Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes 10 July 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Wednesday 10 July 2013.

In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constables Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD); Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW).


Apologies were received from Commissioners Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).


Subject to amendments, the minutes were approved.

DJ raised concerns regarding the management of papers to the Executive Board and receiving papers in reasonable advance of the next meeting.

ACTION: That a review of forecast items for the Executive Board from an operational perspective be included at the Chief Constables informal meetings held on Fridays;

ACTION: That a briefing be provided at the Chief Constables briefing session on Monday morning of papers due to the following days Executive Board (LW to lead).


Draft OPCC Relocation Decision Notice: The Board requested that further detail be included in the Decision Notice, most notably:

  • The total cost of the new premises (including implementation costs and future running costs);
    Detail of which other locations and premises were considered;
  • To include detail of the new website and the new staffing structure and explanation of how these, alongside the new offices, will provide improved accessibility, infrastructure and increased opportunity for the Commissioner to effectively engage with communities and partners;
  • Include the floor plan of the new premises to show the meeting rooms and functionality of the premises in order for the public to have increased and easier access the Commissioner. Including the floor plans will also confirm that the Commissioners new offices are for the back of the building, not the full premises.
  • Subject strictly to these amendments being made to JM’s satisfaction, the Decision Notice was approved for publication

    SD advised that the DN must be approved in its final form before authority exists to sign the lease (in view of the SPI nature of the decision).

    Following discussion between DJ and JM re the necessity for information security arrangements to suit the GPMS status of material to be held on site, SD confirmed that he would make arrangements for the property to be visited by the Information Security Officer who should be asked to provide proportionate advice on compliance steps.

    ACTION: WN to update the Decision Notice and submit to JM for approval and publication by Friday 12 July.

    ACTION: SD to request that Information Security Officer attends premises as soon as reasonably practicable. ISO to report on essential and desirable compliance steps.

    Draft Provided Vehicle Scheme for Executive Officers Decision Notice: The Board requested that the Decision Notice provides clarity as to the personal tax implications of the provision of vehicles which are operational assets. GM advised that the scheme had been robustly checked against the HMRC regulations to ensure compliance.

    JC advised the Board that she did not consider that any conflict of interest arose by virtue of her having been the author of previous drafts of the Decision Notice.

    ACTION: That the Decision Notice is re-drafted to provide clarity that the scheme is compliant with HMRC regulations, and includes further explanation of the rational and benefits of the scheme. GM to redraft and submit the Decision Notice to JM for approval and publication week commencing 15 July.

    Contract for the Provision of Capital Works Contract Draft Decision Notice: The Board approved the recommendation to enter into a contract with Interserve for the provision of services for a period of 5 years from 1st July 2013. The Decision Notice refers to contributing to Goal 3 of the Police and Crime Plan. DJ requested that further narrative is provided to demonstrate how this can be achieved.

    ACTION: GM to lead on providing narrative against Goal 3 and to re-submit the Decision Notice to JM for approval and publication.

    Contract for the provision of Capital Works and MTM Consultancy draft Decision Notice: The Board agreed that the Decision Notice required updating in regard to the Executive Summary, technical issues and clarity of the annual spend.

    ACTION: GM to lead on re-drafting the Decision Notice and re-submit to JM for approval and publication.


Decision Making Forecast Status Update: Subject to specific additions the Forecast Status was noted. GM confirmed a 6month schedule for the Forecast. GM also confirmed that the list of delegated decisions for Quarter One would be retrospectively reported to the Executive Board on 30 July, thereafter a monthly list will be provided to the Executive Board at the end of each month. The Board also discussed and agreed that the Executive Summary of Decision Notices should specifically include the following headings: Issue; Action; Decision.

DJ also requested that 1-2 page updates for finance, performance and workforce is provided to the Executive Board at the end of each month.

ACTION: Retrospective reporting of delegated decisions for Quarter One to be reported to Executive Board on 30 July 2013. Thereafter a monthly report will be provided to the Executive Board;

ACTION: Decision Notice Executive Summary to be updated with immediate effect.

ACTION: Performance, finance and workforce performance summaries to be provided to the last Executive Board of each month.


There were no matters to note.


Contractual position for the Harrogate New Build Project Discussion Paper: Subject to the below query, the Board noted the paper.

ACTION: SD to arrange for Deputy Force Solicitor to issue an advice note to EB members explaining the ambit of (and the distinction, if any, between) the Parent Company Guarantee and the Bond.

Northern Base Judicial Review Discussion Paper: This paper had been prepared to acquaint the Executive Board with the standstill period during which the limitation period of judicial review is exhausted – which is typically a feature of land transactions which are conditional upon planning permission. SD advised that the limitation period is three months rather than 12 weeks. SD further advised that the ambit of judicial review was broader than that set out in the paper; amplified explanation of judicial review was provided. The Board noted the paper.

Police and Crime Panel Agenda 25 July 2013: The Board reviewed the papers due to be submitted to the Police and Crime Panel.

Special Recruitment Discussion Paper: JM raised a number of issues in relation to the Communications Pack. It was agreed that JM would provide LW with a separate briefing in regard to the focus of the internal posters and filming proposals.

ACTION: JM to provide briefing to LW. LW will then feed this back to the lead for the recruitment process which is to be launched on 29 July.

Updated Assumptions Discussion Paper: This paper provided the Board with revised budget assumptions to be used for the 1st draft 2014/15 budget. Following through discussion and clarification of costs and officer numbers, the Board agreed to proceed with Option 1, to maintain the total number of officers at November 2012 level of 1392.61 fte officers.

Inspection / Audit Process: GM provided a brief overview of the Inspection / Audit Process.


Internal Audit Reports: A) Complaints Handling Final Report and B) Property and Compliance Final Report: The reports were taken as read.

Stage Two Transfers: It was agreed to defer discussion of this item to the Change Management Sub-Group taking place after the Executive Board.

APCC Updates: The report was noted. JM updated the Board on the emerging Home Office view of the approach to Police & Crime Commissioner involvement in local complaints handling and the perceived potential for legislative change.

JM also provided an update on the Home Office Innovation Fund. GM proposed that a submission be developed to be aligned to the Stage Two Transfer scheme.

ACTION: GM to develop submission for the Innovation Fund, to be aligned to Stage Two Transfers.


LW provided an update of developments within the Corporate Communications Department. The current summary of Forthcoming Overview of Communications is due to be reviewed.


There were no matters to note.


There were no matters to note.


9am Tuesday 16 July 2013, Commissioner’s Office, Melmerby.