Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

29 July 2015 – 350.2015-16 – Freedom of information request – Grant to reduce Police Precept


Since no one is prepared to give some enlightenment with regards to the 5.7m grant to reduce the precept, I am obliged to ask under the Freedom of Information.

  1. Why was the grant given and by who?


Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information

To locate the information relevant to your request searches were carried out within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by the OPCC.


I have today decided to disclose the located information to you.

The information you have requested is published on the North Yorkshire PCC website under the following link:

I have therefore decided to exempt providing you with a response pursuant to Section 21 Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act).

Section 17 of the Act requires the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, when refusing to provide such information (because the information is exempt) to provide you the applicant with a notice which: (a) states that fact, (b) specifies the exemption in question and (c) states (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption applies.

Section 21 – Information Reasonably Accessible by Other Means

Section 21 is an absolute class based exemption and I am not required to consider the harm or public interest when applying this exemption.

Pursuant to Section 17(1) of the Act this letter acts as a Refusal Notice in response to your request.

Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data. It should be noted therefore that this force’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.