19 October 2015 – 70.2015-16 – Freedom of information request – 101 Telephone system
Regarding the police 101 telephone number call volumes, call abandonment rates and time to answer:
I would like to put several questions to you:
- Can you give us up to date information covering the first quarter of 2015?
- Can you give us your response to the figures that I have summarised and perhaps an explanation of what has occurred during this time?
- How can you restore the confidence in the general public for them to know that their calls are important and their concerns worth contact the police
Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Question 1: I can advise you that this information is now published at the below website: https://www.police.uk/north-yorkshire/northallerton-and-stokesley/performance/call-handling/.
Although the above link does refer to ‘Northallerton and Stokesley’, this is in fact the data for the whole of North Yorkshire.
Questions 2 and 3: There is no specific recorded information in relation to these questions, as you are asking for the creation of an opinion or description; such requests are not valid under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I do, however, understand that a member of the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner has been in contact with you to address these matters.
You may be interested to know that the Police and Crime Commissioner has commissioned an independent review of the methods of non-emergency contact available to members of public, a large part of which is the 101 system. I understand the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner contacted you directly on this matter, but you can now see more information is available at the following link:
The above link includes some background, but also available on the Commissioner’s website is the ‘invitation to tender’ for agencies bidding to carry out this work, ensuring the research is independent. The winning bid is also published on the website.