised opening times.

Over the last two years, these changes have been monitored and NYP have conducted a further review (attached) to assess what the public require from these services. There continues to be only a small number of people requiring access to front desk services between 20:00 and 22:00. The out of hour alternatives are in place and work satisfactorily.

From this review, a proposal is made that front desk services at Fulford Road, Harrogate and Scarborough police stations be open between 08:00 and 20:00 daily, including bank holidays (except Christmas Day). Out of hours alternatives will continue to be in place. These sites also have 24/7 custody facilities and, as most visitors to stations after 20:00 are in relation to custody matters, staff will still be available to provide support if needed.

This decision also allows the PCC and Chief Constable to protect the service at rural and smaller police stations, ensuring a balanced provision across the service area. Additionally, it will provide a saving of £136,224 per annum (pro rata) in the 2018/2019 financial year.

Decision Record

The PCC has taken into consideration the balance between the need of the public to access these services and the impact this decision will have on customer service in these locations, the provision of service across North Yorkshire, and the financial savings that this proposal will bring. Taking these into account, and on the recommendation of the Chief Constable, has decided that front counters at Fulford Road, Harrogate and Scarborough police stations will be open between the hours of 08:00 to 20:00 daily.


Julia Mulligan
Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire

Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The PCC’s CEO and Monitoring Officer has advised that this decision is within the powers of those making it and that, from the information provided, there would not appear to be any adverse legal, managerial of equality implications arising from the proposal.

Financial and Commercial

The PCC’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the financial implications are set out within this decision and are both reasonable and deliverable. This will help support the organisation in its drive to be as efficient and effective as possible.

Report for the decision

REPORT FOR A DECISION – Front Counter Opening Hours – 25.9.18


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