Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

DN 21/2021 – NYFRS temporary Transformation Team

The Commissioner has decided to approve the formation of a temporary Transformation Team within North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to deliver on the Risk and Resource Model Transformation Programme.

DN 21/2021       Date 25/11/2021 

NYFRS temporary Transformation Team

The Commissioner has decided to approve the formation of a temporary Transformation Team within North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, allocating £220,611 of additional annual revenue funding for 3 years to deliver on the Risk and Resource Model Transformation Programme.


In developing a new Community Risk Profile and proposals for the new North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Risk and Resource model to address this risk, a range of transformation requirements have been identified. These will be necessary to develop and improve the Fire Service to make it fit, ready and proofed for the future.

This includes:

  1. Community Risk Profile (CRP) – continuous work to develop a model which is dynamic and iterative to maintain an up to date understanding of Fire and Rescue related risk across the area.
  2. Development of a full physical assets resource model that is sustainable and addresses the risk identified in the CRP and associated planning and implementation projects.
  3. Development and design of a new On-Call model, based on an options appraisal, that will create a sustainable on-call service in North Yorkshire for the next 50 years and associated planning and implementation projects.
  4. A full capabilities assessment and review to understand what capability is required in different parts of our service area to meet risk and create a Service that is fit for the future and associated planning and implementation projects.
  5. Further review and change design to ensure we are achieving value for money across all areas of our Service.
  6. A review of our prevention and protection resource and delivery model to ensure we are proactively working to prevent and reduce the risk identified in the CRP from becoming harm in alignment with our physical assets resource model.
  7. A review of Service-wide structure in line with local government reform and local need.
  8. A comprehensive investment plan that sets out how and when we can afford and implement our transformation programme.

To achieve this work, it is identified that a temporary operational team is required to provide expertise and leadership to the work alongside the change management team from within Enable North Yorkshire. The requirement is for an Area Manager, Group Manager and Station Manager to be assigned to this programme of work for three years, beyond the current complement and at an additional cost of £220,611 per annum.

Decision Record

The Commissioner has decided to approve the formation of a temporary Transformation Team within North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, allocating £220,611 of additional annual revenue funding for 3 years to deliver on the Risk and Resource Model Transformation Programme.

Jennifer Newberry

Acting Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire


Statutory Officer Advice

Legal, Management and Equality Implications

The Commissioner’s Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, is satisfied that this report does not ask the Commissioner to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.

Financial and Commercial

The Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the funding to support this Team is only affordable through the use of reserves, and only for the time period set out within this decision notice. There is currently no funding available to support the Team beyond the 3 years set out within this decision notice and should this Team prove to be needed beyond this timeframe then recurring savings will need to be delivered.

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