Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 1 November 2022

Tuesday 1 November 2022, 09:15 – 12:50, in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams  

Attending:   Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair 

Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP  

Mabs Hussain (MH)             – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP  

Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC 

Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS 

Rena Brown (RB) – A/Managing Director, enableNY 

Jenni Newberry (JN) – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC 

Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY 

Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC 

Rachel Antonelli (RA)          – Force Solicitor & Head of Legal Services, NYP – Evolve 

Claire Tomenson (CT)          – Executive Assistant (PFCC), OPFCC (minutes) 

Presenting:  Charlie French (CF)              – Portfolio Programme Manager, enableNY 
Guests:  N/A 
Apologies:  Mathew Walker (MW)        – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS 

Ray Ward (RW)                     – Managing Director, enableNY 

Maeve Chappell (MCh)       – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY 


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 
   ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted and apologies were received.  
2.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting & Action Log 
   The minutes from the previous meeting held on 27 September 2022 were reviewed and a minor amendment was identified.   

The action log was discussed:- 

Item 10 – OPFCC items: CT requested to arrange meetings.   

3.  NYP Items 
  3a. Treasury Management Outturn Report 2021/22 – Police  

MP presented a report detailing the outturn for 2021/22 and noted that the position remained within anticipated parameters.  Interest rates were increasing and the position would need to be monitored in order that money could be invested wisely throughout the year.  He noted that cash balances had varied across the year and none of the low-rate loans were due for repayment.  MP stated that he did not have any concerns and confirmed that the half year report would be submitted to a future meeting.  

In response to questions regarding interest rates, MP confirmed that they had improved recently, however, cash flow would need to be considered prior to fixing terms for investments and a balanced position would be required as the indications were that rates would continue to rise.     

ZM indicated that it would be interesting to have sight of the information that detailed borrowing for all Police Forces and MP undertook to identify and provide the information.  In conclusion he stated that the organisation was in a strong financial position in terms of borrowing.    

Action: Half Year Report to be submitted to a future meeting by MP. 

Action: MP to identify a table detailing borrowing for all Police Forces and forward to ZM.  

The report was received and noted.  

3b. Quarterly 2022/23 Capital and Change Pipeline Update – Police  

MC provided a financial overview of the change pipeline and the planned budget programme for 2022/23 of £8.3m.  There had been a request to increase the body armour programme budget by £300k, which had not been transacted yet and the forecasted overspend was £1,272k.    


RB explained that the suitability of sites in Malton was an issue and the matter had not been discussed at the last Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) meeting.  It was noted that the proposed Eden Camp site and the identified alternative site on York Road were not suitable for co-location, however, a decision was required regarding the Eden Camp land.    

In response to questions RB confirmed that work could continue to identify possible sites, though the size and access to the road network limited the available choice.  JD indicated that the relocation of the fire station could not result in a substantial increase to response times and further work was required.  He recognised that the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) aspect could be hindering progress for the Police and stated that a decision was required as to whether the two services co-located.  LW stated that a joint site would result in substantial savings and accepted that the Police Service did not have the same restrictions.  It was then suggested that a paper setting out the costs and benefits be provided.  In response RB highlighted concerns surrounding the affordability and the need to look at the totality of the estates programme for the FRS.     

MP raised issues in relation to value for money, operational decisions and public perception and expressed concerns in relation to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) slippage.  RB acknowledged those concerns and reported that measures were being put in place to improve delivery and mitigate any further issues.  Work was ongoing in relation to the overall Estates Strategy and would be completed by March 2023.  Fundamental financial planning was also being undertaken and this would allow the core business to be addressed next year.  ZM questioned the capacity of the service and was informed that work was being prioritised.  A complete estates plan would not be available by the end of the year, however, a substantial amount of detail would be readily accessible.  MH added that the change pipeline would need to be assessed and it had been agreed to prioritise the Portfolio and Programme Management Office resource against requirements.    

SD informed Members that the paucity of progress on EDI estates remediation had been dealt with at FRS SLT under JD’s chairmanship and it was confirmed that the direction for a paper outlining solutions and next steps had been actioned.    

JD further acknowledged the position in relation to Malton and indicated that, if due diligence were evidenced, he would accept that separate decisions regarding the site location would have to be undertaken.    

In relation to the Ripon project, MH reported that staff had not been informed of the situation and they would need to know the plan moving forward.  In response ZM confirmed that the matter had been discussed with SGS and RB undertook to progress the issue outside of the meeting.  Concerns were then expressed in relation to assurance along with the need for governance processes to be followed and clear decisions to be provided.  In order to progress the issue SD requested that it be noted that following discussions the proposal regarding the Ripon Project had been approved.  RB recommended that the project be formally managed through the change pipeline and reports be submitted on a quarterly basis.  This was agreed.  It was also proposed that exceptions and matters arising be reported to EB.  

Action: RB to liaise with SGS, MH and JD regarding the Ripon Project and staff communications following the meeting. 

Action: The Ripon Project to be managed through the change pipeline and RB to submit reports on quarterly basis. 

Action: RB to submit exceptions and matters arising from the Ripon Project on demand. 

Action: Paper on FRS EDI estates work to come to EB  

That it be noted that following previous discussions the proposal regarding the Ripon Project was approved.  

4.  Break 10.40am – 11am 
  3b. Quarterly 2022/23 Capital and Change Pipeline Update – Police (continued)  

Fleet Replacement Programme:  

MC detailed the chronology of the history regarding the fleet replacement programme and reported that several issues had emerged recently.  Consequently, Internal Audit had been requested to undertake a review that covered four key areas, which would commence on 10 November and an update report would be presented to the next meeting.   

A discussion was undertaken in relation to the process of ordering vehicles and it was acknowledged that governance procedures would need to be reviewed and reinforced.  LW requested sight of the Internal Audit Report and indicated that measures would need to be implemented to manage the outcomes.  SD expressed his concerns and questioned whether thought had been given to the evidence gathering process.  In response RB confirmed that the undertaking of an Internal Audit Review was the best way forward and would provide validation.    

In relation to the existing fleet position, it was reported that an amendment to the Capital Programme would be produced and submitted to the next meeting.           

Action: RB to submit the Vehicle Fleet Update Report to the next meeting.  

New Radios – Exception Report: 

Members considered the delay to the Emergency Services Network (ESN) national programme and the requirement of a decision to purchase the radio equipment within a specific timescale.  It was then agreed that the matter would be discussed as an exception.    

MP informed Members that an understanding of the situation and delivery date of the equipment would be beneficial to assist with the financial planning.  It was acknowledged that the operational need would not change and savings could be made if an order were submitted now.  RB indicated that the funds allocated to the ESN national programme could be utilised and proposed that the purchase be approved.  Following deliberation ZM approved the purchase of the new radio equipment.  SD then requested (in view of short term resource gaps in OPFCC) that a Decision Notice be generated and forwarded to the OPFCC for approval.  

Action: RB to inform MP of the expected delivery date for the new radio equipment. 

Action: CF to draft a Decision Notice for the purchase of the radio equipment and submit it to the OPFCC for approval.   

ZM approved the amendment to the Change Pipeline 2022/23 and spending request in relation to the new radio requirements.  

5.  enableNY Items  
  4a. Quarterly Portfolio and Programme Management Office Update (NYP/NYFRS)  

CF guided Members through the report which outlined the position to the end of September.  Updates were provided in relation to the work ongoing and the progress made.  It was noted that several pieces of work would be finalised on the change pipeline over the next few months, but there was little change in the position.  Various papers and business cases would also be submitted for consideration.  Overall the majority of the projects were on track, however, there had not been any closures since the last meeting.        

MH stated that 53 essential projects had been identified on the change pipeline and the others would be delayed.  He acknowledged the work undertaken by the team and added that an understanding of the business impact was required.  A four-year forecast approach was being looked at for the change pipeline and in the long term many of the projects would be revenue based.  The two key capital projects for the next four years would be the Oracle and Force Control Room replacements.    

MP raised concerns in relation to the correlation between the projects on track and the slippage on the programme.  CF explained that some of the projects on track would not be delivered for a number of years and some additional work was required around portfolio management.   

As an associated matter it was noted that information regarding the WAN integration would be circulated to ZM.    

A discussion then ensued in relation to the submission of Early Action Together (EAT) Closure Reports to future meetings.  LW stated that they were fundamental to the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and a decision would be required as to which should be presented.  It was then agreed that the completed Closure Reports would be submitted to the next meeting. 

Action: Information regarding NYnet to be submitted to ZM by GMcQ. 

Action: CF to submit EAT Closure Reports to next meeting.  

6.  OPFCC Items 
  6a. OPFCC Post Consultation Update  

SD reported that the consultation had closed at the end of September and appointments had been made to the two Director positions, one of whom should be joining the Team in December.  The three Senior Management Team roles had also now been advertised.    

Action: Summary paper submitted to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel on 13 October to be circulated by SD.  

6b. Levelling Up (Standing Item) 

  • Local Government Reform and Devolution

SD confirmed that the public consultation had commenced in October and would run until December 2022.  A Strategic Steering Group had been established and the next meeting would be held in November 2022.  The monthly meeting with the Local Enterprise Partnership and the first meeting of the Joint Devolution Committee would also take place that month.  It was noted that the recruitment pack for the transition resources would go live that week and that the programme would be challenging to deliver within the timeframe.    

6c. Commissioned Services Update   

JN provided a brief overview in relation to the work regarding Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), the public trust and confidence survey and the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).  It was noted that the report would be circulated following the meeting.  

Action: Commissioned Services Update to be circulated by JN following the meeting.  

7.  NYFRS Items 
  7a. Budget Monitoring to August 2022 – Fire   

MP presented an updated report that included the pay settlement and forecasted a break-even position.  He indicated that there was slippage in areas and the EDI estates position would need to be reflected in future reports.  In response to a query regarding the request to replace the 4X4 vehicles, MP stated that there needed to be confidence in the decisions made.       

7b. NYFRS Delivery Plan Updates  

JD updated Members on the situation regarding the potential pay settlement and confirmed that planning would be undertaken in order to provide clarity for the budget setting process in January.  It was noted that work was progressing with enableNY in relation to the EDI Board and the HMI pre-publication check was due by the end of the week.  Confirmation of the situation regarding direct entry was provided, to the effect that the scheme would be pended nationally at the present time.       

8.  Executive Board Forward Plan 
  The Forward Plan was noted. 
9.  Any Other Business 
  No additional items were raised. 
10.  Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting 
  Tuesday 6 December 2022, 09:00 – 13:30, in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams.