Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 02 October 2014

Draft Minutes of the meeting held at OPCC, Harrogate,
at 2:00 pm on Thursday 2 October 2014

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Assistant Chief

Constable Paul Kennedy (PK); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Nigel Costello (NC); Commissioner’s

Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer Michael Porter (MP); Chief

Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Acting Head of Organisation and Development Donald Stone (DS); Acting Head of Legal Services Jane Wintermeyer (JW);

Minute taker: Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer’s Support Officer Debbie Allinson (DA)


Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Head of Communications Louise Wood (LW)


The minutes from the 16 September 2014 were approved for publication.

The following updates were provided:

  1. Police and Crime Plan: WN advised that the draft plan has been sent to the panel. The final amends are being incorporated and the updated draft version will be shared and published on the Commissioner’s website with a target publication date the end of October for the final plan. Work on outcomes, performance and establishing the delivery approach can commence on draft as it stands.

    The Commissioner expressed thanks to those who had contributed to the revised plan.

  2. Estates Strategy Update: JC advised that a Decision Notice ‘Proposal to re-provide a Data Centre’ is to be considered under item 6 of the Agenda.
  3. Communications Thematic: The Communications Strategy has been approved. Version 2 of the resourcing proposals have also been approved to proceed in line with the corporate approach and financial constraints.
  4. Governance Thematic: JC provided an update to the Board on the approved new Governance Structure. The changes will provide greater clarity on executive and senior officer leads, joined up scrutiny across a range of performance and deliverables and reduce the need for documents to be provided to more than one meeting. This aims to stream line, reduce time in meetings and speed up decision making.
  5. Decision Notices will be retained as the formal record of decisions made of the Commissioner, Chief Constable or both or delegated officer.

    Change Management Board will be replaced by the Executive Group consisting of the Commissioner, Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and Chief Executive Officer. The Executive Group will meet weekly 3 weeks out of four. This will be the forum for informal discussion of emerging issues, policy consideration, and strategic issues. A record of Executive Group decisions will be made and made available to senior leaders.

    Executive Board is to be retained with existing membership. The Executive Board will meet in one week out of four. This will be the forum to receive and consider formal Decision Notices. A record of the meeting will be made, circulated and published.

    The Delivery Board will cease and the Corporate Performance & Scrutiny Group will become Corporate Performance, Delivery and Scrutiny Board. Membership of the Board will be considered. This Board will meet monthly, allowing the Commissioner to scrutinise the organisation’s corporate health and business delivery via one meeting which will cover standard agenda items and thematics. This will be driven via the Police and Crime Plan priorities. The intention is to explore the potential to make this meeting public. The new Corporate Plan for delivery and sustainability will incorporate existing Delivery Board work streams and will focus on eight strategic work strands: IT/IS, People, Victims, Estates, Affordability, OPM/Cleveland, Support provision and Partnerships.

    Joint Corporate Risk Group will be retained.

    Action DJ and JC to advise HM and request the work to be undertaken to establish the new governance structure.

    Action LW and HM to consider internal communication of the new governance structure.

    The Commissioner has agreed that North Yorkshire will chair and administer the Regional Collaboration Board until to the end of March 2015.

  6. Specified Information Order (SIO): JP provided an update that the vacant posts have been appointed internally and SIO work is ongoing to ensure that information is published in accordance with the guidance received.

    Action: JP to provide financial information for the senior roles which need to published.

    Action: WN to arrange for a link to be set up from the Police website to SIO page on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website.

    Action: JW to provide an update on SIO position to Executive Board at the end of November 2014 and an update to CEO at the end of October.

    Action: WN to arrange for CoPacc Bernard Ricks to carry out a health check on the information published to ensure compliance and assess ease of use and access to informatio.

      The action log was noted with relevant updates.


  1. Performance Update: The report was noted. Within the new Governance Structure performance reporting will change. It was agreed that the Performance Update is to remain an agenda item for Executive Board to consider.
  2. Delegated Decision Making Report: The report presents the decisions made by the Chief Executive Officer, the Head of Organisation and Development and Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant and the Force Solicitor.

    As the necessary authority and process is in place to ensure decisions are made using the appropriate delegated authority, the Board agreed that this report no longer needs to come to Executive Board. The appendix can be circulated to members outside of the meeting.


Decision Making Forecast: The Board noted the report and agreed several updates:

  1. HMIC PEEL Inspection report will be presented to Corporate Performance and Scrutiny Group not Executive Board
  2. A briefing on ANPR, Intelligence Hubs and Tasking and Logistics has been arranged for the Commissioner.
  3. The Unified Communications Project report and the Young People’s Strategy – Decision Notice scheduled for 4th November are to be removed and remitted to the appropriate forum.

Action: DS and JP to provide a copy of the Planning Cycle Timetable to JC, due mid October.


There were no items for discussion.


Proposal to re-provide a Data Centre (Draft) Decision Notice: The report seeks approval to co-locate North Yorkshire Police’s Data Centre within the new Cleveland Police Community Safety Hub.

Action: JC to finalise the report with KM and re-circulate to Board members for consideration.


  1. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
  2. Events: The report was noted.


There were no items for discussion.


  1. Skipton Custody Proposals (Draft) Decision Notice: As part of the new Operational Policing Model, the report seeks approval to decommission Skipton Custody.
  2. Action: PK to ask AO and LW to finalise the Decision Notice. All financial figures to be included in Part 1 of the Decision Notice.
  3. Tom Winsor visit: WN advised that Mr Winsor has offered a re-arrange his visit to North Yorkshire. The Board agreed that this would be beneficial.

    Action: WN to make arrangements with Tom Winsor to visit.

  4. River Safety videos: The Commissioner explained that the River Safety videos have been well received by the public. Staff in the Force Control Room have offered to make an additional video which shows how river safety incidents are handled within the Force Control Room. The Board agreed that this would be useful and asked for this to progress.

    Action: WN to liase with Force Control Room lead to develop the video.


The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 13:30 pm on Monday 6th October 2014 at Conference Room One, Police Headquarters.