01 February 2017 – 963.2016-17 – Money raised from speed cameras
How much did NYP raise from speed cameras from 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16
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North Yorkshire Police do not receive revenue from the payment of Fixed Penalty Notices in relation to offences of excess vehicle speed. Money paid in respect of these fines is paid to Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service. The money generated by the safety camera vans come almost entirely from the fees drivers pay to attend one of the education courses (speed awareness course) offered in certain circumstances as an alternative disposal.
Please therefore find below the total amount of money received from the Speed Awareness Courses (there is a small proportion which is from other road safety courses, but this is not split and would require reading through every payment advice for the last 2 financial years).
- 2014/15 – £967,220
- 2015/16 – £1,707,332.13
The fee for the Speed Awareness Course is split as follows; £5 to National Driver Re-offending Scheme, £35 to NYP, remainder to course provider.
The money received is used towards the cost recovery for the Traffic Bureau operation.
Please note that during 2015/16 the force had 3 additional Safety Camera Vans.