11 June 2014 – FOI Response: 190. 2014-15 – Freedom of information request
- What was the cost of the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner in your police force area for the financial years 12/13 and 13/14?
Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted at/within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire. I can confirm that the Commissioner holds some information relevant to your request.
There are a number of functions who report either directly to the Commissioner, or to the Chief Executive Officer to the Commissioner, providing services which support both the delivery of policing in North Yorkshire for the Chief Constable and the Commissioner in undertaking her role. This includes her commissioning responsibilities, professional support services i.e. Legal and Communications, Property and Facilities.
The way in which services are delivered by OPCC and North Yorkshire Police is based on combining roles and functions where possible to retain expertise and bring down costs. Therefore the only real direct comparison to other OPCC areas is likely to be the OPCC direct office due to the innovative approach taken in North Yorkshire.
Separate to the police budget, there is a budget for the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner.
This budget pays for the staffing of the office, engagement activities, audit provision and community safety projects.
Information relating to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s budget for 2013/14 and 2014/15 is published on the Commissioner’s website. Information relating to the North Yorkshire Police Authority budget for 2012/13 is also published at the same location.
I have provided you with a link to the published information
I have therefore not provided the information pursuant to section 21 of the Act.
Section 21 relates to Information Reasonably Accessible By Other Means, an absolute class-based exemption.
Complaint Rights
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.