DN 23/2021 – Early Action Together – Pathways project
DN 23/2021 Date 07/12/2021
The Commissioner has decided to approve investment in the Chief Constable’s proposals to refine North Yorkshire Police’s Operating Model to give greater focus to prevention and early intervention.
The Commissioner has approved a total £94,197 revenue investment over three years for the final Pathways business case.
The Chief Constable has developed the Early Action Together Programme to enable NYP to develop a new policing operating model focused on embedding prevention and early intervention to deliver the objectives of the Police and Crime Plan.
The programme delivers against the aims of the Chief Constable’s Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy:
- We will embed primary prevention and early intervention as a way of working.
- We will introduce a place based approach to reflect the needs different communities across North Yorkshire.
- We will accurately collate information with our partners and communities in order to build insight to identify the challenges our communities face, seeking to resolve them at the earliest opportunity.
- We will improve our understanding of the impact of our activity so we can ensure we have a common purpose with partners focussed on the needs of our communities.
- We will identify the most effective way of tracking and showing the difference our partnerships are making for our communities.
Four programmatic areas are being considered. Three were covered by DN 20/2021 and this DN covers the final area – Pathways.
The Pathways project will identify all the available pathways into commissioned and non-commissioned support services to help victims cope and recover and help perpetrators address underlying causes of offender behaviour. It will provide an accessible and informative platform for officers and staff to access this information to be able to provide it to the public and make referrals as appropriate at the earliest possible opportunity and based on need to ensure the best possible outcome for the public. A staff co-ordinator will be recruited to manage the platform and keep it up to date with the most relevant information and to manage training and embedding of the platform into day business.
The requirement for the co-ordinator role will be reviewed in year 3 to determine future requirements and a proposal brought back to Executive Board at this time for consideration.
Decision Record
The Commissioner has decided to approve investment in the Chief Constable’s proposals to refine North Yorkshire Police’s Operating Model to give greater focus to prevention and early intervention. The Commissioner has approved a total £94,197 revenue investment over three years for the final Pathways business case.
Zoë Metcalfe
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
Statutory Officer Advice
Legal, Management and Equality Implications
The Commissioner’s Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, is satisfied that this report does not ask the Commissioner to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.
Financial and Commercial
The Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and S151 Officer has advised that the funding to support this decision is not currently factored into the approved financial plans however this will be incorporated in the updated plans that will be subject to the PFCC’s approval in February 2022. It is expected that this growth will be affordable without any pressure on the precept proposal for 2022/23.
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