Executive Board Minutes: 11 February 2014
Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate at 10.20am on Tuesday 11 February 2014.
In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM).
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Ken McIntosh (KM (for minute 333(1))); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Temporary Director of Human Resources Rosemarie Holmes (RH (for minute 333(1))); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).
Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).
Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Lisa Winward (LW).
The minutes of the Executive Board held on 28 January 2014 were approved as a true record for publication.
The following updates were provided:
GM confirmed that the draft Decision Notice for the ‘Future Provision of Internal Service’ was due to be finalised this week.
WN confirmed that correspondence has been sent to the Chief Coroner to raise concerns regarding the backlog of inquests over 6 months old by York Coroner Donald Coverdale.
In response to an enquiry by JM, SD confirmed that the draft OPCC Records Management and Correspondence Handling Policy had been completed and provided to the OPCC on Friday 7 January 2014. ACTION: WN to review OPCC Records Management and Correspondence Handling Policy.
People Strategy Briefing: RH provided a presentation to facilitate initial discussion of the People Strategy, which outlined the strategy including the approach, structure, strands and key themes and principles. RH also circulated an initial flowchart summarising the strategy in one page.
In order to progress the People Strategy, GM suggested that a gap analysis is undertaken to fully articulate the current position and key issues and priorities which need to be addressed within the Human Resources (HR) department and to identify past critical success factors and failures which have inhibited previous strategies. The Board also briefly discussed how the strategy is to be delivered throughout the organisation – not just by the HR department – and how support can be provided. The Board also agreed that the strategy also needs to provide context against factors such as the Operational Policing Model, Stage 2 Transfers, Commissioning etc. In recognising the amount of work involved in delivering the strategy and the resources which will be required, JM suggested that the Interim Head of Communications, who has had experience of organisational change, could provide support.
ACTION: Thematic meeting for further discussion of the People Strategy to be scheduled for the Executive Board on Monday 17 March 2014.
ACTION: That further information is provided to the 17 March meeting to reflect the feedback provided directly to KM and RH.
Stage 2 Transfer Scheme Update: DJ and JM sought legal clarity on their preferred option for the Stage 2 Transfer Procedure Review, previously provided to the Change Management Sub-Group (CMSG), which SD provided.
This led to discussion of the Stage 2 policy decisions which have been scheduled for the Executive Board over the next 11 weeks. The Board agreed to remove these policies from the Executive Board and instead allow the Statutory Officers and Head of Legal Services to progress all policy and procedure work to ensure legal compliance by 01 April 2014. The key principles of all updates is to be Option 3 of the Stage 2 Transfer Procedure Review report. The only exception will be an update report on the final position to the Executive Board towards the end of March (possibly 25 March 2014) and any exception issues.
GM also provided a verbal update on the next steps internally for the Stage 2 Transfer Scheme. Senior Management briefings will take place on 13 February 2014 to be cascaded to staff throughout the organisation. Work is also taking place to compile data for a Stage 2 staff list to be quality assured by line managers, which will be used to inform the submission to the Home Office on 03 March 2014. GM and SD advised that the following reports will be provided to the Executive Board on 25 February 2014:
Approval of Definitive Stage 2 Transfer Scheme;
Approval of Scheme of Governance.
ACTION: Stage 2 policy decisions to be removed from Executive Board and Decision Making Forecast;
ACTION: Stage 2 policy decisions to be progressed by Statutory Officers and Head of Legal Services in line with the principles of Option 2, to be legally compliant by 01 April 2014;
ACTION: Any exception issues or concerns to be submitted to the Executive Board as needed;
ACTION: ‘Stage 2 Policy and Procedure Finalisation’ Report to be submitted to Executive Board towards the end of March (possibly 25 March 2014).
ACTION: ‘Approval of Definitive Stage 2 Transfer Scheme’ and ‘Approval of Scheme of Governance’ – reports to Executive Board on 25 February 2014 (due to timescales these may be likely to be late submissions on the agenda).
7th Draft 2014/15 Budget v2: Following the Police and Crime Panels consideration of the Commissioners proposed precept for 2014/15 of 1.99% on 6 February, the Panel has issued their formal report supporting the precept proposal. The police service budget for 2014/15 will now be finalised and based on the 1.99% proposal, notices will be issued to the council tax billing authorities by the Commissioners Chief Finance Officer.
The Board discussed the draft Revenue and Capital Budget 2014/15 Decision Notice. Subject to minor amendments, JM will review the Decision Notice and approve. A formal response to the Panel report will also signed and issued by JM and GM will sign and issue correspondence to notify the billing authorities of the precept.
ACTION: Draft Revenue and Capital Budget 2014/15 Decision Notice to be finalised and submitted for approval to JM by 14 February 2014 (Lead JP);
ACTION: Formal response to the Police and Crime Panel signed and issued by JM (Lead WN); ACTION: Notification of the precept to the billing authorities to be signed and issued by GM (Lead GM).
- Decision Making Forecast: The following updates were agreed:
- Terms and Conditions Allowances Payments report to be deferred from 11 February 2014 to 17 March 2014 to align with the People Strategy discussion;
- Implementation of Police Professional Framework and Job Evaluation report to be deferred from 11 February 2014 to 17 March 2014 to align with the People Strategy discussion;
- People Strategy thematic meeting on 18 March 2014;
- Victim Needs Assessment Discussion Document scheduled for 25 march 2014 – removed;
- Remove Leadership Conference on 1 April 2014 and replace with Police and Crime Plan Refresh – presentation of findings and separate item for Victim Needs Assessment presentation;
- As per discussion at minute 333(2) Stage 2 policy decisions to be removed;
- Stage 2 Policy and Procedure Finalisation report added for 25 February 2014.
GM also advised that a briefing summarising all thematic information presented to the Executive Board throughout March and April 2014 will be provided to a future meeting of the Change Management Sub-Group, in the first instance to discuss and review the data produced to date, agree the strategic priority views to take to take to the Executive Board and to set expectation levels based on capacity.
The Board agreed that the name of the Change Management Sub-Group needs to be updated to be reflective of the current purpose of the group.
There were no significant matters to note.
Proposals for Budget Management after Stage 2: The Board agreed to withdraw this paper and to convene separately on 13 February 2014 to discuss the principles of the Stage 2 Scheme of Governance work. This will then inform the Proposals for Budget Management report.
Terms and Conditions Allowances Payments (discussion paper): The Board agreed to defer this report to the Executive Board on 17 March 2014 to align with the People Strategy discussion.
Implementation of Police Professional Framework and Job Evaluation (discussion paper): The Board agreed to defer this report to the Executive Board on 17 March 2014 to align with the People Strategy discussion.
APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
Events: The report was noted.
JM confirmed that she will be attending the CIPFA ‘Future of Policing’ conference on 5 March 2014 and will be speaking on the difference Commissioners are making in terms of transparency and accountability. SD also expressed an interest in attending this conference. DJ requested that briefing papers be provided by individuals attending events such as this share feedback and key information or outcomes.
DJ confirmed that he and ACC Kennedy will be attending the National Rural Crime Seminar on 5 March 2014.
There were no items of significance.
SD informed JM that an advice note has been drafted for responding to a series of Freedom of Information Act requests, which JM agreed to have sight of.
JM provided a brief verbal update on the Northern Base proposals.
The meeting of the Executive Board on Tuesday 18 February has been cancelled, due to attendee’s availability.
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 10am on Tuesday 25 February 2014 at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Harrogate.
The meeting closed at 1.25pm.